Timothy L. Kopra

Timothy Lennart Kopra
Född9 april 1963
Austin, Texas
Tid i rymden244 dag, 1 tim, 1 min
UrvalsgruppAstronautgrupp 18
Antal rymd­promenader2 st
Rymdpromenad­tid13 tim, 31 min
UppdragSTS-127, Expedition 20, STS-128, Sojuz TMA-19M (Expedition 46/47)

Timothy Lennart Kopra, född 9 april 1963, är en amerikansk astronaut uttagen i astronautgrupp 18 den 27 juli 2000.


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ISS Expedition 20 Patch.svg
The Expedition 20 patch symbolizes a new era in space exploration with the first six-person crew living and working onboard ISS and represents the significance of the ISS to the exploration goals of NASA and its international partners. The six gold stars signify the men and women of the crew. The astronaut symbol extends from the base of the patch to the star at the top to represent the international team, both on the ground and on orbit, that are working together to further our knowledge of living and working in space. The space station in the foreground represents where we are now and the important role it is playing towards meeting our exploration goals. The knowledge and expertise developed from these advancements will enable us to once again leave low earth orbit for the new challenges of establishing a permanent presence on the moon and then on to Mars. The blue, gray and red arcs represent our exploration goals as symbols of Earth, the moon and Mars.
ISS Expedition 47 Patch.svg
ISS Expedition 47 Insignia
  • The central depiction of the International Space Station (ISS) is in recognition of the international achievement of designing, building and maintaining a world-class space laboratory. The orientation of the ISS represents the view seen by the Soyuz crewmembers as they approach the station. The blackness of space in the background portrays the limitless area that humankind has yet to explore.
  • The efforts of the Expedition 47 crew will contribute to the growing body of knowledge and expertise that will allow us to extend human exploration beyond low-Earth orbit. The three blue colors are from the flags of the Expedition 47 crew’s home countries (United States, Russia and the United Kingdom), representing a fundamental commonality among each of the international partner countries whom the crewmembers serve.
ISS Expedition 46 Patch.svg
The 46 icon in the foreground of the Expedition 46 patch represents the forty-sixth expeditionary mission to the International Space Station. The graphic portrays the limb of the home planet, Earth, with the black vastness of space in the background. Earth is depicted at the top with the flags of the countries of origin of the crew members: the United States of America, Russia and the United Kingdom. The flag of the U.K. is displayed in a position of prominence in recognition of the significance of the first British astronaut flown in space for the European Space Agency. The outer border is in the shape of a triangle with an unbroken border, symbolizing the infinite journey of discovery for past, present and future space explorers. The names of the six Expedition 46 astronauts and cosmonauts are shown in the border.
Författare/Upphovsman: Viktorvoigt, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
stub icon
Astronaut Timothy L. Kopra, mission specialist/flight engineer
STS-127 Patch.svg
Space Shuttle mission STS-127 is the 32nd construction flight of the International Space Station (ISS) and the final of a series of three flights dedicated to the assembly of the Japanese "Kibo" laboratory complex. In addition to delivering, installing, and servicing an external scientific platform that will be attached to the end of the Japanese module, STS-127 will bring up a new ISS crew member and return another one to Earth, replace vital components of the ISS electrical production system, and transfer various pieces of hardware to ISS. Five spacewalks and the operation of four different robotic arms will be required to accomplish these tasks over 10 days. A crew spokesperson had the following words for the patch. "Bathed in sunlight, the blue Earth is represented without boundaries to remind us that we all share this world. In the center, the golden flight path of the space shuttle turns into the three distinctive rays of the astronaut symbol culminating in the star-like emblem characteristic of the Japanese Space Agency, yet soaring further into space as it paves the way for future voyages and discoveries for all humankind."
STS-128 patch.png
The STS-128 patch symbolizes the 17A mission and represents the hardware, people and partner nations that contribute to the flight. The Space Shuttle Discovery is shown in the orbit configuration with the Multi Purpose Logistics Module (MPLM) Leonardo in the payload bay. Earth and the International Space Station wrap around the Astronaut Office symbol reminding us of the continuous human presence in space. The names of the STS-128 crew members border the patch in an unfurled manner. Included in the names is the expedition crew member who will launch on STS-128 and remain on board ISS, replacing another Expedition crew member who will return home with STS-128. The banner also completes the Astronaut Office symbol and contains the U.S. and Swedish flags representing the countries of the STS-128 crew.