William McCool

William Cameron McCool
Född23 september 1961
San Diego, Kalifornien
Död1 februari 2003 (41 år)
Tid i rymden15 dagar, 22 timmar, 20 minuter
UrvalsgruppAstronautgrupp 16
UtmärkelserCongressional Space Medal of Honor

William Cameron "Willie" McCool, född 23 september 1961 i San Diego, Kalifornien, död 1 februari 2003 ovanför Texas, var en amerikansk astronaut uttagen i astronautgrupp 16 den 5 december 1996. Deltog med STS-107, 16 januari-1 februari 2003, när alla sju astronauterna ombord förolyckades under återinträde i jordens atmosfär.


2004 tilldelades han Congressional Space Medal of Honor.

2006 namngavs månkratern McCool efter honom, kratern är belägen i Apollokraternmånens baksida.

Även asteroiden 51829 Williemccool är uppkallad efter honom.[1]




”Biographical Data” (på engelska) (PDF). NASA. maj 2004. https://www.nasa.gov/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/mccool_william.pdf?emrc=437c5a. Läst 11 maj 2024. 

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William Cameron McCool.jpg
William C. McCool, American astronaut killed during the failed re-entry of Space Shuttle Columbia.
STS-107 Flight Insignia.svg
STS107-S-001 (May 2001) This is the insignia for w:STS-107, which is a multi-discipline microgravity and Earth science research mission with a multitude of international scientific investigations conducted continuously during the planned 16 days on orbit. The central element of the patch is the microgravity symbol, µg, flowing into the rays of the astronaut symbol. The mission inclination is portrayed by the 39 degree angle of the astronaut symbol to the Earth's horizon. The sunrise is representative of the numerous experiments that are the dawn of a new era for continued microgravity research on the International Space Station and beyond. The breadth of science conducted on this mission will have widespread benefits to life on Earth and our continued exploration of space illustrated by the Earth and stars. The constellation Columba (the dove) was chosen to symbolize peace on Earth and the Space Shuttle Columbia. The seven stars also represent the mission crew members and honor the original astronauts who paved the way to make research in space possible. The Israeli flag is adjacent to the name of the payload specialist who is the first person from that country to fly on the Space Shuttle.