
Dritharashtra och Sanjaya.

Sanjaya var i det indiska eposet Mahabharata vagnskusk åt den blinde kung Dritharashtra, kung av Hastinapur.[1]

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  1. ^ Narayan, R.K. (2000). The Mahabharata: a shortened modern prose version of the Indian epic. University of Chicago Press 

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The blind king Dhrtarastra listens as the visionary narrator Sanjaya relates the events of the battle between the Kaurava and the Pandava clans.jpg
Seated on the throne and served by an attendant waving a whisk made of peacock feathers, the blind king Dhrtarastra listens as the visionary narrator Sanjaya relates the events of the battle between the Kaurava and the Pandava clans