USA:s finansminister
USA:s finansminister | |
![]() finansministerns sigill | |
![]() finansministerns flagga | |
USA:s finansdepartement | |
Titel | The Honorable |
Säte | Treasury Building i Washington, D.C. |
Utses av | USA:s president med senatens råd och samtycke |
Underställd | USA:s president |
Mandatperiod | Så länge som presidentens förtroende åtnjuts |
Förste innehavare | Alexander Hamilton |
Inrättat | 1789 |
Ställföreträdare | Deputy Secretary of the Treasury |
Webbplats | |
USA:s finansminister (engelska: Secretary of the Treasury) är chef för USA:s finansdepartement (Department of the Treasury).[1] Innehavaren av ämbetet utnämns av presidenten efter att senatens råd och samtycke erhållits.[2]
Nuvarande finansminister i Trumps andra regering är Scott Bessent.
Finansministern verkställer USA:s finanspolitik samt agerar som rådgivare til presidenten i dessa frågor och fungerar som den federala statsmaktens skattmästare.[1]
Enligt oskriven sedvana ingår finansministern i presidentens kabinett. Finansministern deltar även i USA:s nationella säkerhetsråd, dock ej som ordinarie medlem. Den sittande finansministerns namnteckning (vid tidpunkten för utgivning) återfinns på alla Federal Reserve sedlar.
Utrikesministern, finansministern, försvarsministern och justitieministern betraktas i allmänhet som de fyra mest viktigaste ministerposterna i USA.
Finansministern ingår i successionsordningen för USA:s president på femte plats, förutsatt att innehavaren uppfyller presidentämbetets krav på en infödd medborgare.[3]
USA:s finansministrar sedan 1789
Se även
- Federal Reserve
- Internal Revenue Service
- Den här artikeln är helt eller delvis baserad på material från engelskspråkiga Wikipedia, United States Secretary of the Treasury, tidigare version.
- ^ [a b] ”Department of the Treasury” (på engelska). United States Government Manual. Arkiverad från originalet den 19 augusti 2021. Läst 19 augusti 2021. ”As a major policy adviser to the President, the Secretary recommends domestic and international financial, economic, and tax policy; formulates broad fiscal policies that have general significance for the economy; and manages the public debt. The Secretary oversees the activities of the Department in carrying out its major law enforcement responsibility; in serving as the financial agent for the U.S. Government; and in manufacturing coins, currency, and other products for customer agencies. The Secretary also acts as the Government's chief financial officer.”
- ^ 31 U.S.C. § 301
- ^ 3 U.S.C. § 19
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Albert Gallatin (1848 photograph)
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Thomas Corwin, Whig Congressman from Ohio, 1831-1840; Governor of Ohio, 1840-1842; Senator, 1845-1850; U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, 1850-1853; Republican Congressman, 1858-1861.
George Washington Campbell, an American statesman.
Secretary of Treasury Robert Rubin answers questions from the press on the G-7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting.(26 April)A portrait of Alexander Hamilton painted by noted American portrait painter Daniel Huntington in c.1865, based on a full length portrait painted by John Trumbull. U.S. Treasury Collection, Secretary of the Treasury Portraits. See
Walter Q. Gresham. Library of Congress description: "Gresham, Walter Quintin"
James Guthrie
William Windom, formal photo portrait. Secretary of the Treasury of the United States.
US Cabinet Secretary en:George B. Cortelyou-his picture as Postmaster General
TITLE: Hon. Wm. Pitt Fessenden of Maine
CALL NUMBER: LC-BH82- 4918 B <P&P>[P&P]
REPRODUCTION NUMBER: LC-DIG-cwpbh-02087 (b&w copy scan) No known restrictions on publication.
MEDIUM: 1 negative : glass, wet collodion.
CREATED/PUBLISHED: [between 1855 and 1865]
Title from unverified information on negative sleeve for LC-BH82-4198 A.
Forms part of Brady-Handy Photograph Collection (Library of Congress).
Portrait photographs 1850-1870. Glass negatives 1850-1870.
REPOSITORY: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA
DIGITAL ID: (b&w scan) cwpbh 02087 Hammill Fowler
White House portrait of Lawrence Summers.
Benjmain Bristow, former Secretary of the Treasury of the United States.
Portrait of Nicholas Frederick Brady of New Jersey
Lyman J. Gage, formal photo portrait. Secretary of the Treasury of the United States.
Robert John Walker, half-length portrait, three-quarters to right
L.M. Shaw, formal photo portrait. Secretary of the Treasury of the United States.
Senator Carter Glass of Virginia
TITLE: Hugh McCulloch
CREATED/PUBLISHED: [between 1855 and 1865]
Source: Library of Congress.
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C. Douglas Dillon, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury. This picture was taken in 1955 in Dillon's capacity of Ambassador to France. The caption information for this image can be seen here, provided by Still Picture Reference Team at the National Archives and Records Administration. The identifier for this image is PAR 7117.
Photographic portrait of American banker, steel executive, and civil servant Andrew William Mellon. The image was used by Mellon in his duties as United States Secretary of the Treasury.
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The seal of the United States Department of the Treasury.
The original seal dates from the Board of Treasury during the Articles of Confederation, and so predates the department (and Federal Government) itself. The current design is a slight simplification of the original, introduced in 1968.
The seal's arms depicts balancing scales (to represent justice), a key (the emblem of official authority) and a chevron with thirteen stars (to represent the original states).
For more information, see here.Georgia politician en:Howell Cobb. Democratic Congressman from Georgia, 1843-1851, 1855-1857; Governor of Georgia, 1851-1853; U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, 1857-1860.
Official portrait of Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen
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William Adams Richardson, former Secretary of the Treasury of the United States.
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Timothy F. Geithner, Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs from 1999-2001
Charles Foster, formal photo portrait. Secretary of the Treasury of the United States.
Great to meet with Scott Bessent, President Trump’s nominee to lead the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
I am confident in his ability to foster growth, drive U.S. innovation, and put our economy back on track.
I look forward to working closely with him.Detta verk är under public domain (allmän egendom) i USA då verket gjordes av en tjänsteman eller anställd i USA: s regering som en del av den personens officiella arbete i enlighet med villkoren i Title 17, Kapitel 1, Sektion 105 av US Code (Amerikas förenta staters kodifierade lagsamling). Läs gärna Copyright (på engelska). Observera: Detta gäller endast originalverk av den federala regeringen och inte till arbetet i någon enskild amerikansk delstat, amerikansk territorium, samhälle, län, kommun, eller någon annan delsektion. Den här mallen gäller även inte för frimärksmotiv som gjots och eller producerats av United States Postal Service efter 1978. (Se 206.02(b) of Compendium II: Copyright Office Practices). Det gäller inte heller för vissa amerikanska mynt; se The US Mint Terms of Use.