Warrant officer (USA)

Warrant Officer (förkortat: WO) är en särskild kategori av militär personal i USA:s väpnade styrkor som är ett mellanting mellan officerare och underofficerare.[1]

I Storbritannien och andra anglosaxiska länder är warrant officer däremot en specifik underofficersgrad.


Systemet med warrant officer fyller en speciell nisch i USA, då officerare måste med särskilda intervaller erhålla befordran för att kunna kvarstå i tjänst ("up-or-out"). Underofficerare, å andra sidan, saknar formella befogenheter att själva leda större avdelningar och enheter.[2] En warrant officer är en tekniskt orienterad ämnesspecialist inom sitt fält och kvarstår där under den yrkeslånga tjänstgöringen. Inom USA:s armé är exempelvis helikopterförare ofta en warrant officer och många specialagenter i Army CID.

Det finns inga warrant officers i USA:s flygvapen numera, men möjligheten att återinföra graderna i flygvapnet liksom i rymdstykan finns formellt kvar.[3]


Specialisttecken på gradbeteckningen för warrant officers i USA:s flotta.

USA:s armé

USA:s marinkår

USA:s flotta

USA:s kustbevakning
TitelWarrant Officer oneChief Warrant Officer twoChief Warrant Officer threeChief Warrant Officer fourChief Warrant Officer five

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Den här artikeln är helt eller delvis baserad på material från engelskspråkiga Wikipedia, Warrant officer (United States), tidigare version.


  1. ^ 10 U.S.C. § 571
  2. ^ ”AR 600-20 Army Command Policy” (på engelska). Army Regulations. Headquarters, Department of the Army. https://armypubs.army.mil/epubs/DR_pubs/DR_a/ARN30074-AR_600-20-000-WEB-1.pdf. Läst 14 februari 2021. 
  3. ^ 10 U.S.C. § 9160

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Media som används på denna webbplats

Flag of the United States Army.svg
Det är enkelt att lägga till en ram runt den här bilden
Flag of the United States Marine Corps.svg
Image taken from united-states-flag.com. This is a faithful representation of an original U.S. government work. As such, it attracts no new copyright. However, the USMC flag is protected by U.S. Trademark Registration Nos. 4852947 and 4193304, and may not be used commercially without a trademark license from the USMC's Trademark Licensing Office. Originally uploaded to en.wikipedia by Mbr7975; description page is (was) here: Marine corps flag.gif
Flag of the United States Navy.svg
The Flag of the United States Navy, as defined in Executive Order 10812 of April 24, 1959. The design is described there as:

The flag for the United States Navy is 4 feet 4 inches hoist by 5 feet 6 inches fly, of dark blue material, with yellow fringe, 2½ inches wide. In the center of the flag is a device 3 feet and 1 inch overall consisting of the inner pictorial portion of the seal of the Department of the Navy (with the exception that a continuation of the sea has been substituted for the land area), in its proper colors within a circular yellow rope edging, all 2 feet 6 inches in diameter above a yellow scroll inscribed "UNITED STATES NAVY" in dark blue letters.

The U.S. Navy flag is used for display purposes at ceremonies, parades, and other public functions where the U.S. Navy has an official presence, usually being carried by an honor guard on ceremonial occasions. It is not used for outdoor, fixed (permanent) purposes, and is not flown on Navy ships. Versions without fringe and different dimensions seem to be common, though it appears they are not technically the official U.S. Navy flag, as the executive order has not been amended.

Prior to 1959, the Navy Infantry Battalion flag was used to represent the U.S. Navy.

For more information, see the Navy's flag history page, SeaFlags, Flags of the World, U.S. Navy document NTP 13(B) [1], section 1710, and Navy regulation OPNAVINST 10520.1 (which replaced a similar SECNAVINST 10520.2D regulation from 1974).
US CG CW4 insignia.svg
United States Coast Guard Chief Warrant Officer 4 insignia
US Navy CW4 insignia.svg
United States Navy Chief Warrant Officer 4 insignia
US Marine Corps Chief Warrant Officer 3 insignia
US Marine Corps Chief Warrant Officer 5 insignia
US Navy WO1 insignia.svg
United States Navy Warrant Officer 1 insignia
US Army Chief Warrant Officer 3 insignia
US Navy CW5 insignia.svg
United States Navy Chief Warrant Officer 5 insignia
US Army Chief Warrant Officer 5 insignia
US Army Chief Warrant Officer 2 insignia
US Army Warrant Officer 1 insignia.
US Navy CW3 insignia.svg
United States Navy Chief Warrant Officer 3 insignia
US CG CW3 insignia.svg
United States Coast Guard Chief Warrant Officer 3 insignia
USCG CW2 insignia.svg
United States Coast Guard Chief Warrant Officer 2 insignia
US Navy CW2 insignia.svg
United States Navy Chief Warrant Officer 2 insignia
US Army Chief Warrant Officer 4 insignia
USMC WO1.svg
US Marine Corps Warrant Officer 1 insignia
Flag of the United States Coast Guard.svg
The Service Color of the U.S. Coast Guard. This is not the same as the law enforcement ensign, which features vertical red stripes defaced with the anchor symbol of the USCG.
US Marine Corps Chief Warrant Officer 2 insignia
US Marine Corps Chief Warrant Officer 4 insignia