Yvonne Jewkes

Yvonne Jewkes
Född31 juli 1966[1] (58 år)
SysselsättningSociolog, kriminolog
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Yvonne Jewkes, född 31 juli 1966,[2] är en brittisk sociolog och kriminolog med en professur i kriminologi vid University of Leicester sedan november 2007. Jewkes forskning orienterar sig inom främst två fält: Interaktionen mellan brott, media och kultur samt fängelser och fängelsesociologi, främst arkitektur, design och teknik, fängelsekultur, sociala nätverk, konstruktionen av maskulina identiteter och maktflöden i fängelser.[3]

Jewkes har tillsammans med Chris Greer och Jeff Ferrell grundat tidskriften Crime, Media, Culture: An International Journal och sitter med i redaktionen för British Journal of Criminology. Via Sage Publications gav hon 2004 ut den bästsäljande boken Media and Crime som översätts till bland annat polska och kinesiska.[3]


Jewkes har forskat på nyhetsmediers diskurs som arenor för social inkludering respektive exkludering, och vikten av visuell förmedling i skapandet av kulturell mening. Tidigare forskning har genomförts inom ramarna för kulturkriminologi, IT-brottslighet och IT-avvikelser och de problem som uppstår i och med ett polisärt övervakande av Internet.[4]


  • Jewkes, Y. (2012). "Autoethnography and emotion as intellectual resources: doing prison research differently", Qualitative Inquiry 18 (1): 63-75
  • Jewkes, Y. (2012). "Penal Aesthetics and the Pains of Imprisonment", i J. Simon, N. Temple och R. Tobe (red.) Architecture and Justice, Ashgate
  • Jewkes, Y. (2012). "Penal Aesthetics and the Art of Prison Architecture", i L. Cheliotis (red.) The Arts of Imprisonment: Essays on Control, Resistance and Empowerment, Aldershot: Ashgate
  • Jewkes, Y. (2012). "Identity and adaptation in prison", i B. Crewe och J. Bennett (red.) The Prisoner, Cullompton: Willan
  • Jewkes, Y. (2012). "Online Child Pornography, Paedophilia and the Sexualised Child: mediated myths and moral panics", i E. Quayle och K. Ribisl (red.) Internet Child Pornography, Routledge
  • Jewkes, Y. (2012). "Reflections on "The Media and the Message", Prison Service Journal Vol 200: 20-25
  • Jewkes, Y. (2012). "Penal Hell-Holes and Dante's Inferno", Prison Service Journal Vol 199: 40-44
  • Ayres, T. och Jewkes, Y. (press). "The Haunting Spectacle of Crystal meth: A Media Created Mythology?", Crime, Media, Culture: An International Journal
  • Jewkes, Y. och Wykes, M. (press). "Reconstructing the sexual abuse of children: 'cyber-paeds', panic and power", Sexualities
  • Jewkes, Y. och Leukfeldt, R. (press). Policing Cyber Crime, i R. Leukfeldt och W. Stol (red.) Cyber Safety: an Introduction, Eleven Publishing
  • Jewkes, Y. (2011). Media and Crime, reviderad andra upplaga, Sage
  • Jewkes, Y. (2011). Media and Crime, Polsk språkversion
  • Jewkes, Y. (2011). "Prisons", i M. Tonry (red.) Oxford Handbook on Crime and Criminal Justice, New York: OUP
  • Jewkes, Y. (2011). "The media and criminological research", i P. Davies, P. Francis och V. Jupp (red.) Doing Criminological Research, London: Sage
  • Jewkes, Y. (2011). "Online child pornography, paedophilia and the sexualised child: mediated myths and moral panics", i E. Quayle och K. Ribisl (red.) Internet Child Pornography, Cullompton: Willan
  • Hancock, P. och Jewkes, Y. (2011). "Architectures of incarceration: The spatial pains of imprisonment", Punishment and Society 13 (5): 611-629
  • O’Donnell, I. & Jewkes, Y. (2011). "Going home for Christmas: prisoners, a taste of freedom and the press", Howard Journal of Criminal Justice
  • Jewkes, Y. (2010). "Much ado about nothing? Representations and realities of online soliciting of children", Journal of Sexual Aggression, specialutgåva om Child Sexual Abuse and the Internet: Offenders, Victims and Managing the Risk, 16 (1): 5 — 18
  • Jewkes, Y. (2010). "Penal aesthetics and the architecture of incarceration", Prison Service Journal Vol 187, 23-28
  • Jewkes, Y. (2010.) "Public Policing and the Internet", i Y. Jewkes och M. Yar (red.) Handbook of Internet Crime, Cullompton: Willan
  • Jewkes, Y. och Yar, M. (2010). Handbook of Internet Crime, Cullompton: Willan
  • Jewkes, Y. & Yar, M. (2010). "The Internet, Cybercrime, and the Challenges of the 21st Century" i Y. Jewkes och M. Yar (red.) Handbook of Internet Crime, Cullompton: Willan
  • Jewkes, Y. (red.) (2009). Crime and Media three-volume set, Sage Library of Criminology, London: Sage
  • Jewkes, Y. och Johnston, H. (2009). "Cavemen in an era of speed-of-light technology: historical and contemporary perspectives on communication within prisons", Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 48 (2): 132-143
  • Jewkes, Y. (2008). "Offending media: the social construction of offenders, victims and the probation service", i S. Green, E. Lancaster & S. Feasey (red.) Addressing Offending Behaviour, Cullompton: Willan
  • Jewkes, Y. (2008). "Behind closed doors: fear, insecurity and social retreat", i A. Cochrane och D. Talbot (red.) Security: Crime, Welfare and Society, Buckinghamshire: OUP/McGraw-Hill
  • Jewkes, Y. (2008). "The role of the Internet in the twenty-first century prison: insecure technologies in secure spaces", i K. F. Aas (red.) Technologies of Insecurity: Surveillance and Securitization of Everyday Life, London: Routledge
  • Jewkes, Y. (2008). "Policing cybercrime", i Newburn, T. (red.) Handbook of Policing, Cullompton: Willan 2nd ed.
  • Jewkes, Y. (2008). "Cybercrime", i T. Newburn och P. Neyroud (red.) (2008) Dictionary of Policing, Cullompton: Willan
  • Jewkes, Y. (2008). "(Child) Pornography", i T. Newburn och P. Neyroud (red.) (2008) Dictionary of Policing, Cullompton: Willan
  • Jewkes, Y. (red.) (2008). Prisons and Punishment three-volume set, Sage Library of Criminology, London: Sage
  • Jewkes, Y. (red.) (2008). Crime and Media three-volume set, Sage Library of Criminology, London: Sage
  • Jewkes, Y. och Bennett, J. (red.) (2008) Dictionary of Prisons and Punishment, Cullompton: Willan
  • Jewkes, Y. (red.) (2007). Handbook on Prisons, Cullompton: Willan
  • Jewkes, Y. (red.) (2007). Crime Online, Cullompton: Willan
  • Jewkes, Y. (2007). "Prisons and the media: the shaping of public opinion and penal policy in a mediated society", i Y. Jewkes (red.) Handbook on Prisons, Cullompton: Willan
  • Jewkes, Y. (2007). "Killed by the Internet": Cyber Homicides, Cyber Suicides and Cyber Sex Crimes", i Y. Jewkes (red.) Crime Online, Cullompton: Willan
  • Jewkes, Y. (2007). "Offending media: the social construction of offenders, victims and the probation service", i S. Green, E. Lancaster och S. Feasey (red.) Addressing Offending Behaviour, Cullompton: Willan
  • Jewkes, Y. (2007). "Cybercrime", i D. Clark (red.) (2005) Encyclopaedia of Law and Society: American and Global Perspectives, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
  • Jewkes, Y. och Johnston, H. (2007) "The evolution of prison architecture", i Y. Jewkes Handbook on Prisons, Cullompton: Willan
  • Jewkes, Y. (2006). Media and Crime, kinesisk språkutgåva, Beijing: Peking University Press
  • Jewkes, Y. (2006). "Creating a stir? Prisons, popular media and the power to reform", i P. Mason (red.) Captured by the Media: Prison Discourse in Media Culture, Cullompton: Willan
  • Jewkes, Y. och Andrews, C. (2006). "The problem of child pornography on the internet: international responses", i Y. Jewkes (red.) Crime Online, Cullompton: Willan
  • Jewkes, Y. och Johnston, H. (red.) (2006). Prison Readings: A Critical Introduction to Prisons and Imprisonment, Cullompton: Willan
  • Jewkes, Y. och Johnston, H. (2006). "Prisons in context", i Y. Jewkes och H. Johnston (red.) Prison Readings: A Critical Introduction to Prisons and Imprisonment, Cullompton: Willan
  • Jewkes, Y. och Johnston, H. (2006). "Prisons, public opinion and the 'new punitiveness'", i Y. Jewkes och H. Johnston (red.) Prison Readings: A Critical Introduction to Prisons and Imprisonment, Cullompton: Willan
  • Jewkes, Y., Greer, C. och Ferrell, J. (2006). "Borders breached, conventional claims questioned", i Crime, Media, Culture: An International Journal, 2 (1): 5-8
  • Jewkes, Y. (2005). "Men behind bars: 'doing' masculinity as an adaptation to imprisonment", i Men & Masculinities Journal 8: 44-63
  • Jewkes, Y. (2005). "Loss, liminality and the life sentence: managing identity through a disrupted lifecourse", i A. Liebling och S. Maruna (red.) The Effects of Imprisonment, Cullompton: Willan
  • Jewkes, Y. (2005). "The construction of crime news", i J. Muncie (red.) Criminology Volume 1: The Meaning of Crime: Definition, Representation and Social Construction, London: Sage
  • Jewkes, Y. (2005). "Prisoners and the press", i Criminal Justice Matters, 59, Spring 26-29
  • Jewkes, Y. (2005). "High-tech solutions to low-tech crimes? Crime and terror in the surveillance assemblage", i Criminal Justice Matters, 58, Winter: 6-7
  • Jewkes, Y. (2005). "Crime news", i E. McLaughlin och J. Muncie (red.) (2005) The SageDictionary of Criminology, London: Sage 2nd ed.
  • Jewkes, Y. (2005). "Cybercrime", i E. McLaughlin och J. Muncie (red.) (2005) The Sage Dictionary of Criminology, London: Sage 2nd ed.
  • Jewkes, Y. och Andrews, C. (2005) "Policing the filth: the problems of investigating online child pornography in England and Wales", i Policing & Society 15 (1): 42-62
  • Greer, C. och Jewkes, Y. (2005) "Images and processes of social exclusion", i Social Justice special edition, 32 (1): 20-31
  • Ferrell, J., Greer, C. och Jewkes, Y. (2005) "Hip Hop Graffiti, Mexican Murals, and the War on Terror", i Crime, Media, Culture: An International Journal, 1 (1): 5-9
  • Jewkes, Y. (2004). Media and Crime, London: Sage
  • Jewkes, Y. (2004). "Media representations of criminal justice", i J. Muncie och D. Wilson (red.) Student Handbook of Criminal Justice and Criminology, London: Cavendish
  • Jewkes, Y. (2004). "Media representations of the causes of crime", i Criminal Justice Matters, 55, Spring: 26-27
  • Jewkes, Y. (ed.) (2003). Dot.cons: Crime, Deviance and Identity on the Internet, Cullompton: Willan
  • Jewkes, Y. (2003). "Policing cybercrime", i Newburn, T. (red.) Handbook of Policing, Cullompton: Willan
  • Jewkes, Y. (2003). "Policing the net: cyber crime and cyber liberties", i
  • Y. Jewkes (ed.) Dot.cons: Criminal and Deviant Identities on the Internet, Cullompton: Willan
  • Jewkes, Y. och Sharp, K. (2003). "Crime, deviance and the disembodied self: transcending the dangers of corporeality", i Y. Jewkes (red.) Dot.cons: Criminal and Deviant Identities on the Internet, Cullompton: Willan
  • Jewkes, Y. (2002). Captive Audience: Media, Masculinity and Power in Prisons, Cullompton: Willan
  • Jewkes, Y. (2002). "The use of media in constructing identities in the masculine environment of men’s prisons", i European Journal of Communication 17 (2): 205-225
  • Jewkes, Y. och Letherby, G. (red.) (2002). Criminology: A Reader, London: Sage
  • Jewkes, Y. (2001). "Listen without prejudice: exploring the role of Prison Dialogue", i Prison Service Journal (136) July, 2001: 59-62
  • Jewkes, Y. och Letherby, G. (2001). "Insiders and outsiders: complex issues of identification and difference in social research", i Auto/Biography Vol. 9, no. 1/2 november 2001: 41-50'


  1. ^ id-nummer i Frankrikes nationalbiblioteks katalog: 150438745.[källa från Wikidata]
  2. ^ ”Jewkes, Yvonne (1966-....)” (på franska). Bibliothèque nationale de France. https://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb150438745. Läst 4 september 2020. 
  3. ^ [a b] University of Leicester:Yvonne Jewkes Arkiverad 21 november 2012 hämtat från the Wayback Machine.. Läst: 2 september 2012.
  4. ^ University of Leicester: Yvonne Jewkes Arkiverad 21 november 2012 hämtat från the Wayback Machine.. Läst: 2 september 2012.