Quinque viae
Quinque viae (latin, "fem vägar" eller "fem sätt") avser de fem filosofiska argument beträffande Guds existens, som den romersk-katolske filosofen och teologen Thomas av Aquino sammanfattar i sitt verk Summa Theologica (I. 2, 3). Flera av dessa argument beskrivs mera utförligt i Summa contra Gentiles.
- Stefon, Matt. ”The Five Ways”. Encyclopædia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/topic/the-Five-Ways. Läst 17 mars 2022.
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During the 13th century, Saint Thomas Aquinas sought to reconcile Aristotelian philosophy with Augustinian theology. Aquinas employed both reason and faith in the study of metaphysics, moral philosophy, and religion. While Aquinas accepted the existence of God on faith, he offered five proofs of God’s existence to support such a belief.