
Vágurs simhall, klubbens huvudsakliga träningsanläggning
HemortSuðuroy, Färöarna Färöarna
Aktiv6 september 2007-

Suðuroyar Svimjifelag, mer känt under smeknamnet Susvim, är en färöisk simklubb baserad på den färöiska ön Suðuroy som bildades den 6 september 2007. Den mest framstående simmaren som tävlar är Pál Joensen, som sommaren 2010 vann EM-silver på distansen 1500 meter frisim. Klubbens huvudtränare är Jón Bjarnason. Klubben är baserad vid 25-metersbassängen i Vágurs simhall i staden Vágur. Eftersom det inte finns någon 50-metersbassäng på Färöarna, behöver de aktiva i klubben resa utomlands för att träna i en längre bassäng. Det finns dock inom Vágs kommuna planer på att anlägga en 50-metersbassäng i kommunen.[1]

Aktiva 2010

Susvim år 2014 tillsammans med Pál Joensen
Pál Joensen


  • Kristina Elin Thomsen
  • Tanja Skaalum
  • Guðrun Mortensen
  • Erna Katrin Olsen
  • Hanna R. Nysted
  • Helena Strøm Sævarsdóttir
  • Sára Müller
  • Elisabeth Vitalis Bærendsen
  • Malan Vitalis Bærendsen
  • Shaila Millum Garðarnar


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Roland Toftum 2014.JPG
Författare/Upphovsman: EileenSanda, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Róland Toftum is a Faroese swimmer.
Sara Ryggshamar Nysted 2014.JPG
Författare/Upphovsman: EileenSanda, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Sára Ryggshamar Nysted is a Faroese swimmer.
Pal Joensen Faroese swimmer.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Eileen Sandá, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Pál Joensen is a Fareose swimmer. He won three gold medals in the European Junior Swimming Championship in Belgrade 2008. Pál won the gold medals in 400m, 800m and 1500m freestyle. He comes from a village in Suðuroy which is called Vágur and has around 1400 inhabitants. Later, in 2010, when he was old enough to swim with the adults, he won a silver medal in the European Swimming Championships (LC) in 1500 meters freestyle. On 31 Juli 2011 he was number four at the World Championship in Shanghai (LC) with the time 14:46.33. Joensen has qualified for the Olympic Games in London 2012, he will swim for Denmark, because the Faroe Islands are not recognized as an independent state. The Faroe Islands are a self-governing part of the Danish Kingdom just like Greenland. (Updated in August 2011)
Eyðbjørn Joensen a Faroese Swimmer.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Eileen Sandá, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Eyðbjørn Joensen is a Faroese swimmer. He is born in 1996, so he is still very young (sep. 2010), but he has already had some good results. In June 2010 he won gold at the Danish Swimming Championships for Juniors (Danske Årgangsmesterskaber, or short DÅM) in 400 meters freestyle. At the Farose National Championships 2010 he won 7 gold medals for Juniors even if he won't reach the age of the juniors until three years later, in 2013. After the FM competition in 2010 Eyðbjørn Joensen was chosen to be the Ársins Stjørnuskot, which can be translated with "The new young talent of the year" (stjørnuskot means Shooting star). Eyðbjørn Joensen is the younger brother of Pál Joensen, who is the most famous and the best Faroese swimmer until now; he won silver at the European Championships 2010 on long course in Budapest in 1500m freestyle. Eyðbjørn Joensen swims just like his brother for Susvim and for Faroe Islands. Eyðbjørn comes from Vágur in Suðuroy, Faroe Islands.
Shaila Millum Garðarnar a Faroese Swimmer.JPG
Författare/Upphovsman: Eileen Sandá, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Shaila millum Garðarnar is a Faroese swimmer. She has won several medals for the Faroe Islands while swimming for the Faroe Islands national swimming team. She holds several Faroese national records; on long course: 50 m Freestyle with the time 27.32, which she sat at the Danish Championship in 2009. 100 m Freestyle with the time 59.63, which she sat at the World Championship in Rome in 2009. She sat Faroese records in 50m and 100m Butterfly - also at the World Championship in Rome in 2009. She won 6 gold medals for the Faroe Islands at the Island Games 2009 in Åland Islands, Finland. The Faroe Islands won the Island Games for the first time that year. This photo was taken at the welcome of Pál Joensen, after he returned to the Faroe Islands and to his island Suðuroy and his village Vágur after winning silver at the European Championship 2010 in Budapest.
Jón Bjarnasson a Faroese Swimming Coach.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Eileen Sandá, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Jón Bjarnason is a former Faroese swimmer and currently the swimming coach of Pál Joensen, who is the best Faroese swimmer until now (Sep. 2010), and he is also one of the swimming coaches of Susvim (Suðuroy Swimming Association) and the National Faroese Swimming Team. Bjarnason comes from Vágur, the same village as Pál Joensen, the village has currently around 1400 inhabitants. Pál Joensen and his coach Jón Bjarnason has gained great results in international swimming competitions, the last one was when Joensen won silver in 1500m Freestyle at the European Championships in Budapest 2010 on long course. And the fact that the Faroe Islands don't have a 50 m pool yet and still could gain such good results amazed many people. Bjarnason's swimmers in Susvim including Pál Joensen train daily in the 25 meter long pool in Vágur and in the 12,5 meter long pool in Tvøroyri.
Susvim 2014.JPG
Författare/Upphovsman: EileenSanda, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Susvim is a swimming club from the island Suðuroy in the Faroe Islands. Pál Joensen began his swimming career swimming for this club. In August 2014 he won two silver medals at the European Aquatics Championships in Berlin. He lives in Denmark now, but took time to visit his country and his hometown on 3 September 2014, where he was celebrated with fireworks, speeches, cakes etc. Here he is standing together with the children and young swimmers of Susvim.
Vágur Swimming Hall, Faroe Islands.JPG
Författare/Upphovsman: Eileen Sandá, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
The Swimming Hall of Vágur has one pool, which is 25 meters long. It is the only pool in the island Suðuroy, which is so long. There is one swimming pool in Tvøroyri, which is 12,5 meters long. There are other pools of this length in other places in the Faroe Islands, but as of October 2010 there is no 50-meter pool, but one will be built very soon, they say. A group of people are planning to build a 50-meter swimming pool in Pál Joensen's hometown Vágur. He was triple gold winner at the European Junior Swimming Championships 2008 and silver winner at the European Swimming Championships 2010 on long course. The person on this photo is Pál Joensen, who is training in this pool daily. Sometimes he and his coach go abroad in order to train in a 50-meter pool. The swimming pool in Vágur is in the public school, it was built in 1979.