Oslo gate

Oslo gate
Oslo gate sedd från Ekeberg med spårvagn på Ekebergsbanen på väg över Geitabru
Längd800 meter

Oslo gate är en gata i Gamlebyen i Oslo i Norge, som löper som stadsdelens huvudaxel i nord-sydlig riktning från Schweigaards gate/Grønlandsleiret till Konows gate/Mosseveien vid Oslo Hospital.

Gatans sträckning norr om Oslo torg följer medeltidens Nordre strete och visas på den äldsta kartan över det gamla Oslo från första delen av 1600-talet. Oslo gate söder om torget anlades på 1800-talet. Gatan fick sitt namn vid stadsutbyggnaden 1859.

Bebyggelsen längs gatan består huvudsakligen av hyreshus från andra hälften av 1800-talet. Nordväst om korsningen med Bispegate ligger Oslo ladegård från 1725, som delvis är byggd på källarmurar från Oslo bispegård från 1200-talet. På motsatt sida av gatan ligger Minneparken med bland annat ruinerna av Hallvardskatedralen.

Längs östsidan av Oslo gate mellan Ekebergveien och Konows gate ligger fastigheten Oslo Hospital, som innefattar de två 1700-talsbyggnaderna Gråsteinsbygningen och Gamlebyen kirke.

Spårvägslinjen Gamlebylinjen går utmed hela gatusträckningen. Redan 1878 förlängdes spåret från Stortorvet i Kristianias centrum in på Oslo gate till St. Halvards plass, och 1899 förlängdes det till Oslo hospital.



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City of Christiania (JW Edy plate 49).jpg

This view was taken from a position recommended by the late honourable Bernard Anker, on the side of a mountain called Egeberg, from whence the city of Christiania, and its noble background of mountains, are seen to the greatest advantage, on which account the spot is the pride of the inhabitants, and the admiration of foreigners. At the bottom of the hill on the right, are some remains of the old city of Opsloe, which was burnt in the year 1624. The buildings on the left, are Opsloe Kirke, and a lunatic hospital. A new road winds on to the right, between some good houses and the ancient palace belonging to the bishops of this see, a high gothic building, with red tiles, seen on the right margin of the picture. This edifice was the residence of the kings and princes of Denmark, in their visits to the city. Across the bay, on the gentle declivity of the hills, is situated the new city, denominated Christiania. Its principal object on the left is the ancient garrison, called Aggerhus, with its fortifications and walls, projected on a rocky peninsula, at the extremity of the city ; to the right are observed the red warehouses, wharfs, and ships in the harbour, up to the custom house ; in succession are seen the hospitable quadrangular mansion, and garden of the Ankers ; the cathedral church, the museum, hospitais, schools, prison, &c. &c Situated on a middle hill, is seen the ancient church called Aggers, and at a greater elevation near the margin, is Ulivold, the seat of John Collett, Esq. Numerous villas are interspersed among the high grounds, as far as Bogstad, which is situated at the feet of the distant hills, nearly over the great church. In the vale below Aggers, is the botanic garden, and not far distant from it, is the site of the new Royal University, now erecting, with residences for nineteen professors, and two lecturers. Parallel with the town, is a long slip of land, from the bridge to below the custom house, having the river on one side, and the bay on the other; on it are the extensive timber and deal-yards, covered rope-yards, places for careening ships, great cranes for putting in their masts, &c. &c. The ships proceed to and from sea, under the walls of the garrison, in the deep water. The other part of this spacious bay, between Christiania and Opsloe, is navigable for boats only, being choaked up with the saw-dust perpetually descending into it from the numerous saw-mills up the river, although a machine is continually at work to remove it.

The new road from the city on the foreground, winds up over Egeberg, and leads on to Mos, Frederickstad, Swinesund, and Sweden. The approach to Christiania on this side, is over the summit of the mountain, where on emerging from a forest, the traveller obtains his first view of the city, spread out before him in its whole extent, and producing with its beautiful and magnificent scenery, a grand and most picturesque effect. The prospect is pronounced by tourists, to be unequalled in Europe. The supreme governor of Norway, resides in this town, and the high court of justice is held here. Christiania is also the seat of the primate bishop, who with three others, exercises the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of all Norway. The garrison, under the superintendance of a commandant, has its hospital and school. There is another hospital for the town. The trade is often very considerable, and there is an abundant supply of all sorts of game, provisions, and foreign delicacies. The inhabitants are hospitable and friendly ; scarcely a traveller enters it, without receiving invitations from the opulent, to their public tables.

This picture is also at display in the "Christiana" series at Norwegian Maritime Museum, Oslo, Norway (with somewhat richer colours).
Oslo gate-Saxegaardsgate-Kanslergata-Oslo-20070203.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: J. P. Fagerback, Licens: BSD
The view of Oslo gate with tram on it's way towards Ekeberg. Viewed from view point below Ekeberg gård. Saxegaardsgate and Kanslergata can also be seen to the left.
Oslo gate 2A til venstre og 2B og C til høyre.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Helge Høifødt, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Oslo gate 2A til venstre og 2B og C til høyre
Oslo Ladegård, Oslo gate 13, Oslo (2020).jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Ssu, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Oslo Ladegård, Oslo gate 13, Oslo (2020)
Oslogate ved Saxegaards gate - no-nb digifoto 20140318 00002 bldsa FA0432.jpg
Bildet er hentet fra Nasjonalbibliotekets bildesamling. Anmerkninger til bildet var: Tittel hentet fra påskrift på komponentnr 1 Gamlebyen, Oslo, Oslo
Vinterlandskap fra Oslo - no-nb digifoto 20160314 00110 bldsa fFA00195.jpg
Bildet er hentet fra Nasjonalbibliotekets bildesamling
WW2 German occupation Norway April 1940 Oslo Wehrmacht soldiers Horses 10.5 cm leFH 18 howitzer Oslo gate 35 Tidemanns mixture Henriksen & Steen Nasjonalbiblioteket Public domain URN NBN no-nb digifoto 20171219 00045 NB HS O 00233 cropp.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Henriksen & Steen (Photographers in Oslo, Norway) / National Library of Norway, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Troops of the German army (Wehrmacht) with draft horses move artillery and equipment, including a 10.5 cm leFH 18 howitz, through the Oslo gate Street in Oslo, Norway in April 1940, during the first days of the German invasion and occupation of Norway in World War II. The soldiers, some marching, some on horse backs and bicycles, are equipped with greatcoats, steel helmets, Karabiner 98k rifles and field gear. The howitzer gun/cannon is pulled by six horses. The street is paved with cobblestones and has tram rails.