Schweiz riksvapen

Schweiz riksvapen

Schweiz riksvapen är baserad på Schweiz flagga och mycket lik flaggan. Det enda som skiljer är att statsvapnet är format som en vapensköld. Sedan korstågen har Schweiz använt ett vitt kors på röd botten.

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Coat of Arms of Switzerland (Pantone).svg
Coat of Arms of Switzerland.

The "triangular" shield shape was frequently used by the federal administration throughout the 20th century, and adopted officially (as emblem of the federal administration, not necessarily as emblem of Switzerland as sovereign entity) in 2017. Precedents for this shield shape go back to designs dated to as early as 1815.

The official coat of arms of the Swiss Confederation is a white couped cross in a red heraldic shield, without explicit specification of the shape of the shield, and a variety of shield shapes are in use.