Portal:Astronomi/Veckans bild/Vecka 47

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Den här bilden på Örnnebulosan togs av Rymdteleskopet Hubble. Den består av 32 bilder som satts samman digitalt. De svarta rutorna beror på att en av de fyra kamerorna som tog bilder var inzoomad för att ge forskarna fler detaljer. De bilderna har därefter reducerats proportionellt för att passa samman med bilderna från de andra kamerorna.

Media som används på denna webbplats

Eagle nebula pillars.jpg
Star forming pillars in the Eagle Nebula, as seen by the Hubble Space Telescope's WFPC2. The picture is composed of 32 different images from four separate cameras in this instrument. The photograph was made with light emitted by different elements in the cloud and appears as a different colour in the composite image: green for hydrogen, red for singly-ionized sulphur and blue for double-ionized oxygen atoms. The missing part at the top right is because one of the four cameras has a magnified view of its portion, which allows astronomers to see finer detail. The images from this camera were scaled down in size to match those from the other three cameras. Further information at: Credit: NASA, Jeff Hester, and Paul Scowen (Arizona State University)