
Straight track
 Mot Pieksämäki
Station on track
Junction both to and from left
 Mot Idensalmi
Unknown BSicon "KDSTaq"Junction both to and from right
105,8RuokosuoRsu (innan 2014: Kemira/Ker)
Small non-passenger station on track
Unknown BSicon "ABZgl"Unknown BSicon "STR+r"
Unknown BSicon "LSTR"Non-passenger end station
 Nisilä kvartsgruva
Non-passenger station/depot on track
Non-passenger station/depot on track
Unknown BSicon "ABZgxl+l"Unknown BSicon "KDSTeq"
Unknown BSicon "exKHSTaq"Unknown BSicon "eABZgr+r"
 Mot Outokumpu
Small non-passenger station on track
Unknown BSicon "ABZgxr+r"
 Mot Pieksämäki
Station on track
Straight track
 Mot Joensuu

Siilinjärvi-Viinijärvi-banan är en del av det finländska järnvägsnäteet som sträcker sig från järnvägsstationen i Siilinjärvi till järnvägsstationen i Viinijärvi. Bandelens längd är 111,7 kilometer, och där förekommer enbart godstrafik. Bandelen är en del av den så kallade Savolaxtriangeln och trafikstyrningen sker från Pieksämäki.

Externa länkar

Media som används på denna webbplats

BSicon .svg
This is the "empty element" of the Icons for railway descriptions (see there for further informations). The original syntax of Wikipedia:Route diagram templates filled all empty spaces in a diagram with this file (all BSicons were 20x20px). For those cells where an icon ID was provided, some "File:BSicon_ID.svg" were used, and where there was no ID, "File:BSicon_.svg" was substituted. Many major Wikipedias has since upgraded the syntax so that just an empty table cell is used (incl. En.WP).
BSicon BHF.svg
station straight track
BSicon ABZgl+l.svg
junction straight to the left from the left (with exact circles)
BSicon DST.svg
non-passenger station track straight in use
BSicon KDSTeq.svg
non-passenger head station, track to the right
BSicon ABZgr+r.svg
junction straight to the right from the right (with exact circles)
BSicon KDSTe.svg
non-passenger head station, track ending
BSicon ABZgxl+l.svg
junction straight to the left from the left (with exact circles)
BSicon KDSTaq.svg
non-passenger head station, track to the left
BSicon ABZgxr+r.svg
junction straight to the right from the right (with exact circles)
BSicon BST.svg
non-passenger stop track straight in use
BSicon exKHSTaq.svg
ex terminal stop, track to the left
BSicon STR+r.svg
track to left against driving direction (with exact circles)
BSicon eABZgr+r.svg
Junction straight to the right from the right (with exact circles)