Signor Rossi söker lyckan

Signor Rossi söker lyckan
(Il signor Rossi cerca la felicità)
GenreAnimerad film
RegissörBruno Bozzetto
ProducentBruno Bozzetto
ManusBruno Bozzetto
Guido Manuli
Maurizio Nichetti
SkådespelareCarlo Romano
Gianfranco Mauri
Grazia Pivetti
Carlo Bonomi
OriginalmusikFranco Godi
ProduktionsbolagBruno Bozzettos filmer
Speltid81 min
LandItalien Italien
IMDb Elonet

Signor Rossi söker lyckan ('Il signor Rossi cerca la felicità') är en italiensk animerad film från 1976, baserad på kort filmer Herr Rossi skapad av Bruno Bozzetto.


Filmen släpptes i Europa och hade stor framgång, särskilt i Västtyskland 1976 och i Spanien 1983.

Internationella publiceringsdatum
Italien ItalienIl Signor Rossi cerca la felicità25 november 1976
Storbritannien StorbritannienMr. Rossi Looks For Happiness1976
Frankrike FrankrikeMonsieur Rossi cherche le bonheur1976
Tyskland TysklandHerr Rossi sucht das Glück4 marzo 1976
Spanien SpanienEl señor Rossi busca la felicidad1983
Argentina Argentina?
Kanada Kanada
M. Rossi et le sifflet magique?
Danmark DanmarkHr. Rossi søger lykke?
Nederländerna NederländernaDe heer Rossi zoekt geluk?
Portugal PortugalO Sr. Rossi procura a felicidade?
Brasilien Brasilien?
Azerbajdzjan AzerbajdzjanMister Rossi xoşbəxtlik axtarır?
Turkiet TurkietBay Rossi Mutluluk Arıyor?
Sverige SverigeSignor Rossi söker lyckan?
Finland FinlandHerra Rossi onnea etsimässä?
Iran Iranایجاد آقای رُوسی دنبال شادی می‌گردد?



Carlo RomanoHerr Rossi
Gianfranco MauriGastone
Grazia PivettiFe
Carlo BonomiAllt rollfigur


Media som används på denna webbplats

Question book-4.svg
Författare/Upphovsman: Tkgd2007, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
A new incarnation of Image:Question_book-3.svg, which was uploaded by user AzaToth. This file is available on the English version of Wikipedia under the filename en:Image:Question book-new.svg
Flag of Portugal.svg
Flag of Portugal, created by Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro (1857–1929), officially adopted by Portuguese government in June 30th 1911 (in use since about November 1910). Color shades matching the RGB values officially reccomended here. (PMS values should be used for direct ink or textile; CMYK for 4-color offset printing on paper; this is an image for screen display, RGB should be used.)
Flag of Iran.svg
Flag of Iran. The tricolor flag was introduced in 1906, but after the Islamic Revolution of 1979 the Arabic words 'Allahu akbar' ('God is great'), written in the Kufic script of the Qur'an and repeated 22 times, were added to the red and green strips where they border the white central strip and in the middle is the emblem of Iran (which is a stylized Persian alphabet of the Arabic word Allah ("God")).
The official ISIRI standard (translation at FotW) gives two slightly different methods of construction for the flag: a compass-and-straightedge construction used for File:Flag of Iran (official).svg, and a "simplified" construction sheet with rational numbers used for this file.