Timothy J. Creamer

Timothy John Creamer
Timothy J. Creamer, 2005
Timothy J. Creamer, 2005
Född15 november 1959
Tid i rymden163 dagar, 5 timmar, 33 minuter
UrvalsgruppAstronautgrupp 17
UppdragSojuz TMA-17, Expedition 22/23

Timothy J. Creamer, född 15 november 1959 i Huachuca City, Arizona, är en amerikansk astronaut uttagen i astronautgrupp 17 den 4 juni 1998.


Media som används på denna webbplats

Författare/Upphovsman: Viktorvoigt, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
stub icon
ISS Expedition 23 Patch.svg
The focal point of the Expedition XXIII emblem illustrates the beautiful planet Earth in the black expanse of space. The International Space Station (ISS) is shown traveling in its orbit around Earth. The ISS orbital path flies through the XXIII to show that this increment is building upon the missions that have gone on before and laying the groundwork for future missions. This illustrates the work being performed aboard the orbiting complex that will lead the way to eventual missions to the moon, Mars and beyond. The mission designation uses Roman numerals to illustrate the home nations of the crew, which are also represented by their national flags. The two stars represent the two teams that make up this expedition crew.
ISS Expedition 22 Patch.svg
The 22nd Expedition to the International Space Station is dedicated to the final stages of assembly and the transition to full utilization as an orbiting laboratory. The sun, providing power and life support to the space station, shines through one of the solar arrays as the ISS orbits above Earth. The oceans and atmosphere, providing life support to Earth, are shown in all their beauty. The moon hovers in the distance as the goal of the next era of exploration. The six stars illustrate the increased capability of the crew complement. In the border are the national flags of the crew members as well as their surnames in their native languages. Expedition XXII continues the effort to acquire the knowledge necessary to extend the reach of exploration from Earth, to the moon and beyond.