Tidsaxel över andra världskriget

USS Lexington exploderar under slaget om Korallhavet.

Detta är en lista över händelser med relevans för krigföringen under andra världskriget, uppräknade år för år i kronologisk ordning.

Det tyska slagskeppet Schleswig-Holstein beskjuter Westerplatte den 13 september 1939
Det brittiska skeppet HMS Warspite (bakgrund) under slaget om Narvik 1940.
1941 anfalls Pearl Harbor av Japan och drar därmed in USA i andra världskriget. På bilden ses USS Arizona (BB-39) sjunka under attacken.
Douglas TBD:or på USS Enterprise under slaget vid Midway, juni 1942.
Allierade invasionsstyrkor landsätts på Omaha Beach under Dagen D, 1944.
USA släpper den första atombomben, kallad Little Boy, över Hiroshima 1945.


Media som används på denna webbplats

Schleswig Holstein firing Gdynia 13.09.1939.jpg
German battleship Schleswig-Holstein during a shellfire of Polish garrison Westerplatte in Gdańsk on 1 September 1939. Better quality photo:https://www.tygodnikpowszechny.pl/files/7991a9e80d8eb078dbc7198818df9f47.jpg
USS Arizona sinking 2a.jpg
The burning wreckage of the U.S. Navy battleship USS Arizona (BB-39) at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.
Atomic cloud over Hiroshima.jpg
At the time this photo was made, smoke billowed 20,000 feet above Hiroshima while smoke from the burst of the first atomic bomb had spread over 10,000 feet on the target at the base of the rising column. Six planes of the 509th Composite Group, participated in this mission; one to carry the bomb Enola Gay, one to take scientific measurements of the blast The Great Artiste, the third to take photographs Necessary Evil the others flew approximately an hour ahead to act as weather scouts, 08/06/1945. Bad weather would disqualify a target as the scientists insisted on a visual delivery, the primary target was Hiroshima, secondary was Kokura, and tertiary was Nagasaki.
1944 NormandyLST.jpg
A LCVP (Landing Craft, Vehicle, Personnel) from the U.S. Coast Guard-manned USS Samuel Chase disembarks troops of the U.S. Army's First Division on the morning of June 6, 1944 (D-Day) at Omaha Beach.
Douglas TBD-1 Devastators of VT-6 are spotted for launch aboard USS Enterprise (CV-6) on 4 June 1942 (80-G-41686).jpg
U.S. Navy Torpedo Squadron 6 (VT-6) Douglas TBD-1 Devastator aircraft are prepared for launching aboard the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise (CV-6) at about 0730-0740 hrs, 4 June 1942. Eleven of the fourteen TBDs launched from Enterprise are visible. Three more TBDs and ten Grumman F4F-4 Wildcat fighters must still be pushed into position before launching can begin.

The TBD in the left front is Number Two (BuNo 1512), flown by Ensign Severin L. Rombach and Aviation Radioman 2nd Class W.F. Glenn. Along with eight other VT-6 aircraft, this plane and its crew were lost attacking Japanese aircraft carriers somewhat more than two hours later.

The heavy cruiser USS Pensacola (CA-24) is in the right distance and a destroyer is in plane guard position at left.
Schleswig Holstein firing Westerplatte September 1939.jpg
German battleship Schleswig-Holstein during a shellfire of Polish garrison Westerplatte in Gdańsk on 1 September 1939. Better quality photo:https://www.tygodnikpowszechny.pl/files/7991a9e80d8eb078dbc7198818df9f47.jpg
A heavy explosion on board USS Lexington (CV-2) blows an aircraft over her side, 8 May 1942 (80-G-7413).jpg
A heavy explosion on board the U.S. Navy aircraft carrier USS Lexington (CV-2) blows an aircraft over her side, 8 May 1942. This is probably the great explosion from the detonation of torpedo warheads stowed in the starboard side of the hangar, aft, that followed an explosion amidships at 1727 hrs. At left is the destroyer USS Hammann (DD-412), which was backing away with a load of the carrier's survivors on board. The photo was taken from the heavy cruiser USS Minneapolis (CA-36).
HMS Warspite, Norway 1940.jpg
Aerial photograph showing British battleship HMS WARSPITE seen in the distance in action with the Narvik shore batteries during the second British naval action off Narvik, smoke from her guns hanging above the battleship. One of the British destroyers is seen on the left. Photograph taken from an aircraft of the Fleet Air Arm. During this operation seven German destroyers were sunk or forced to beach themselves.