STS-9 patch
- Sts9_flight_insignia.png: User SunKing on en.wikipedia
- derivative work: Materialscientist (talk)
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1672 x 1946 Pixel (752510 Bytes)
This is the official insignia for STS-9, the major payload of which is Spacelab 1, depicted in the cargo bay of the Columbia. The nine stars and the path of the orbiter tell the flight's numerical designation in the Space Transportation System's mission sequence. Astronaut John N. Young is crew commander, Brewster N. Shaw, Jr., pilot. NASA Astronauts Owen K. Garriott and Robert A. Parker are mission specialists. Byron K. Lichtenberg of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Ulf Merbold of the Republic of West Germany are the Spacelab 1 payload specialists. Launch has been set for late 1983. Merbold is a physicist representing the European Space Agency (ESA).
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