Portal:Matematik/Utvald bild/Arkiv


14 augusti –

Mandelbrot sequence new.gif

Inzoomning av mandelbrotmängden, en berömd fraktal. Den kan beskrivas med en enkel formel, men uppvisar en häpnadsväckande komplexitet: ju närmare man betraktar den, desto fler detaljer uppenbarar sig.

5 juli – 14 augusti


Illustration av en magisk stjärna. De fyra talen på varje kant bildar den magiska summan.

26 maj – 5 juli

Diameter and Pi 1.gif

Illustration av pi som förhållandet mellan en cirkels omkrets och dess diameter.

Media som används på denna webbplats

Mandelbrot sequence new.gif
Used Zom-B's library with my own code and a golden gradient (similar to the default gradient used in Ultra Fractal). Each scene is 6x supersampled to remove sharp edges. Took... a while to render

Links to Java source code: Zom-B version project directory containing DoubleDouble class, adjustments made by Simpsons Contributor to keep max iteration and anti-aliasing factor at more conservative values for faster rendering. New golden gradient added. Includes animated gif encoder.

Zom-B version

Mandelbrot zoom with center at (-0.743643887037158704752191506114774, 0.131825904205311970493132056385139) and magnification 1 .. 3.18 × 1031 created using my own Java program, using:

  • Double-double precision (self-written library),
  • Adaptive maxiter depending on the inverse square root of the magnification
  • Adaptive per-pixel antialiasing strength depending on the maximum iteration of nearby pixels (15x AA max), (during antialiasing phase, maxiter is quadrupled),
  • Iteration smoothing,
  • New warm gradient which also gives clearer details, applied to the base-2 log of the smoothed iteration number,
  • Modified periodicity checking algorithm from Fractint, for significant speedup,
  • Main cardioid and period-2 bulb checking for another speedup,
  • Multi-threaded calculation
  • 136 hours calculation time on two PC's (6 cores combined)
Originally uploaded by en:Kieff as "magic hexagram drawn by me"
Diameter and Pi 1.gif
Författare/Upphovsman: user:132人目 , Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
An illustration of 円周率en:Pi