Portal:Astronomi/Veckans bild/Vecka 52

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Denna ovanliga bild av en solförmörkelse togs av månsonden Clementinemånen höll på att passera framför solen. I bildens övre kant kan man se lite jordsken på månen.

Media som används på denna webbplats

Plane of Ecliptic.jpg
The Plane of Ecliptic is illustrated in this Clementine star tracker camera image which reveals (from right to left) the Moon lit by Earthshine, the Sun's corona rising over the Moon's dark limb, and the planets Saturn, Mars, and Mercury. The ecliptic plane is defined as the imaginary plane containing the Earth's orbit around the Sun. In the course of a year, the Sun's apparent path through the sky lies in this plane. The planetary bodies of our solar system all tend to lie near this plane, since they were formed from the Sun's spinning, flattened, proto-planetary disk. The snapshot above nicely captures a momentary line-up looking out along this fundamental plane of our solar system.