Yazid I

Yazid I
(c) Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. http://www.cngcoins.com, CC BY-SA 2.5
Medborgare iUmayyadiska kalifatet
SysselsättningPoet, guvernör, kalif
Umayyadkalif (680–683)
MakaFakhitah bint Abi Hashim
BarnAbd Allah ibn Yazid
Atikah bint Yazid
Khalid ibn Yazid (f. 655)
Mu'awiya II (f. 661)
FöräldrarMuawiya I
Maysun bint Bahdal
Redigera Wikidata

Yazid ibn Muawija, född 645, död 11 november 683, var son till kalifen Muawiya I och kalif i Damaskus från 680 till sin död.

Han är bland annat känd för att ha skickat en armé för att förfölja Husayn ibn Ali och hans anhängare vilket ledde till det historiska slaget vid Karbala. Där blev Husayn ibn Ali brutalt mördad tillsammans med sin familj och sina anhängare.

Han intog Medina kort före sin död.

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  1. ^ läs online, Encyclopædia Britannica .[källa från Wikidata]


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Arab-Sasanian coin issued by Yazid I ibn Mu'awiya in the year of the Battle of Karbala.jpg
(c) Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. http://www.cngcoins.com, CC BY-SA 2.5
ISLAMIC, Umayyad Caliphate. temp. Yazid I ibn Mu'awiya. AH 60-64 / AD 680-683. AR Drachm (32mm, 3.88 g, 9h). Arab-Sasanian type. Basra mint; Ubayd Allah ibn Ziyad, governor. Dated AH 61 (AD 680/1). Crowned bust right imitating Sasanian king Khosrau II; Pahlavi GDH 'pzwt ("may his splendor increase") to left, Pahlavi AWBYTALA/Y ZAYATAN ("Ubayd Allah bin Ziyad") to right; all within double ring; pellet above star-in-crescents flanking and below; Pahlavi bism Allah ("in the name of God") and four pellets to lower right / Fire altar with attendants; crescent and star flanking flames, Pahlavi AYWKWŠST (61 [date]) to left, Pahlavi BCRA (mint abbreviation) to right; all within triple ring; star-in-crescents flanking and below. SICA 1, 77–86; Walker, Arab-Sasanian 85-6; Album 12; ICV 11. EF, slight die shift on obverse.

From the BRN Collection. Ex Classical Numismatic Group Electronic Auction 176 (14 November 2007), lot 271.

Yazd I was the son of Mu'awiya, the second caliph of the Umayyads, and the sixth caliph overall. This coin was struck by his governor of Basra and Kufa, Ubayd Allah ibn Ziyad. Ubayd Allah was responsible for the organization and nominal command of the Umayyad army that fought against the forces of Hussein ibn Ali at the Battle of Karbala. The battle occurred on 10 Muharram 61 AH (9 or 10 October 680 AD), during the year in which this coin was minted.