Neptuni åkrar

Neptuni åkrar
KommunBorgholms kommun[1]
Area24,84 hektar[1]
- därav vatten0,269 hektar[2]
Inrättat12 december 1961[1]
Neptuni åkrar
Neptuni åkrar
Neptuni åkrar
Områdets utsträckning.
Koordinat57°20′54″N 17°01′51″Ö / 57.348367°N 17.030862°Ö / 57.348367; 17.030862
Koder, länkar, kartor
IUCN-kategori III: Naturmonument[1]
NVR-id2002275[1] (karta)
WDPA-id152419 (karta)
FörvaltareLänsstyrelsen i Kalmar län[1]
Redigera Wikidata

Neptuni åkrar är ett utbrett klapperstensfält längs kusten norr om Byxelkrok i Böda sockenÖland som har inrättas som ett naturreservat. Det fick sitt namn av Carl von Linné 1741,[3] efter den romerske havsguden Neptunus. På det i övrigt nästan helt vegetationslösa strandvallarna blommar under sommaren blåeld i stor mängd..


På Neptuni åkrar ligger ett 150 gånger 30 meter stort gravfält som omfattar drygt 50 fornlämningar. Dessa utgörs av 32 runda stensättningar, tolv gravrösen, nio stenkistor, en skeppsformig stensättning, en treudd och en rest sten. Den skeppsformiga stensättningen benämns Forgallaskeppet och är 14 meter lång och tre meter bred. I den nordvästra spetsen finns en rest kalksten liksom i skeppets mitt. I övrigt är stensättningen flack och ofylld.

Gravarna är delvis svåra att se då de utformats av låga kalkstenshällar som är nedsatta i marken. Genom fynd, påträffade vid utgrävning utförd av T.J. Arne 1935, har gravfältet daterats till vikingatid. Den sannolikt yngsta graven, en stenkista, var på kristet vis orienterad i ost-västlig riktning.


  1. ^ [a b c d e f] Skyddade områden, naturreservat, 18 december 2015, läs onlineläs online, läst: 20 januari 2017.[källa från Wikidata]
  2. ^ Skyddade områden, naturreservat, 25 februari 2020, läs onlineläs online, läst: 25 februari 2020.[källa från Wikidata]
  3. ^ "Neptuni åkrar". Arkiverad 21 mars 2016 hämtat från the Wayback Machine. Läst 13 juni 2014.

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This image was produced by me, David Castor (user:dcastor). The pictures I submit to the Wikipedia Project are released to the public domain. This gives you the right to use them in any way you like, without any kind of notification. This said, I would still appreciate to be mentioned as the originator whenever you think it complies well with your use of the picture. A message to me about how it has been used would also be welcome. You are obviously not required to respond to these wishes of mine, just in a friendly manner encouraged to. (All my photos are placed in Category:Images by David Castor or a subcategory thereof.)

, Licens: CC0
En rest sten på gravfältet på Neptuni åkrar på Öland.
Neptuni åkrar 9.jpg

This image was produced by me, David Castor (user:dcastor). The pictures I submit to the Wikipedia Project are released to the public domain. This gives you the right to use them in any way you like, without any kind of notification. This said, I would still appreciate to be mentioned as the originator whenever you think it complies well with your use of the picture. A message to me about how it has been used would also be welcome. You are obviously not required to respond to these wishes of mine, just in a friendly manner encouraged to. (All my photos are placed in Category:Images by David Castor or a subcategory thereof.)

, Licens: CC0
Neptuni åkrar, ett klapperstensfält på norra Öland.
Neptuni åkrar 2.jpg

This image was produced by me, David Castor (user:dcastor). The pictures I submit to the Wikipedia Project are released to the public domain. This gives you the right to use them in any way you like, without any kind of notification. This said, I would still appreciate to be mentioned as the originator whenever you think it complies well with your use of the picture. A message to me about how it has been used would also be welcome. You are obviously not required to respond to these wishes of mine, just in a friendly manner encouraged to. (All my photos are placed in Category:Images by David Castor or a subcategory thereof.)

, Licens: CC0
Neptuni åkrar, ett klapperstensfält på norra Öland.
Neptuni åkrar 12.jpg

This image was produced by me, David Castor (user:dcastor). The pictures I submit to the Wikipedia Project are released to the public domain. This gives you the right to use them in any way you like, without any kind of notification. This said, I would still appreciate to be mentioned as the originator whenever you think it complies well with your use of the picture. A message to me about how it has been used would also be welcome. You are obviously not required to respond to these wishes of mine, just in a friendly manner encouraged to. (All my photos are placed in Category:Images by David Castor or a subcategory thereof.)

, Licens: CC0
Neptuni åkrar, ett klapperstensfält på norra Öland.
Neptuni åkrar 11.jpg

This image was produced by me, David Castor (user:dcastor). The pictures I submit to the Wikipedia Project are released to the public domain. This gives you the right to use them in any way you like, without any kind of notification. This said, I would still appreciate to be mentioned as the originator whenever you think it complies well with your use of the picture. A message to me about how it has been used would also be welcome. You are obviously not required to respond to these wishes of mine, just in a friendly manner encouraged to. (All my photos are placed in Category:Images by David Castor or a subcategory thereof.)

, Licens: CC0
Neptuni åkrar, ett klapperstensfält på norra Öland.