Rough Riders

Rough Riders på Kettle Hill efter slaget om San Juan Hill
Anfallet av Rough Riders på San Juan Hill av Frederic Remington

Rough Riders (engelska: "vilda ryttare") var det folkliga namnet på USA:s första frivilliga kavalleristyrka vid spansk-amerikanska kriget mellan USA och kolonialmakten Spanien. Rough Riders uppsattes 1898 vid krigets utbrottet av läkaren Leonard Wood och överstelöjtnanten och sedermera presidenten Theodore Roosevelt. De vann stor ryktbarhet genom påstådd förvägen djärvhet i striderna på Kuba, vilka under period utkämpades under befäl av Roosevelt, bland annat stormningen av Kettle Hill under slaget om San Juan Hill.


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Colonel Roosevelt and his Rough Riders at the top of the hill which they captured, Battle of San Juan”
Charge of the Rough Riders at San Juan Hill.JPG

Charge of the Rough Riders at San Juan Hill by en:Frederic Remington (d. en:1909). Online. Note: Remington's painting should actually be entitled "Charge of the Rough Riders on San Juan Heights. This portion of the attack is actually a depiction of the charge on Kettle Hill, a hill that was to the right of San Juan Hill. After seizing Kettle Hill, Roosevelt led his men down Kettle Hill, around a small pond that sat between both hills and then up onto San Juan Hill.

Theodore Roosevelt leads the charge on his horse, Little Texas. K Troop officer, Woodbury Kane is the brown uniformed officer in the foreground with pistol in right hand and saber in his left. To the upper right of Lt Kane is a hat-less African-American Buffalo Soldier from either the 9th or 10th Cavalry that got mixed in along with the Rough Riders as all of them raced to the top of Kettle Hill. (2013-07-05 02:05 by SimonATL.)