Scott J. Kelly

Scott Joseph Kelly
Scott Joseph Kelly
Scott Joseph Kelly
Född21 februari 1964
Orange, New Jersey
Tid i rymden520 dagar, 10 timmar, 33 minuter
UrvalsgruppAstronautgrupp 16
Antal rymd­promenader3 st
Rymdpromenad­tid18 timmar, 20 minuter
UppdragSTS-103, STS-118, Expedition 25/26, (Sojuz TMA-01M),
Expedition 43/44/45/46, Sojuz TMA-16M/Sojuz TMA-18M)
Uppdrags­emblemSTS-103 Patch.svg STS-118 patch new.svg ISS Expedition 25 Patch.png ISS Expedition 26 Patch.png ISS Expedition 43 Patch.svg ISS Yearlong mission patch.png ISS Expedition 44 Patch.svg ISS Expedition 45 Patch.png ISS Expedition 46 Patch.svg

Scott J. Kelly, född 21 februari 1964 i Orange, New Jersey, är en amerikansk astronaut uttagen i astronautgrupp 16 den 5 december 1996.

Scott J. Kelly är tvillingbror med astronauten Mark E. Kelly

Scott har två barn sedan ett tidigare förhållande.



FärdDatum (UTC)TidEVA
STS-10320 - 28 december 1999191:11:340:00:00
STS-1188 - 21 augusti 2007305:55:3400:00:00
Expedition 25/267 oktober 2010 - 16 mars 20113824:44:0000:00:00
Expedition 43/44/45/4627 mars 2015 - 2 mars 20168168:42:00?

Media som används på denna webbplats

ISS Expedition 44 Patch.svg
This is the insignia for the Expedition 44 mission.
  • The International Space Station is positioned in the foreground poised to study Earth, the sun and cosmos that lie beyond. Two members of the Expedition 44 crew will spend a full year on the ISS - providing valuable experience for future long duration missions into deep space. The 12 Earths represent the planet's position around the sun over the course of that year. Four of the Earths are silhouetted in sunlight representing the four month duration of Expedition 44. The nine stars in the background represent the nine individuals that will visit and work on the ISS during the course of the expedition, including the six-member crew, whose names are inscribed around the patch's border, and the three-person Soyuz "taxi" crew. The use of ellipses and circles throughout the patch reflect a theme of "completion" or "return," as investments made in this orbiting laboratory return benefit to the Earth and its inhabitants.
ISS Expedition 45 Patch.png
The Expedition 45 crew will conduct its journey of exploration and discovery from a summit whose foundation was built by past generations of pioneers, scientists, engineers and explorers. This foundation is represented by the book of knowledge at the bottom of the patch. Curves radiate from the book representing the flow of knowledge - and the hard work, sacrifice and innovation that makes human spaceflight possible. The pages written during Expedition 45 will serve to benefit humanity on Earth and in space. The International Space Station is represented by a single bright star soaring over the Earth, illuminating a path to future, more distant destinations.
ISS Expedition 46 Patch.svg
The 46 icon in the foreground of the Expedition 46 patch represents the forty-sixth expeditionary mission to the International Space Station. The graphic portrays the limb of the home planet, Earth, with the black vastness of space in the background. Earth is depicted at the top with the flags of the countries of origin of the crew members: the United States of America, Russia and the United Kingdom. The flag of the U.K. is displayed in a position of prominence in recognition of the significance of the first British astronaut flown in space for the European Space Agency. The outer border is in the shape of a triangle with an unbroken border, symbolizing the infinite journey of discovery for past, present and future space explorers. The names of the six Expedition 46 astronauts and cosmonauts are shown in the border.
ISS Expedition 25 Patch.png
The mission patch design for the 25th Expedition to the International Space Station (ISS) pays tribute to the rich history of innovation and bold engineering in the quest for knowledge, exploration and discovery in space. The patch highlights the symbolic passing of the torch to the ISS, as the vehicle that will carry us into the future of space exploration. The Space Shuttle Program emblem is the foundation of the patch and forms the Greek letter 'Alpha' with a new dawn breaking at the center, symbolizing a new vision for space exploration. The Alpha symbol is overlaid by the Greek letter 'Omega', paying tribute to the culmination of the Space Shuttle Program. The mission designation '25' is shown centered at the bottom of the patch, symbolizing the point in time when the Space Shuttle, the workhorse of the ISS assembly process, will make its final visit to the ISS. Between the '25' and the Earth crescent, the orbiter is shown returning to Earth on its final journey, during the Expedition 25 mission. Above Earth and the breaking dawn, the ISS takes center-stage, completed and fully equipped to carry us beyond this new dawn to new voyages and discoveries. The orbit connecting the ISS and the Earth is drawn in the colors of the United States and Russian flags; paying tribute to the blended heritage of the crew. The two largest stars in the field represent the arrival and departure of the crews in separate Russian Soyuz vehicles. The six stars in the field represent the six crew members. The International Space Station abbreviation 'ISS' and 'MKC' - in English and Russian, respectively - flank the mission number designation, and the names of the crew members in their native languages border the ISS symbol.
STS-118 patch new.svg
The STS-118 patch represents Space Shuttle Endeavour on its mission to help complete the assembly of the International Space Station (ISS), and symbolizes the pursuit of knowledge through space exploration. The flight will accomplish its ISS 13A.1 assembly tasks through a series of spacewalks, robotic operations, logistics transfers, and the exchange of one of the three long-duration expedition crew members. On the patch, the top of the gold astronaut symbol overlays the starboard S-5 truss segment, highlighting its installation during the mission. The flame of knowledge represents the importance of education, and honors teachers and students everywhere. The seven white stars and the red maple leaf signify the American and Canadian crew members, respectively, flying aboard Endeavour.
ISS Expedition 26 Patch.png
In the foreground of the patch, the International Space Station is prominently displayed to acknowledge the efforts of the entire International Space Station (ISS) team - both the crews who have built and operated it, and the team of scientists, engineers, and support personnel on Earth who have provided a foundation for each successful mission. Their efforts and accomplishments have demonstrated the space station's capabilities as a technology test bed and a science laboratory, as well as a path to the human exploration of our solar system and beyond. The ISS is shown with the European Space Agency's (ESA) Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV-2), the Johannes Kepler, docked to resupply it with experiments, food, water, and fuel for Expedition 26 and beyond. This Expedition 26 patch represents the teamwork among the international partners - USA, Russia, Japan, Canada, and the ESA - and the ongoing commitment from each partner to build, improve, and utilize the ISS. Prominently displayed in the background is our home planet, Earth - the focus of much of our exploration and research on our outpost in space. The two stars symbolize two Soyuz spacecraft, each one carrying a three-member crew, who for four months will work and live together aboard the ISS as Expedition 26. The patch shows the crewmembers' names, and it's framed with the flags of their countries of origin - United States, Russia, and Italy.
ISS Expedition 43 Patch.svg
The hexagon (six-sided) shape of the Expedition 43 patch represents the six crew members living and working onboard the orbital outpost. The International Space Station (ISS) is portrayed in orbit around the Earth, representing the multi-national partnership that has constructed, developed, and continues to operate the ISS for the benefit of all humankind. The sunrise marks the beginning of a new day, reflecting the fact that we're at the dawn of our history as a space faring species. The moon and planets represent future exploration of our solar system, for which the ISS is a stepping stone. Finally, the five stars honor the crews who have lost their lives during the pursuit of human spaceflight.
ISS Yearlong mission patch.png
Patch for yearlong mission. American Scott Kelly and Russian Mikhail Kornienko are slated to stay a year on the International Space Station. This will be the longest anyone has stayed on the ISS, the longest an American has been in space and the first time someone has been in space this long since 1990s. This mission will last during Expedition 43, 44, 45 and 46.
  • This patch represents the historic one-year expedition to the International Space Station, spanning Increments 43 through 46. The ISS, an orbiting laboratory above the Earth, provides a unique environment in which to study the effects of long-duration spaceflight on the human body. This one-year mission will pave the way for future pursuits in space exploration of humankind on longer journeys to farther destinations. The large number 1 on the patch is emblazoned with U.S. and Russian Flags depicting the duration of the flight and the countries of its crew members. The last names of the one-year crew, ISS Commander Scott Kelly and Flight Engineer Mikhail Kornienko, appear under the space station symbol above 13 stars, which represent the astronauts and cosmonauts who will be onboard and working together in harmony during this year-long mission. Earth and the sun are depicted with two orbital planes, symbolizing the ISS orbiting Earth while the Earth is orbiting the sun during the year-long mission.
STS-103 Patch.svg
Designed by the crewmembers, the STS-103 emblem depicts the Space Shuttle Discovery approaching the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) prior to its capture and berthing. The purpose of the mission is to remove and replace some of the Telescope's older and out-of-date systems with newer, more reliable and more capable ones, and to make repairs to HST's exterior thermal insulation that has been damaged by more than nine years of exposure to the space environment. The horizontal and vertical lines centered on the Telescope symbolize the ability to reach and maintain a desired attitude in space, essential to the instrument's scientific operation. The preservation of this ability is one of the primary objectives of the mission. After the flight, the Telescope will resume its successful exploration of deep space and will continue to be used to study solar system objects, stars in the making, late phases of stellar evolution, galaxies and the early history of the universe. HST, as represented on this emblem was inspired by views from previous servicing missions, with its solar arrays illuminated by the Sun, providing a striking contrast with the blackness of space and the night side of Earth.
  • The NASA insignia design for Shuttle flights is reserved for use by the astronauts and for other official use as the NASA Administrator may authorize. Public availability has been approved only in the form of illustrations by the various news media. When and if there is any change in this policy, which is not anticipated, it will be publicly announced.
Scott J. Kelly.jpg
NASA astronaut Scott Kelly, wearing an Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) spacesuit.