Utredningen i USA om rysk inblandning i valen 2016
Because we determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment, we did not draw ultimate conclusions about the President's conduct. The evidence we obtained about the President's actions and intent presents difficult issues that would need to be resolved if we were making a traditional prosecutorial judgment. At the same time, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him. |
– Robert Mueller i sin rapport i mars 2019 |

Utredningen i USA om rysk inblandning i de amerikanska valen 2016 (även kallad Muellerutredningen eller Muellerrapporten) är en amerikansk särskild brottsutredning, vilken inleddes i maj 2017 och avslutades i mars 2019.
Utredningens mandat var att undersöka möjlig rysk inblandning i valen, inklusive eventuellt samröre mellan Donald Trumps valkampanj 2016 och Rysslands regering.
Utredningen fann att det förekom två större ryska försök att påverka valet till fördel för Trump med bland annat dataintrång hos myndigheter och producenter av rösträkningsmaskiner och storskalig spridning av desinformation till medborgare via olika medier.[1] Bevis om över hundra kontakter mellan Trump-kampanjen och Ryssland hittades.[2] Under utredningen väcktes 34 åtal[3], bland annat mot flera företrädare för Trump-kampanjen och 14 nya brottsutredningar startades därtill utifrån vad utredningen hittade.[4]
Efter att en utredningsrapport presenterats i mars 2019 sökte Trumps bundsförvanter kritisera att anklagelserna om konspiration med Ryssland gått för långt. Dock har bevisningen i rapporten lett till att över 900 åklagare i USA, oavsett partitillhörighet, gått ut med en öppen skrivelse om att Trump med säkerhet, om han inte suttit på presidentposten, skulle ha åtalats för övergrepp i rättssak för sina aktiviteter att förhindra utredningen från att få fram sanningen.[5]
Trump beordrade bland annat Vita Husets advokat Don McGahn att stoppa utredningen och sparka Robert Mueller samt att ljuga om att Trump beordrat detta men McGahn vägrade att utföra dessa ordrar. Exakt hur framgångsrik Trump varit med att blockera utredningen är ännu inte känt, men flera utredningar rörande detta och annat pågår i kongressen.
Den 17 maj 2017 utnämnde den biträdande amerikanske justitieministern Rod Rosenstein Robert Mueller, en tidigare chef för FBI, till särskild åklagare och ansvarig för justitieministeriets utredning om möjlig rysk inblandning i 2016 års amerikanska val. Utredningen tog bland annat över pågående utredningar inom FBI om Donald Trumps tidigare valkampanjchef Paul Manafort och den tidigare nationella säkerhetsrådgivaren Michael Flynn.
Den 16 februari 2018 offentliggjorde Robert Mueller åtal mot bland annat 13 ryska medborgare och tre ryska organisationer.
Utnämningen av Mueller till särskild åklagare följde en serie händelser, inklusive president Donald Trumps avskedande av FBI-chefen James Comey, samt Comeys påstående att Trump begärt att Comey skulle avsluta FBI:s utredning av den tidigare säkerhetsrådgivaren Michael Flynn.[6]
Robert Mueller sade efter utnämningen upp sig från sitt arbete på advokatfirman Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr tillsammans med sina kollegor Aaron Zebley och James L. Quarles III.[7]
Muellers kontor avslutade sin utredning och lämnade slutrapporten till justitieministern William Barr den 22 mars 2019.[8]
Den biträdande utrikesministern Rod Rosenstein, i sin roll som tjänstgörande justitieminister i ärendet efter det att justitiemininstern Jeff Sessions avsagt sig befattning med ärendet med hänvisning till jäv, har auktoriserade Robert Mueller att utreda och eventuellt åtala-[9]
Utredningen kan omfatta:
- Rysk inblandning i valen 2016
- Kontakter mellan Trumpkampanjpersoner och ryska statliga tjänstemän
- Påstådd collusion mellan Trump-valkampanjen och ryska agenter
- Motarbetande av rättsprocess
- Utredning om finansiellt samröre
- Mikael Flynns verksamhet
- Prorysk lobbyverksamhet
Kostnad för utredningen
Vid december 2018 hade utredningen kostat cirka 25 miljoner dollar men fick cirka 48 miljoner dollar. Mer än hälften av kostnaden för utredningen var för personalersättning och förmåner. Vinsterna uppstod huvudsakligen genom att avslöja obetalda skatter genom mål i utredningen och genom beslagtagande av tillgångar och insamling av böter.[10]
I februari 2018 inleddes en rättsprocess genom att den särskilde åklagaren åtalade 19 personer, varav fem amerikanska, 13 ryska och en nederländsk medborgare, samt tre ryska organisationer, bland andra Internet Research Agency, för bland annat internettrollverksamhet.[11] I åtalet påstås att medlemmar av den åtalade gruppen reste till USA för att bland annat skaffa sig konton på sociala media såsom föregivna amerikaner, öppna bankkonton med stulna identiteter som amerikaner, köpa annonser på sociala mediaplattformar samt organisera och finansiera politiska kampanjevenemang.[11]
Anklagad | Position | Anklagelse | Ärendets status augusti 2018 | Anmärkning |
George Papadopoulos | Utrikespolitisk valkampanjrådgivare | Oriktig uppgift i förhör | Erkänt brott den 5 oktober 2017.[12] Dömd till 14 dagar i fängelse, en böter på 9500 dollar, 200 timmars samhällstjänst och 12 månaders villkorlig dom den 7 september 2018.[13] | [14] |
Michael T. Flynn | Kampanjrådgivare i utrikespolitiska frågor | Oriktig uppgift i förhör | Erkänt brott den 1 december 2017.[15] | [16][17] |
Richard Pinedo | Affärsman | Oriktig identitetsangivelse i samband med brottslig verksamhet | Erkänt brott den 2 februari 2018.[18] | [19] |
Alex van der Zwaan | London-baserad advokat | Oriktig uppgift i förhör | Dömd till 30 dagar i fängelse och böter på 20 000 dollar den 3 april 2018.[20] Deporterad till Nederländerna den 5 juni 2018.[21] | [22][23][24] |
Rick Gates | Kampanjrådgivare | Oriktigt uppgift i förhör och konspiration mot USA | Erkänt brott den 23 februari 2018.[25] | [26] |
Paul Manafort | Kampanjordförande juni-aug 2016 | 23 stycken: assistera i förberedelsen av falska skatteåterbäringar (×5), prenumerera på falska skatteåterbäringar (×5), lämnat in en falsk ändrad skatteåterbäring, misslyckat att rapportera utländska bank- och finansiella konton (×3), bankbedrägeri konspiration (×5) och bankbedrägerier (×4) | Dömdes på 8 punkter (skattebedrägeri åren 2010–2014, bankbedrägeri på 2000-talet) den 21 augusti 2018.[27][28] | [29] |
Alex van der Zwaan
Den 16 februari 2018 anklagade Mueller advokaten Alex van der Zwaan för att göra falska uttalanden till FBI med avseende på Van der Zwans kommunikation med Gates och en annan person identifierad som "Person A", Dessutom raderat e-post efterfrågad av utredare.[30] Van der Zwaan är svärson till German Khan, som äger Rysslands Alfa Bank tillsammans med Mikhail Fridman och Petr Aven, de tre är namngivna i Trump-Rysslands dossiern.[31] Van der Zwaan erkände sig skyldig den 20 februari 2018;[32] Den skyldiga grunden innehöll inte ett avtal om samarbete med Mueller-utredningen.[33] Den 3 april 2018, dömdes van der Zwaan till 30 dagar i fängelse och beordrades att betala 20 000 dollar i böter.[20]
Van der Zwaan släpptes från fängelset den 4 juni och deporterades nästa dag.[34][21]
Muellers utnämning för att övervaka utredningen fick omedelbart stort stöd från demokrater och från en del republikaner i kongressen. Senator Charles Schumer sa, "Tidigare direktör Mueller är exakt rätt person för detta jobb. Jag har nu betydligt större förtroende att utredningen kommer att följa fakta vart de än leder." Senator Dianne Feinstein sa, "Bob var en bra amerikansk advokat, en bra FBI-direktör och det finns ingen bättre person som kunde bli ombedd att utföra denna funktion." Hon tillade, "Han respekteras, han är begåvad och han har kunskapen och förmågan att göra det rätta."[35]
Mycket av det republikanska stödet i kongressen var ljummet: Rep. Peter T. King sa: "Det är okej. Jag tror bara inte att det finns något behov av det."[36] Republikanen Newt Gingrich twittrade att Mueller är ett "utmärkt val för att vara särskild utredare. Hans rykte är felfritt när det kommer till ärlighet och integritet,"[37] men mindre än en månad senare twittrade han "Republikanerna är förvirrade om de tror att den särskilda utredaren kommer att vara rättvis."[38]
Tidigare särskilda åklagaren Kenneth Starr, som hade utrett Bill Clinton under Clinton-administrationen, sa att teamet var "ett bra, bra team av fullständiga proffs."[39]
Efter rapportens publicering
Före rapportens offentliggörande gav William Barr sin version av vad rapporten påstods beskriva i mars 2019. Då kritiserade Trump-anhängare på kanalen Fox News media för att ha gått för långt med att anklaga Trumpadministrationen för att ha konspirerat med Ryssland [40] och de kritiserade också att kommentatorer och politiker sällan ifrågasattes om vilka bevis de hade när de spekulerade om Trumpkampanjens samarbete med Ryssland.[40]
En av kritikerna var Glenn Greenwald, förespråkare för att normalisera kontakter mellan Trump och Ryssland,[41] som sade att "det här är det mest sorgliga mediaspektakel jag sett sedan jag blev journalist."[40] Greenwald menade att besattheten av Ryssland och Trump hade tagit fokus från flera andra viktiga saker.[40]
Efter att Mueller-rapporten sedan till viss del blivit offentlig blev det känt att Robert Mueller konfronterat William Barr med att han inte korrekt återgivit Mueller-rapportens innehåll i den summering Barr skrivit och spridit. Mueller-rapporten specificerade synergin mellan Trump-kampanjen och Ryssland med detaljer om att Trump-kampanjen varit välkomnande till stödet från Moskva och att kampanjen förväntade sig att tjäna på Rysslands angrepp på presidentvalet.[42]
En opinionsundersökning genomförd i maj 2017 av Politico/Morning Consult visade att 81 procent av amerikanska väljare stödjer den särskilda åklagarens utredning.[43]
En undersökning som publicerades i november 2017 av ABC News och The Washington Post fann att 58 procent av amerikanerna godkände Muellers hantering av sin utredning, medan 28 procent ej godkände. Det indikerades också att hälften av amerikanerna trodde att president Trump inte samarbetade med utredningen.[44] En undersökning genomförd av Quinnipiac och publicerad den 15 november 2017, föreslog att 60 procent av amerikanerna trodde att Muellers utredning fortsatte rättvist, medan 27 procent trodde att det inte var det. Undersökningen fann också att 47 procent av de svarande sade att president Trump borde bli åtalad om han skulle avskeda Mueller.[45]
En undersökning publicerad den 26 februari 2018 av USA Today/Suffolk University visade att en majoritet på 58 procent av de registrerade väljarna sa att de hade mycket eller hade en del förtroende för Muellers utredning, medan en majoritet på 57 procent sade att de hade litet eller inget förtroende för Trumps förnekelser. Vidare sa 75 procent att de tog de anklagelser inlämnade av Mueller på allvar.[46]
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Department of Justice
Office of Public Affairs
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Appointment of Special Counsel
Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein today announced the appointment of former Department of Justice official and FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III to serve as Special Counsel to oversee the previously-confirmed FBI investigation of Russian government efforts to influence the 2016 presidential election and related matters.
“In my capacity as acting Attorney General, I determined that it is in the public interest for me to exercise my authority and appoint a Special Counsel to assume responsibility for this matter,” said Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein. “My decision is not a finding that crimes have been committed or that any prosecution is warranted. I have made no such determination. What I have determined is that based upon the unique circumstances, the public interest requires me to place this investigation under the authority of a person who exercises a degree of independence from the normal chain of command.”
Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein added, “Each year, the career professionals of the U.S. Department of Justice conduct tens of thousands of criminal investigations and handle countless other matters without regard to partisan political considerations. I have great confidence in the independence and integrity of our people and our processes. Considering the unique circumstances of this matter, however, I determined that a Special Counsel is necessary in order for the American people to have full confidence in the outcome. Our nation is grounded on the rule of law, and the public must be assured that government officials administer the law fairly. Special Counsel Mueller will have all appropriate resources to conduct a thorough and complete investigation, and I am confident that he will follow the facts, apply the law and reach a just result.”
Special Counsel Mueller has agreed to resign from his private law firm in order to avoid any conflicts of interest with firm clients or attorneys.The Attorney General
Washington, D.C.
March 24, 2019
The Honorable Lindsey Graham Chairman, Committee on the Judiciary United States Senate 290 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510
The Honorable Jerrold Nadler Chairman, Committee on the Judiciary United States House of Representatives 2132 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515
The Honorable Dianne Feinstein Ranking Member, Committee on the Judiciary United States Senate 331 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510
The Honorable Doug Collins Ranking Member, Committee on the Judiciary United States House of Representatives 1504 Longworth House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515
Dear Chairman Graham, Chairman Nadler, Ranking Member Feinstein, and Ranking Member Collins:
As a supplement to the notification provided on Friday, March 22, 2019, I am writing today to advise you of the principal conclusions reached by Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III and to inform you about the status of my initial review of the report he has prepared.
The Special Counsel's Report On Friday, the Special Counsel submitted to me a "confidential report explaining the prosecution or declination decisions” he has reached, as required by 28 C.F.R. $ 600.8(c). This report is entitled “Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election.” Although my review is ongoing, I believe that it is in the public interest to describe the report and to summarize the principal conclusions reached by the Special Counsel and the results of his investigation.
The report explains that the Special Counsel and his staff thoroughly investigated allegations that members of the presidential campaign of Donald J. Trump, and others associated with it, conspired with the Russian government in its efforts to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, or sought to obstruct the related federal investigations. In the report, the Special Counsel noted that, in completing his investigation, he employed 19 lawyers who were assisted by a team of approximately 40 FBI agents, intelligence analysts, forensic accountants, and other professional staff. The Special Counsel issued more than 2,800 subpoenas, executed nearly 500 search warrants, obtained more than 230 orders for communication records, issued almost 50 orders authorizing use of pen registers, made 13 requests to foreign governments for evidence, and interviewed approximately 500 witnesses.
The Special Counsel obtained a number of indictments and convictions of individuals and entities in connection with his investigation, all of which have been publicly disclosed. During the course of his investigation, the Special Counsel also referred several matters to other offices for further action. The report does not recommend any further indictments, nor did the Special Counsel obtain any sealed indictments that have yet to be made public. Below, I summarize the principal conclusions set out in the Special Counsel's report.
Russian Interference in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. The Special Counsel's report is divided into two parts. The first describes the results of the Special Counsel's investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. The report outlines the Russian effort to influence the election and documents crimes committed by persons associated with the Russian government in connection with those efforts. The report further explains that a primary consideration for the Special Counsel's investigation was whether any Americans – including individuals associated with the Trump campaign – joined the Russian conspiracies to influence the election, which would be a federal crime. The Special Counsel's investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election. As the report states: “[T]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.”1
The Special Counsel's investigation determined that there were two main Russian efforts to influence the 2016 election. The first involved attempts by a Russian organization, the Internet Research Agency (IRA), to conduct disinformation and social media operations in the United States designed to sow social discord, eventually with the aim of interfering with the election. As noted above, the Special Counsel did not find that any U.S. person or Trump campaign official or associate conspired or knowingly coordinated with the IRA in its efforts, although the Special Counsel brought criminal charges against a number of Russian nationals and entities in connection with these activities.
The second element involved the Russian government's efforts to conduct computer hacking operations designed to gather and disseminate information to influence the election. The Special Counsel found that Russian government actors successfully hacked into computers and obtained emails from persons affiliated with the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party organizations, and publicly disseminated those materials through various intermediaries, including WikiLeaks. Based on these activities, the Special Counsel brought criminal charges against a number of Russian military officers for conspiring to hack into computers in the United States for purposes of influencing the election. But as noted above, the Special Counsel did not find that the Trump campaign, or anyone associated with it, conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in these efforts, despite multiple offers from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign.
Obstruction of Justice. The report's second part addresses a number of actions by the President – most of which have been the subject of public reporting – that the Special Counsel investigated as potentially raising obstruction-of-justice concerns. After making a “thorough factual investigation” into these matters, the Special Counsel considered whether to evaluate the conduct under Department standards governing prosecution and declination decisions but ultimately determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment. The Special Counsel therefore did not draw a conclusion - one way or the other – as to whether the examined conduct constituted obstruction. Instead, for each of the relevant actions investigated, the report sets out evidence on both sides of the question and leaves unresolved what the Special Counsel views as “difficult issues” of law and fact concerning whether the President's actions and intent could be viewed as obstruction. The Special Counsel states that “while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”
The Special Counsel's decision to describe the facts of his obstruction investigation without reaching any legal conclusions leaves it to the Attorney General to determine whether the conduct described in the report constitutes a crime. Over the course of the investigation, the Special Counsel's office engaged in discussions with certain Department officials regarding many of the legal and factual matters at issue in the Special Counsel's obstruction investigation. After reviewing the Special Counsel's final report on these issues; consulting with Department officials, including the Office of Legal Counsel; and applying the principles of federal prosecution that guide our charging decisions, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and I have concluded that the evidence developed during the Special Counsel's investigation is not sufficient to establish that the President committed an obstruction-of-justice offense. Our determination was made without regard to, and is not based on, the constitutional considerations that surround the indictment and criminal prosecution of a sitting president.2
In making this determination, we noted that the Special Counsel recognized that “the evidence does not establish that the President was involved in an underlying crime related to Russian election interference," and that, while not determinative, the absence of such evidence bears upon the President's intent with respect to obstruction. Generally speaking, to obtain and sustain an obstruction conviction, the government would need to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that a person, acting with corrupt intent, engaged in obstructive conduct with a sufficient nexus to a pending or contemplated proceeding. In cataloguing the President's actions, many of which took place in public view, the report identifies no actions that, in our judgment, constitute obstructive conduct, had a nexus to a pending or contemplated proceeding, and were done with corrupt intent, each of which, under the Department's principles of federal prosecution guiding charging decisions, would need to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt to establish an obstruction-of-justice offense.
Status of the Departments Review The relevant regulations contemplate that the Special Counsel's report will be a “confidential report to the Attorney General. See Office of Special Counsel, 64 Fed. Reg. 37,038,
37,040-41 (July 9, 1999). As I have previously stated, however, I am mindful of the public interest in this matter. For that reason, my goal and intent is to release as much of the Special Counsel's report as I can consistent with applicable law, regulations, and Departmental policies.
Based on my discussions with the Special Counsel and my initial review, it is apparent that the report contains material that is or could be subject to Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 6(e), which imposes restrictions on the use and disclosure of information relating to “matter[s] occurring before [a] grand jury.” Fed. R. Crim. P. 6(e)(2)(B). Rule 6(e) generally limits disclosure of certain grand jury information in a criminal investigation and prosecution. Id. Disclosure of 6(e) material beyond the strict limits set forth in the rule is a crime in certain circumstances. See, e.g., 18 U.S.C. § 401(3). This restriction protects the integrity of grand jury proceedings and ensures that the unique and invaluable investigative powers of a grand jury are used strictly for their intended criminal justice function.
Given these restrictions, the schedule for processing the report depends in part on how quickly the Department can identify the 6(e) material that by law cannot be made public. I have requested the assistance of the Special Counsel in identifying all 6(e) information contained in the report as quickly as possible. Separately, I also must identify any information that could impact other ongoing matters, including those that the Special Counsel has referred to other offices. As soon as that process is complete, I will be in a position to move forward expeditiously in determining what can be released in light of applicable law, regulations, and Departmental policies.
As I observed in my initial notification, the Special Counsel regulations provide that “the Attorney General may determine that public release of notifications to your respective Committees “would be in the public interest.” 28 C.F.R. § 600.9(c). I have so determined, and I will disclose this letter to the public after delivering it to you.
Sincerely, William P. Barr Attorney General
1 In assessing potential conspiracy charges, the Special Counsel also considered whether members of the Trump campaign “coordinated” with Russian election interference activities. The Special Counsel defined “coordination” as an “agreement—tacit or express—between the Trump Campaign and the Russian government on election interference.”
2 See A Sitting President's Amenability to Indictment and Criminal Prosecution, 24 Op. O.L.C. 222 (2000).Flynn statement of offense
Robert S. Mueller, III, director of the FBI from 2001 to 2013