
(c) Classical Numismatic Group, Inc., CC BY-SA 3.0
Sekin från Antonio Veniers regeringstid.

Sekin (it. zecchino) är ett italienskt guldmynt på 3.5 gram som började präglas i La Zecca, myntverket i Republiken Venedig 1284. I folkmun kallades den för dukat.

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Zecchino Antonio Venier 1382.jpg
(c) Classical Numismatic Group, Inc., CC BY-SA 3.0

Italia, Venezia. doge Antonio Venier. 1382-1400.

AV Zecchino (Ducato) (3.51 g, 11h). zecca Mediterraneano orientale.
S N VENEI sin, E (E retrogrado) VX ANIO VENERO dx., San Marco stante dx., che offre stendardo al Doge inginocchiato. Cravatta (?) a forma di Ω sul mento.
•IT T +PE DLT Q [TV REG]IS IST VCAT•, Cristo stante entro corona di nove stelle e cornice ellittica.

Italy, Venice. Antonio Venier. 1382-1400.

AV Zecchino (Ducato) (3.51 g, 11h). Uncertain eastern Mediterranean mint.
S N VENEI left, E (E retrograde) VX ANIO VENERO right, St. Mark standing right, presenting banner to kneeling Doge with distinct W tie at chin
•IT T +PE DLT Q [TV REG]IS IST VCAT•, Christ standing facing, raising hand in benediction and holding Gospels, surrounded by elliptical halo containing nine stars.
Cf. Ives pp. 22-24 and pl. XII, 5-6; cf. Papadopoli 3; cf. Paolucci 1; cf. Friedberg 2c (Chios).
Green sandglass