Uranus naturliga satelliter

Några av Uranus månar.

Uranus har 28 bekräftade månar,[1] varav de fem största är Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania och Oberon. Månarna har fått sina namn efter rollfigurer i William Shakespeares och Alexander Popes verk.[2]


I tabellen nedan på denna sida finns Uranus månar sorterande efter stigande medelavstånd till Uranus. För en alfabetisk översikt över månarna, se Kategori:Uranus månar.


William Herschel fann de två tidigast kända månarna 13 mars 1787, nämligen Oberon och Titania. År 1851 kunde William Lassell lägga till Ariel och Umbriel till listan och 1948 upptäckte Gerard Kuiper månen Miranda.

Rymdsonden Voyager 2 flög förbi Uranus och dess månar i januari 1986 och vid denna resa upptäckte man ytterligare tio månar. Senare upptäcktes en elfte måne, Perdita (då känd som S/1986 U 10) genom att undersöka Voyagerbilderna igen.

Sedan Voyager har man från observatorierjorden funnit ytterligare 12 månar.[3][4][5]


År 1852 lade William Herschels son John Herschel fram ett förslag om att uppkalla månarna efter verk av William Shakespeare och Alexander Pope, och bröt därmed med tidigare tradition att välja namn ur den grekiska mytologin. Denna idé används fortfarande och alla månar har fått namn efter detta.[3][5]

Vissa småplaneter har samma namn som några av Uranus månar: 171 Ophelia, 218 Bianca, 593 Titania, 666 Desdemona, 763 Cupido och 2758 Cordelia.[6]

Tabell över Uranus kända månar

Inre månarStora månarOgrupperade prograda irreguljära månarOgrupperade retrograda irreguljära månarCaliban gruppen
NummerNamn[1]BildOmloppsbanans halva storaxel (km)[1]Diameter (km)[1]Omloppstid (dagar)[1]Inklination (°)[1]Upptäcktsår[4]
1Uranus VICordelia49 800400,3350,0851986
2Uranus VIIOphelia53 800420,3760,1041986
3Uranus VIIIBianca59 200510,4350,1931986
4Uranus IXCressida61 800800,4640,0061986
5Uranus XDesdemona62 700640,4740,1131986
6Uranus XIJuliet64 400930,4930,0651986
7Uranus XIIPortia661001350,5130,0591986
8Uranus XIIIRosalind69 900720,5580,2791986
9Uranus XXVIICupid74 392100,6130,0992003
10Uranus XIVBelinda
75 300800,6240,0311986
11Uranus XXVPerdita76 417200,6380,4701986
12Uranus XVPuck
86 0001620,7620,3191985
13Uranus XXVIMab97 736100,9230,1342003
14Uranus VMiranda
129 9004711,414,3381948
15Uranus IAriel
190 9001 1582,520,0411851
16Uranus IIUmbriel
266 0001 1694,140,1281851
17Uranus IIITitania436 3001 5788,710,0791787
18Uranus IVOberon
583 5001 52213,460,0681787
19Uranus XXIIFrancisco4 276 00022266,6145,22001
20Uranus XVICaliban7 231 00072579,7140,91997
21S/2023 U 17 999 5008679,4141,92023
22Uranus XXStephano8 004 00032677,4144,11999
23Uranus XXITrinculo8 504 00018759,0167,12001
24Uranus XVIISycorax12 179 0001501 288,3159,41997
25Uranus XXIIIMargaret14 345 000201 694,856,62003
26Uranus XVIIIProspero16 256 000501 977,3152,01999
27Uranus XIXSetebos17 418 000472 234,8158,21999
28Uranus XXIVFerdinand20 901 000212 823,4169,82001

Se även


Media som används på denna webbplats

PIA18185 Miranda's Icy Face.jpg
Uranus' icy moon Miranda is seen in this image from Voyager 2 on January 24, 1986. The Voyager project is managed for NASA by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Voyager 2 picture of Oberon.jpg
Original Caption Released with Image: This Voyager 2 picture of Oberon is the best the spacecraft acquired of Uranus' outermost moon. The picture was taken shortly after 3:30 a.m. PST on Jan. 24, 1986, from a distance of 660,000 kilometers (410,000 miles). The color was reconstructed from images taken through the narrow-angle camera's violet, clear and green filters. The picture shows features as small as 12 km (7 mi) on the moon's surface. Clearly visible are several large impact craters in Oberon's icy surface surrounded by bright rays similar to those seen on Jupiter's moon Callisto. Quite prominent near the center of Oberon's disk is a large crater with a bright central peak and a floor partially covered with very dark material. This may be icy, carbon-rich material erupted onto the crater floor sometime after the crater formed. Another striking topographic feature is a large mountain, about 6 km (4 mi) high, peeking out on the lower left limb. The Voyager project is managed for NASA by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Umbriel (moon).jpg
Original Caption Released with Image: The southern hemisphere of Umbriel displays heavy cratering in this Voyager 2 image, taken Jan. 24, 1986, from a distance of 557,000 kilometers (346,000 miles). This frame, taken through the clear-filter of Voyager's narrow-angle camera, is the most detailed image of Umbriel, with a resolution of about 10 km (6 mi). Umbriel is the darkest of Uranus' larger moons and the one that appears to have experienced the lowest level of geological activity. It has a diameter of about 1,200 km (750 mi) and reflects only 16 percent of the light striking its surface; in the latter respect, Umbriel is similar to lunar highland areas. Umbriel is heavily cratered but lacks the numerous bright ray craters seen on the other large Uranian satellites; this results in a relatively uniform surface albedo (reflectivity). The prominent crater on the terminator (upper right) is about 110 km (70 mi) across and has a bright central peak. The strangest feature in this image (at top) is a curious bright ring, the most reflective area seen on Umbriel. The ring is about 140 km (90 miles) in diameter and lies near the satellite's equator. The nature of the ring is not known, although it might be a frost deposit, perhaps associated with an impact crater. Spots against the black background are due to 'noise' in the data. The Voyager project is managed for NASA by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Solar System Template Final.png
Major Solar System objects. Sizes of planets and Sun are roughly to scale, but distances are not. This is not a diagram of all known moons – small gas giants' moons and Pluto's S/2011 P 1 moon are not shown.
This is an image of the planet Uranus taken by the spacecraft Voyager 2 in 1986. See Uranus.jpg for how Uranus would appear in visible light.
Uranus' moon puck.gif
Författare/Upphovsman: NASA, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Heavily processed version of image taken by the Voyager 2 spacecraft on January 24th, 1986, from a distance of 493,000 km. The satellite is about 130 km across in this image and the rotation axis is vertical.
Ariel in monochrome.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Kevin M. Gill, Licens: CC BY 2.0
Processed by Kevin M. Gill, taken from data by NASA/JPL-Caltech. The original image is placed into a square black box for use in Wikipedia articles.