Poa poiformis

Poa poiformis
KlassEnhjärtbladiga blomväxter
ArtPoa poiformis
Vetenskapligt namn
§ Poa poiformis
Auktor(Labill.) Druce
Poa urvillei Steud.
Poa poiformis var. ramifer
Poa plebeia R.Br.
Poa laevis R.Br.
Poa australis var. billardieri
Poa australis R.Br.
Arundo poiformis Labill.
Arundo plebeia (R.Br.) Poir.
Arundo laevis (R.Br.) Steud.

Poa poiformis[1] är en gräsart som först beskrevs av Jacques-Julien Houtou de La Billardière, och fick sitt nu gällande namn av George Claridge Druce. Poa poiformis ingår i släktet gröen, och familjen gräs.[2][3] Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.[2]


  1. ^ Druce, 1917 In: Rep. Bot. Soc. Exch. Club Brit. Isles 1916: 640
  2. ^ [a b] Roskov Y., Kunze T., Orrell T., Abucay L., Paglinawan L., Culham A., Bailly N., Kirk P., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Decock W., De Wever A., Didžiulis V. (ed) (30 september 2014). ”Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2014 Annual Checklist.”. Species 2000: Reading, UK. http://www.catalogueoflife.org/annual-checklist/2014/details/species/id/9792172. Läst 26 maj 2014. 
  3. ^ WCSP: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families

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The Victorian naturalist (1975) (14597043328).jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Internet Archive Book Images, Licens: No restrictions

Identifier: victorian929319751976luca (find matches)
Title: The Victorian naturalist
Year: 1884 (1880s)

Arthur Henry Shakespeare Lucas  (1853–1936)  wikidata:Q2865141 s:en:Author:Arthur Henry Shakespeare Lucas
Alternativa namn
A.H.S.Lucas; Arthur Henry Shakespeare Luras
Beskrivning brittisk botaniker och entomolog
Datum för födelse/död 7 maj 1853 Redigera detta på Wikidata 10 juni 1936 Redigera detta på Wikidata
Födelseort/dödsort Stratford-upon-Avon Redigera detta på Wikidata Albury Redigera detta på Wikidata
creator QS:P170,Q2865141
Francis George Allman Barnard  (1857–1932)  wikidata:Q3081456
Francis George Allman Barnard
Alternativa namn
Födelsenamn: Francis George Allman Barnard; Barnard; F. G. A. ‎Barnard; Francis Barnard
Beskrivning australisk-brittisk naturvetare, apotekare, politiker, redaktör och cricketspelare
Datum för födelse/död 1857 / 26 december 1857 Redigera detta på Wikidata 1932 / 2 juni 1932 / 1 juni 1932 Redigera detta på Wikidata
Födelseort/dödsort Melbourne Redigera detta på Wikidata Melbourne Redigera detta på Wikidata
creator QS:P170,Q3081456
Field Naturalists' Club of Victoria

Subjects: Natural history Natural history
Publisher: (Melbourne) Field Naturalists Club of Victoria
Contributing Library: Smithsonian Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: Biodiversity Heritage Library

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e. This wasthe only native shrub noticed duringmy visit. South-eastern coast Next I walked to the south-easterncoast about 25 metres from theeastern point. Some herbs grew herein the sandy soil between the clumpsof Blue Tussock-grass. The introducedspecies were Stiff Rye-grass *Loliumloliaceum, Fern Grass *Catapodiumrigidum, Coast Barb-grass *Parapholisincurva, Drooping-flower Clover *rr/-folium cernuum and Purple Cudweed^Gnaphalium purpureum. The nativespecies were Variable Plantain Plan-tago varia. Yellow Wood-sorrelOxalis corniculata, Leek Lily Bulbinesemibarbata and Sea Pearlwort Saginamaritima. Just to the south-west wassome White Cudweed *Gnaphaliumcandidissimum. About 10 metres further to thesouth-west, the sandy shore gave wayto a steep granite slope with ledgescarrying shallow soil. Some of theherbs in this soil were Pink PurslaneCalandrinia calyptrata, Sea PearlwortSagina maritima, Chickweed *Stellariamedia, Black-anther Flax-lily Dianellarevoluta and a Pennywort Hydrocotyle
Text Appearing After Image:
156 Vict. Nat. Vol. 93 sp. The bright orange lichen Telo-schistes spinosus (Hook. f. & Tayl.)J. Murray was collected from coastalgranite below this spot. Lichens at eastern point Thence I returned to the easternpoint and collected Hchens fromgranite outcrops at and just out fromthe tip. The specimens included twocollections of the orange and yellowXanthoria ectanea (Ach.) Ras. exR. Filson. All the lichens have beenlodged at the National Herbarium ofVictoria (MEL1013734 — 1013742).Only three of the nine collectionscould be determined. Altogether forty-eight plant specieswere recorded for the island and alist is given below (Appendix 1).Other species are likely to occur asonly about an eighth of the island wasexamined. The twenty-two introducedspecies make up forty-six percent ofthe islands flora. Seventeen plantspecimens were obtained and lodgedat the National Herbarium of Vic-toria, Melbourne. All the Doughboy Island plants arewidespread in the Furneaux Groupwhere I have found t

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