SpaceX Crew-5

SpaceX Crew-5
Statistik för uppdraget
ModellDragon 2
Farkostens namnEndurance
Varaktighet157 dagar, 10 tim,
1 min
RaketFalcon 9 Block 5
UppskjutningsrampKennedy LC-39A
Uppskjutning5 oktober 2022
16:00:57 UTC
Landning12 mars 2023,
02:02 UTC
LandningsplatsMexikanska golfen
Dockning6 oktober 2022,
21:01 UTC
(Harmony, fram)
Ur dockning11 mars 2023,
07:20 UTC
Tid dockad155 dagar, 10 tim,
19 min
BefälhavareNicole Aunapu Mann (1)
PilotJosh A. Cassada (1)
UppdragsspecialisterKoichi Wakata (4)
Anna Kikina (1)
Föregående uppdrag
SpaceX Crew-4
Nästa uppdrag
SpaceX Crew-6

SpaceX Crew-5 var uppdragsbeteckningen för en bemannad rymdfärd med en Dragon 2-rymdfarkost från SpaceX. Farkosten sköts upp med en Falcon 9-raket från Kennedy Space Center LC-39A den 5 oktober 2022. Flygningens destination var den Internationella rymdstationen (ISS).[2]

Farkosten dockade med rymdstationen den 6 oktober 2022.

Farkosten lämnade rymdstationen den 11 mars 2023, några timmar senare återinträdde den i jordens atmosfär och landade i Mexikanska golfen.

Anna Kikina blev den första ryska kosmonauten att färdas med en Dragon 2-rymdfarkost.


BefälhavareUSA Nicole Aunapu Mann, NASA
Hennes första rymdfärd
PilotUSA Josh A. Cassada, NASA
Hans första rymdfärd
Flygingenjör 1Japan Koichi Wakata, NASA
Hans fjärde rymdfärd
Flygingenjör 2Ryssland Anna Kikina, RSA
Hennes första rymdfärd

Francisco Rubio

Efter att kylsystemet på Sojuz MS-22 skadats den 15 december 2022 förbereddes Dragon2-farkosten för att i en nödsituation även kunna återföra Francisco Rubio till jorden. Efter att Sojuz MS-23 anlänt till stationen kunde farkosten återställas för fyra personer.


Media som används på denna webbplats

SpaceX Crew Dragon docking with the International Space Station.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: SpaceX, Licens: CC0
This artist's concept shows a SpaceX Crew Dragon docking with the International Space Station as it will during a mission for NASA's Commercial Crew Program. NASA is partnering with Boeing and SpaceX to build a new generation of human-rated spacecraft capable of taking astronauts to the station and expanding research opportunities in orbit.
BFR at stage separation 2-2018.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Space Exploration Technologies Corp., Licens: CC0
The 2018 version of the Big Falcon Rocket at stage separation: Starship (foreground) and Super Heavy (background)
Rotated and color enhanced version of original (ISS013-E-48788 (6 July 2006) --- The Space Shuttle Discovery approaches the International Space Station for docking but before the link-up occurred, the orbiter "posed" for a thorough series of inspection photos. Leonardo Multipurpose Logistics Module can be seen in the shuttle's cargo bay. Discovery docked at the station's Pressurized Mating Adapter 2 at 9:52 a.m. CDT, July 6, 2006.)
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Backdropped by a blue and white Earth, this close-up view features the Soyuz TMA-6 spacecraft approaching the International Space Station (ISS). Onboard the spacecraft are cosmonaut Sergei K. Krikalev, Expedition 11 commander representing Russia's Federal Space Agency; astronaut John L. Phillips, NASA ISS science officer and flight engineer; and European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut Roberto Vittori of Italy. The Soyuz linked to the Pirs Docking Compartment at 9:20 p.m. (CDT) on April 16, 2005 as the two spacecraft flew over eastern Asia. The docking followed Friday’s launch from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.
SpaceX Crew Dragon (tight crop).jpg
In this illustration, a SpaceX Crew Dragon spacecraft approaches the International Space Station for docking. NASA is partnering with Boeing and SpaceX to build a new generation of human-rated spacecraft capable of taking astronauts to the station and expanding research opportunities in orbit. SpaceX's upcoming Demo-1 flight test is part of NASA’s Commercial Crew Transportation Capability contract with the goal of returning human spaceflight launch capabilities to the United States.
Vostok spacecraft replica.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Pascal (Flickr user: pasukaru76), Licens: CC0
Vostok spacecraft replica at the Technik Museum Speyer, Germany.
SpaceX Crew-5 logo.png
A fire-breathing, five-shaped dragon propels the Crew Dragon spacecraft of NASA's SpaceX Crew-5 mission beyond the confines of a pentagon’s outline and into low-Earth orbit. As the spacecraft ascends above the Earth’s atmosphere and its crew of courageous explorers embarks on their expedition aboard the International Space Station, the dragon’s fire transitions to the colors of NASA’s Commercial Crew Program representing the unrelenting efforts of the many teams who have met this challenge with unparalleled determination. The sun shines its light on this international team as they bravely pursue.
SpaceX Crew-5 Official Portrait.jpg
SpaceX Crew-5 Official Crew Portrait - Anna Kikina, Josh Cassada, Nicole Mann and Koichi Wakata