Richie Ramone

Richie Ramone, egentligen Richard Reinhardt, född 11 augusti 1957 i Passaic, New Jersey, är en amerikansk trummis, mest känd som medlem i punkbandet Ramones. Richie värvades till bandet 1983 efter att trummisen Marky Ramone blivit sparkad. Han spelade med gruppen på tre album, Too Tough to Die, Animal Boy och Halfway to Sanity, innan han hoppade av 1987. Han skrev också några av gruppens låtar under perioden, varav den mest kända förmodligen är "Somebody Put Something in My Drink" från Animal Boy.
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The Ramones (From l to r Joey Ramone, Dee Dee Ramone, Richie Ramone) in concert. The Eagle Hippadrome, 1983 Ramones concert in Seattle, WA. It was the last show at the venue before it was torn down and became a parking lot. Photo was taken with a cheap 110 camera. A little later in the show, DeeDee was hit with a beer bottle that someone thew. He tossed off his bass and jumped in to the crowd to kick the crud out of the guy. He jumped back on stage and walked off and all the while the rest of the guys just kept jamming. They took a break, then all came back on and continued with the show.