Panakeia (grekiska Πανάκεια, av pan, 'allt', och akos, 'läkemedel') var i den grekiska mytologin "all-läkerskan", dotter till Asklepios[1] och Epione och personifikation av läkekonsten.
Se även
- Panakeia i Nordisk familjebok (andra upplagan, 1914)
- ^ ”Panakeia”. Nationalencyklopedin. Läst 8 november 2015.
Media som används på denna webbplats
Panacea Helping the Sick. The Veronese physician J. Gazola created this picture as part of a larger woodcut in 1716. It was for his book, The World is Deceived by False Doctors, in which he wrote of the four elements of the panacea (the cure-all). He cited Ecclesiastes 7:17b, “Do not be a fool — why die before your time?” as a reason to use his recipe (incidentally, the verse is taken out of context).