Roadracing-VM 1992

Världsmästerskapen i Roadracing 1992 arrangerades av Internationella motorcykelförbundet och innehöll klasserna 500GP, 250GP och 125GP i Grand Prix-serien samt Superbike, Endurance och Sidvagn. VM-titlar delades ut till bästa förare och till bästa konstruktör. Grand Prix-serien kördes över 13 deltävlingar.

Världsmästare i roadracing 1992
KlassMästare individuelltMästare konstruktörer
500GP Wayne Rainey (Yamaha) Honda
250GP Luca Cadalora (Honda) Honda
125GP Alessandro Gramigni (Aprilia) Honda
Superbike Doug Polen (Ducati) Ducati
Endurance Terry Rymer, Carl Fogarty (Kawasaki)-
Sidvagn Rolf Biland/Kurt Waltisperg (LCR-Krauser) LCR-Krauser

500 GP

Wayne Rainey vann sin tredje raka titel, precis före Mick Doohan. Doohan dominerade inledningen av säsongen och vann de fyra första tävlingarna, men bröt benet på Assen och tappade ledningen till Rainey, som till slut vann titeln.


Suzuka Mick DoohanHonda
Eastern Creek Mick DoohanHonda
Shah Alam Mick DoohanHonda
Jerez Mick DoohanHonda
Mugello Kevin SchwantzSuzuki
Barcelona Wayne RaineyYamaha
Hockenheim Mick DoohanHonda
Assen Àlex CrivilléHonda
Hungaroring Eddie LawsonCagiva
Magny-Cours Wayne RaineyYamaha
Donington Park Wayne GardnerHonda
Interlagos Wayne RaineyYamaha
Kyalami John KocinskiYamaha


1 Wayne RaineyMarlboro Yamaha140
2 Mick DoohanRothmans Honda136
3 John KocinskiMarlboro Yamaha102
4 Kevin SchwantzLucky Strike Suzuki99
5 Doug ChandlerLucky Strike Suzuki94
6 Wayne GardnerRothmans Honda78
7 Juan GarrigaDucados Yamaha61
8 Àlex CrivilléCampsa Honda59
9 Eddie LawsonCagiva56
10 Randy MamolaBudweiser Yamaha51


Klassen vanns av det italienska stjärnskottet Luca Cadalora, som fick ett fabrikskontrakt med Marlboro Yamaha efter titeln, vilket innebar att han flyttade upp till 500GP till 1993.


Suzuka Luca CadaloraHonda
Eastern Creek Luca CadaloraHonda
Shah Alam Luca CadaloraHonda
Jerez Loris ReggianiAprilia
Mugello Luca CadaloraHonda
Barcelona Luca CadaloraHonda
Hockenheim Pierfrancesco ChiliAprilia
Assen Pierfrancesco ChiliAprilia
Hungaroring Luca CadaloraHonda
Magny-Cours Loris ReggianiAprilia
Donington Park Pierfrancesco ChiliAprilia
Interlagos Luca CadaloraHonda
Kyalami Max BiaggiAprilia


1 Luca CadaloraHonda203
2 Loris ReggianiAprilia159
3 Pierfrancesco ChiliAprilia119
4 Helmut BradlHonda89
5 Max BiaggiAprilia78
6 Alberto PuigHonda71


Alessandro Gramigni tog titeln.


Suzuka Ralf WaldmannHonda
Eastern Creek Ralf WaldmannHonda
Shah Alam Alessandro GramigniAprilia
Jerez Ralf WaldmannHonda
Mugello Ezio GianolaHonda
Barcelona Ezio GianolaHonda
Hockenheim Bruno CasanovaAprilia
Assen Ezio GianolaHonda
Hungaroring Alessandro GramigniAprilia
Magny-Cours Ezio GianolaHonda
Donington Park Fausto GresiniHonda
Interlagos Dirk RaudiesHonda
Kyalami Jorge MartínezHonda


1 Alessandro GramigniAprilia134
2 Fausto GresiniHonda117
3 Ralf WaldmannHonda112
4 Ezio GianolaHonda105
5 Bruno CasanovaAprilia96
6 Dirk RaudiesHonda91


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Flag of Malaysia.svg
Flag of Malaysia – Jalur Gemilang (Stripes of Glory)
Flag of Europe.svg
The Flag of Europe is the flag and emblem of the European Union (EU) and Council of Europe (CoE). It consists of a circle of 12 golden (yellow) stars on a blue background. It was created in 1955 by the CoE and adopted by the EU, then the European Communities, in the 1980s.

The CoE and EU are distinct in membership and nature. The CoE is a 47-member international organisation dealing with human rights and rule of law, while the EU is a quasi-federal union of 27 states focused on economic integration and political cooperation. Today, the flag is mostly associated with the latter.

It was the intention of the CoE that the flag should come to represent Europe as a whole, and since its adoption the membership of the CoE covers nearly the entire continent. This is why the EU adopted the same flag. The flag has been used to represent Europe in sporting events and as a pro-democracy banner outside the Union.
Flag of South Africa 1928-1994.svg
Flag of South Africa, used between 1928 and 1982. It is identical to the 1982 to 1994 version except that the shade of blue is darker. It is also known as the "Oranje-Blanje-Blou".
Flag of South Africa (1928–1994).svg
Flag of South Africa, used between 1928 and 1982. It is identical to the 1982 to 1994 version except that the shade of blue is darker. It is also known as the "Oranje-Blanje-Blou".