Sankt Olofs kyrka, Sankt Olof

Sankt Olofs kyrka
Sankt Olofs kyrka i juli 2007
LandSverige Sverige
LänSkåne län
OrtSankt Olof
TrossamfundSvenska kyrkan
StiftLunds stift
FörsamlingSimrishamns församling
Koordinater55°38′6″N 14°7′21″Ö / 55.63500°N 14.12250°Ö / 55.63500; 14.12250
Längs norra gången mot koret under en andakt
Längs norra gången mot koret under en andakt
Längs norra gången mot koret under en andakt

Sankt Olofs kyrka är en kyrkobyggnad i Sankt OlofÖsterlen. Den är församlingskyrka i Simrishamns församling i Lunds stift.

Kyrkan är en populär vallfartskyrka bland olika kristna samfund. Anledningen till detta är den gamla Olofskulten och att offerplatsen Sankt Olofs källa ligger i Sankt Olof. Byn hade namnet Lunkende by men eftersom kyrkan var Danmarks största Olofhelgedom glömdes till slut ortnamnet bort och hela byn fick kyrkans namn. Så kommer det sig att en by på Österlen bär den norske helgonkungen Olofs namn.


Ursprungligen byggdes kyrkan under tidig medeltid. Långhuset med två skepp byggdes under 1400-talet, kanske på grund av ökad tillströmning av pilgrimer. Under 1870-talet restaurerades kyrkan under Helgo Zettervalls ledning.


Förr ska det ha funnits nio altare i kyrkan. Numera finns fem av helgonbilderna bevarade.


  • 1893 byggde Carl Elfström, Ljungby en orgel med 12 stämmor.
  • Den nuvarande orgeln byggdes 1970 av A. Mårtenssons Orgelfabrik AB, Lund och är en mekanisk orgel. Orgeln har en ny fasad.
Huvudverk IBröstverk IIPedalKoppel
Principal 8'Rörflöjt 8´Subbas 16´I/P
Gedackt 8'Principal 4'Principal 8'II/P
Oktava 4'Kvintadena 4'Gedackt 8'II/I
Flöjt 4'Waldflöjt 2'Nachthorn 4'
Kvinta 2 2/3'Scharf 2 chorKvintadena 2'
Oktava 2'Krumhorn 8'Fagott 16'
Mixtur 4-5 chorTremulant
Trumpet 8'


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Media som används på denna webbplats

Sankt Olofs kyrka.jpg
(c) I, Jorchr, CC BY-SA 3.0
Sankt Olofs kyrka.
St Olofs kyrka 20090622-06.JPG
Hans A. Rosbach
, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
i RAÄ:s bebyggelseregister (BBR).
Andakt i Sankt Olofs kyrka.jpg

This image was produced by me, David Castor (user:dcastor). The pictures I submit to the Wikipedia Project are released to the public domain. This gives you the right to use them in any way you like, without any kind of notification. This said, I would still appreciate to be mentioned as the originator whenever you think it complies well with your use of the picture. A message to me about how it has been used would also be welcome. You are obviously not required to respond to these wishes of mine, just in a friendly manner encouraged to. (All my photos are placed in Category:Images by David Castor or a subcategory thereof.)

, Licens: CC0
Andakt i Sankt Olofs kyrka i byn Sankt Olof i Simrishamns kommun.
Treenigheten i Sankt Olof.jpg

This image was produced by me, David Castor (user:dcastor). The pictures I submit to the Wikipedia Project are released to the public domain. This gives you the right to use them in any way you like, without any kind of notification. This said, I would still appreciate to be mentioned as the originator whenever you think it complies well with your use of the picture. A message to me about how it has been used would also be welcome. You are obviously not required to respond to these wishes of mine, just in a friendly manner encouraged to. (All my photos are placed in Category:Images by David Castor or a subcategory thereof.)

, Licens: CC0
Staty av treenigheten i Sankt Olofs kyrka i Sankt Olof i Skåne.
Sankta Anna i Sankt Olof.jpg

This image was produced by me, David Castor (user:dcastor). The pictures I submit to the Wikipedia Project are released to the public domain. This gives you the right to use them in any way you like, without any kind of notification. This said, I would still appreciate to be mentioned as the originator whenever you think it complies well with your use of the picture. A message to me about how it has been used would also be welcome. You are obviously not required to respond to these wishes of mine, just in a friendly manner encouraged to. (All my photos are placed in Category:Images by David Castor or a subcategory thereof.)

, Licens: CC0
Sankta Anna-altare i Sankt Olofs kyrka i byn Sankt Olof i Simrishamns kommun.
Sankt Olof i Sankt Olof.jpg

This image was produced by me, David Castor (user:dcastor). The pictures I submit to the Wikipedia Project are released to the public domain. This gives you the right to use them in any way you like, without any kind of notification. This said, I would still appreciate to be mentioned as the originator whenever you think it complies well with your use of the picture. A message to me about how it has been used would also be welcome. You are obviously not required to respond to these wishes of mine, just in a friendly manner encouraged to. (All my photos are placed in Category:Images by David Castor or a subcategory thereof.)

, Licens: CC0
Staty av Sankt Olof i koret av Sankt Olofs kyrka i byn Sankt Olof i Simrishamns kommun.
Dopfunt i Sankt Olof.jpg

This image was produced by me, David Castor (user:dcastor). The pictures I submit to the Wikipedia Project are released to the public domain. This gives you the right to use them in any way you like, without any kind of notification. This said, I would still appreciate to be mentioned as the originator whenever you think it complies well with your use of the picture. A message to me about how it has been used would also be welcome. You are obviously not required to respond to these wishes of mine, just in a friendly manner encouraged to. (All my photos are placed in Category:Images by David Castor or a subcategory thereof.)

, Licens: CC0
Dopfunt i Sankt Olofs kyrka i byn Sankt Olof i Simrishamns kommun.