USA:s flygvapenminister
USA:s flygvapenminister | |
![]() Flygvapenministerns flagga | |
USA:s flygvapendepartement | |
Titel | The Honorable |
Säte | Pentagon |
Utses av | USA:s president med senatens råd och samtycke[1] |
Underställd | USA:s försvarsminister[1] |
Förste innehavare | Stuart Symington |
Inrättat | 1947 |
Ställföreträdare | Flygvapenstabschefen |
Webbplats | (engelska) |
USA:s flygvapenminister, Secretary of the Air Force (förkortat SECAF eller SAF/OS), är chef för USA:s flygvapendepartement, som är ett militärdepartement inom USA:s försvarsdepartement.[2][3] Flygvapenministern, som måste vara en civilist, utnämns av presidenten med senatens råd och samtycke.[1]
Under försvarsministerns tillsyn har flygvapenministern till uppgift att leda, organisera och administrera flygvapendepartementet (Department of the Air Force) som omfattar det reguljära flygvapnet på aktiv stat (Regular Air Force), reservstyrkor (Air Force Reserve), flygnationalgardet, samt sedan 2019 även USA:s rymdstyrka.[1][4][5]
Ämbetet inrättades i och med att 1947 års nationella säkerhetsakt trädde i kraft, innan dess var USA:s arméflygvapen en del av USA:s armé.
Flygvapenministern har i lag tilldelats omfattande befogenheter över flygvapnet och rymdstyrkan, inklusive men inte begränsat till: rekrytering, organisering, förvaltning (inklusive personalens stridsmoral och välbefinnande), ärendehantering, proviant, utrustning (inklusive forskning och utveckling), utbildning, ekonomistyrning, mobilisering, samt demobilisering. Flygvapenministern överser också anförskaffning, byggnation, framställning, upprätthållande och reparation av flygvapnets flygplan, robotar, satelliter, kommunikationssystem, all annan materiel, och för flygvapnets baser samt tillhörande fastigheter. Flygvapenministern ansvarar för framtagande, utfärdande och implementering av direktiv, order, policy, samt program inom flygvapendepartementet som överensstämmer med de direktiv och uppsatta mål som satts upp av försvarsministern och presidenten.[1]
Flygvapenministern har sitt tjänstekontor i försvarshögkvarteret Pentagon. Närmast ministern finns en civil understatssekreterare (Under Secretary of the Air Force) och ministerns kansli (Office of the Secretary of the Air Force).[6][7] Flygvapenstabschefen är yrkessofficeraren i flygvapnet med högst rang och denne fungerar som flygvapenministerns militäre rådgivare, leder flygstaben (The Air Staff), samt är flygvapnets representant i Joint Chiefs of Staff.[8][9]
Uniform Code of Military Justice ger flygvapenministern en viktig roll i det militära rättssystemet för flygvapnet och rymdstyrkans del.[10] Flygvapenministern beslutar om flygvapnets organisation och indelning.[11]
Förutom de roller som flygvapendepartementet tilldelats av kongressen genom lag, eller i utförande av funktioner föreskrivna av försvarsministern eller presidenten; avträder flygvapenministern flygvapendepartementets certifierat stridsberedda förband till den operativa befälskedjan tillhörandes militärbefälhavarna på försvarsministerns befallning.[12] Flygvapenministern, liksom flygvapenstabschefen, saknar operativa befogenheter över flygvapnets förband när de är tilldelade militärbefälhavare, men flygvapenministern behåller ständigt administrativa befogenheter över flygvapenförbanden.
Arméministern och marinministern har motsvarande ansvar och befogenheter för armén respektive flottan och marinkåren.[13][14]
Lista över flygvapenministrar 1947-idag
Nummer | Porträtt | Namn | Tillträde | Avgång | Försvarsminister | President | Not |
1 | ![]() | Stuart Symington | 18 september 1947 | 24 april 1950 | James Forrestal Louis A. Johnson | Harry S. Truman | |
2 | ![]() | Thomas K. Finletter | 24 april 1950 | 20 januari 1953 | Louis A. Johnson George C. Marshall Robert Lovett | ||
3 | ![]() | Harold E. Talbott | 4 februari 1953 | 13 augusti 1955 | Charles E. Wilson | Dwight D. Eisenhower | |
4 | ![]() | Donald A. Quarles | 15 augusti 1955 | 30 april 1957 | |||
5 | ![]() | James H. Douglas, Jr. | 1 maj 1957 | 10 december 1959 | Charles E. Wilson Neil H. McElroy Thomas S. Gates | ||
6 | ![]() | Dudley C. Sharp | 11 december 1959 | 20 januari 1961 | Thomas S. Gates | ||
7 | ![]() | Eugene M. Zuckert | 24 januari 1961 | 30 september 1965 | Robert McNamara | John F. Kennedy och Lyndon B. Johnson | |
8 | ![]() | Harold Brown | 1 oktober 1965 | 15 februari 1969 | Robert McNamara Clark Clifford Melvin R. Laird | Lyndon B. Johnson och Richard M. Nixon | |
9 | ![]() | Robert C. Seamans, Jr. | 15 februari 1969 | 15 maj 1973 | Melvin R. Laird Elliot Richardson | Richard M. Nixon | |
t.f. | ![]() | John L. McLucas | 15 maj 1973 | 18 juli 1973 | Elliot Richardson James Schlesinger | ||
10 | 18 juli 1973 | 23 november 1975 | James Schlesinger Donald Rumsfeld | Richard M. Nixon och Gerald Ford | |||
t.f. | ![]() | James W. Plummer | 24 november 1975 | 1 januari 1976 | Donald Rumsfeld | Gerald Ford | |
11 | ![]() | Thomas C. Reed | 2 januari 1976 | 6 april 1977 | Donald Rumsfeld Harold Brown | Gerald Ford och Jimmy Carter | |
12 | John C. Stetson | 6 april 1977 | 18 maj 1979 | Harold Brown | Jimmy Carter | ||
t.f. | ![]() | Hans Mark | 18 maj 1979 | 26 juli 1979 | |||
13 | 26 juli 1979 | 9 februari 1981 | Harold Brown Caspar Weinberger | Jimmy Carter och Ronald Reagan | |||
14 | Verne Orr | 9 februari 1981 | 30 november 1985 | Caspar Weinberger | Ronald Reagan | ||
15 | Russell A. Rourke | 9 december 1985 | 6 april 1986 | ||||
t.f. | ![]() | Edward C. Aldridge Jr. | 8 april 1986 | 8 juni 1986 | |||
16 | 9 juni 1986 | 16 december 1988 | Caspar Weinberger Frank Carlucci | ||||
t.f. | ![]() | James F. McGovern | 16 december 1988 | 29 april 1989 | Frank Carlucci Dick Cheney | Ronald Reagan och George H. W. Bush | |
John J. Welch Jr. | 29 april 1989 | 1 maj 1989 | Dick Cheney | George H. W. Bush | |||
17 | Donald B. Rice | 1 maj 1989 | 20 januari 1993 | ||||
t.f. | ![]() | Michael B. Donley | 20 januari 1993 | 13 juli 1993 | Les Aspin | Bill Clinton | |
t.f. | ![]() | Merrill A. McPeak | 14 juli 1993 | 5 augusti 1993 | |||
18 | ![]() | Sheila E. Widnall | 6 augusti 1993 | 31 oktober 1997 | Les Aspin William Perry William Cohen | ||
t.f. | ![]() | F. Whitten Peters | 1 november 1997 | 30 juli 1999 | William Cohen | ||
19 | 30 juli 1999 | 20 januari 2001 | |||||
t.f. | ![]() | Lawrence J. Delaney | 21 januari 2001 | 31 maj 2001 | Donald Rumsfeld | George W. Bush | |
20 | ![]() | James G. Roche | 1 juni 2001 | 20 januari 2005 | |||
t.f. | ![]() | Peter B. Teets | 20 januari 2005 | 25 mars 2005 | |||
![]() | Michael Montelongo | 25 mars 2005 | 28 mars 2005 | ||||
![]() | Michael L. Dominguez | 28 mars 2005 | 29 juli 2005 | ||||
![]() | Pete Geren | 29 juli 2005 | 4 november 2005 | ||||
21 | ![]() | Michael Wynne | 4 november 2005 | 20 juni 2008 | Donald Rumsfeld Robert M. Gates | ||
t.f. | ![]() | Michael B. Donley | 21 juni 2008 | 2 oktober 2008 | Robert M. Gates | ||
22 | 2 oktober 2008 | 21 juni 2013 | Robert M. Gates Leon Panetta | George W. Bush och Barack Obama | |||
t.f. | ![]() | Eric Fanning | 21 juni 2013 | 20 december 2013 | Chuck Hagel Ashton Carter | Barack Obama | |
23. | Deborah Lee James | 20 december 2013 | 20 januari 2017 | ||||
t.f. | Lisa Disbrow | 20 januari 2017 | 16 maj 2017 | James Mattis | Donald Trump | ||
24. | ![]() | Heather Wilson | 16 maj 2017 | 31 maj 2019 | |||
t.f. | ![]() | Matthew Donovan | 31 maj 2019 | 18 oktober 2019 | Mark Esper | ||
25 | ![]() | Barbara M. Barrett | 18 oktober 2019 | 20 januari 2021 | |||
26 | ![]() | Frank Kendall III | 28 juli 2021 | inkumbent | Lloyd Austin | Joe Biden |
Se även
- Den här artikeln är helt eller delvis baserad på material från engelskspråkiga Wikipedia, United States Secretary of the Air Force, 4 juli 2010.
- (engelska) 10 U.S.C. § 3013. Secretary of the Air Force
- (engelska) Air Force History: Secretaries of the Air Force
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- (engelska) - officiell webbplats.
Media som används på denna webbplats
Russell A. Rourke, 1986.
Acting Secretary of the Air Force as of Jan. 20, 2001
Dr. Lawrence J. Delaney is the assistant secretary of the Air Force for acquisition, Washington, D.C. He is the Air Force's service acquisition executive, responsible for all Air Force research, development and acquisition activities. He provides direction, guidance and supervision of all matters pertaining to the formulation, review, approval and execution of acquisition plans, policies and programs. Additionally, he serves as the chief information officer.
Delaney has more than 37 years of international experience in high technology program acquisition, management and engineering, focusing on space and missile systems, information systems, propulsion systems and environmental technology. He served as a member of the National Academy of Sciences Board on Army Science and Technology from 1992 to 1999, serving as the vice chairman from 1992 to 1994. The Department of the Army in 1989 awarded him the Outstanding Civilian Service Medal for his work on the Army Science Board from 1981 to 1988. Delaney, who is fluent in German, has written numerous articles in research and engineering journals.
Prior to his appointment, Delaney was president of Delaney Group, Inc., a technical and business consulting firm he founded in 1997. From 1994 to 1997, he served as managing director of BDM Europe in Berlin, the European holding company for BDM International, where he was a corporate vice president. At the same time, he served as senior vice president and group manager of the Environmental and Management Systems Group at IABG, a 1,400-person high technology services firm in Munich/Ottobrunn, Germany, which was privatized by BDM International in 1993.24th Secretary of the United States Air Force
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Peter B. Teets is Undersecretary of the Air Force, Washington D.C. Within the Air Force, Mr. Teets is responsible for all actions of the Air Force on behalf of the Secretary of the Air Force and is acting secretary in the secretary's absence. In that capacity, he oversees the recruiting, training and equipping of more than 710,000 people, and a budget of approximately $68 billion. Designated the Department of Defense Executive Agent for Space, Mr. Teets develops, coordinates and integrates plans and programs for space systems and the acquisition of all DOD space major defense acquisition programs. Also the Director of the National Reconnaissance Office, Mr. Teets is responsible for the acquisition and operation of all U.S. space-based reconnaissance and intelligence systems. This includes managing the National Reconnaissance Program where he reports directly to the Secretary of Defense and the Director of Central Intelligence.
Mr. Teets is the retired President and Chief Operating Officer of Lockheed Martin Corp., a position he held from 1997 through 1999. He began his career with Martin Marietta, Denver, Colo., in 1963, as an engineer in flight control analysis. In 1970, he began managing the inertial guidance system to the Titan IIIC launch vehicle until 1975, when he became Program Manager for the company's Transtage Project and Director of Space Systems. Five years later, Mr. Teets became Vice President of Business Development for Martin Marietta Denver Aerospace; and in 1982, he joined its Strategic and Launch Systems Division as Vice President and General Manager. Following two years in these positions, Mr. Teets became President of Martin Marietta Denver Aerospace, and in 1993, President of the company's Space Group.
After the Lockheed Martin merger in 1995 and until 1997, Mr. Teets served as President and Chief Operating Officer of the Information and Services Sector.Image from the public domain book The Air Force Role In Developing International Outer Space Law by Delbert R. Terrill Jr.. Caption reads, "Dudley C. Sharp. Sharp served in various high-level offices in the Air Force, eventually becoming secretary of the Air Force in 1959."
Portrait: Jim McGovern, Undersecretary of the Air Force
Michael Montelongo is Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Financial Management and Comptroller, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, Washington, D.C. He is also the principal adviser to the Secretary of the Air Force, Chief of Staff and other senior Air Force officials for budgetary and fiscal matters. With a budget of more than $124 billion, he serves as the Air Force's Chief Financial Officer responsible for providing the financial management and analytical services necessary for the effective and efficient use of Air Force resources. He was sworn in Aug. 6, 2001, as the 18th Assistant Secretary and is the senior Hispanic official in the Air Force.
Mr. Montelongo entered public service in 1977 as a lieutenant in the U.S. Army, and completed the U.S. Army Ranger School at Fort Benning, Ga., in 1978. He then served in line and staff positions from platoon to Department of the Army levels at varied U.S. and overseas posts. An Air Defense Artillery Officer, he was Special Assistant to the Commander in Chief of U.S. Southern Command, Speechwriter and Special Assistant to the Army Chief of Staff, and a congressional fellow in the U.S. Senate. In 1996, he entered private industry with BellSouth Telecommunications, and later became a Sales Executive and Consultant with Cap Gemini Ernst and Young.
Mr. Montelongo has been active in several civic pursuits. These include serving as Vice President of Community Services for the Harvard Business School Club of Atlanta, on the board of directors for the Georgia Voter Hispanic Registration Campaign, and directing youth and young adult ministries for the Atlanta archdiocese. A New York City native, Mr. Montelongo is listed in Hispanic Business Magazine's "100 Most Influencial Hispanics" and in Hispanic Engineer Magazine's "50 Most Important Hispanics in Technology and Business."Official portrait of Secretary of the Air Force Michael B. Donley.
Verne Orr 14th Secretary of the Air Force
Official Photograph of James H. Douglas, Jr. 5th Secretary of the Air Force
Official photograph of John C. Stetson, 12th Secretary of the United States Air Force
"Dr. Robert C. Seamans, Jr., served as NASA's Deputy Administrator from December 21, 1965, to January 5, 1968. Before becoming Deputy Administrator Dr. Seamans was NASA's Associate Administrator for five years. Prior to joining NASA, Dr. Seamans was on a National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) technical committee. Dr. Seamans had a long working relationship with MIT, where he received his master and doctorate degrees, working as a researcher and professor before his federal service and after his retirement from NASA."
Official Photo of Donald A. Quarles, 4th Secretary of the Air Force
Author: National Reconnaissance Office
Mr. James W. Plummer, Under Secretary of the Air Force, 1973-1976
Pete Geren, Undersecretary of the U.S. Army and former Acting Secretary of the Air Force.
Eric K. Fanning, the 22nd Secretary of the Army, poses for his official portrait in the Army portrait studio at the Pentagon in Arlington, VA, Nov. 2 2015. (U.S. Army photo by Monica King/Released)