Robert Moffat

Robert Moffat, född 1795, död 1883, var en skotsk missionär verksam i Sydafrika och Bechuanaland. Han var svärfar till David Livingstone.
Moffat sändes 1816 av Londons missionssällskap till Sydafrika och vistades först ett år i Namaland, men bosatte sig sedan i Kuruman bland tswanafolket, där han verkade som missionär till 1870, då han återvände till Storbritannien. Från sin station gjorde han täta resor till angränsande trakter, norrut ända till matabelefolkets rike i nuvarande Zimbabwe. Han meddelade sina erfarenheter till Royal Geographical Society och i sitt arbete Missionary Labours and Scenes in South Africa (1842). Han översatte även hela Bibeln till setswana.
Hans son John Smith Moffat gav 1885 ut biografin Lives of Robert and Mary Moffat.
- Moffat, Robert i Nordisk familjebok (andra upplagan, 1913)
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Baxter, George 1804-1867 :[The Revd Robert Moffat. London, George Baxter, 1843].
Reference Number: A-282-018 Catalogue item no. 89 in Courtenay Lewis' catalogue of Baxter prints (all editions use the same numbering).Shows head and torso portrait of Victorian gentleman dressed in jacket, waistcoat and cravat and holding straw hat in right hand (hat partially shown). In right background a group of natives sits by a boiling pot on a fire, and one of their number points to the further distance where a large ring of seated figures listens to an orator (with spear?) in their midst. There is a covered wagon at far right."The scene represents the country on the banks of the Kuruman River, South Africa, with a chief of Bechuana addressing his Parliament respecting the arrival of this laborious missionary". (Courtenay Lewis' "George Baxter, the picture printer" 1924 ed. page 302-303). Key terms: Part of: Baxter, George 1804-1867 :[The Revd Robert Moffat. London, George Baxter, 1843]., Reference Number A-282-018 (1 digitised items) Extent: 1 colour art print(s)Baxter print (coloured oil print), 273 x 222 mm.. Vertical imageSingle art work
Historical Notes: The original portrait from life was done during Moffat's visit back to England in 1839-1843, and shows Moffat with a beard - this original is now in the National Portrait Gallery London (NPG 6312) - see AT 13/14/1, 2 October 1996. Moffat has been tidied up and made more elegant for the Baxter print.