National Park Service

National Park Service
UnderordnadUSA:s inrikesdepartement
Säte1849 C Street NW Washington, D.C. 20240
Antal anställdacirka 20 000

National Park Service (förkortning: NPS) är en amerikansk federal myndighet, ingående i USA:s inrikesdepartement, som hanterar landets nationalparker, fridlysta naturformationer samt fornlämningar och historiska fastigheter med olika beteckningar.[1]


Välkomstskylt till besökscentrumet för slagfältet i Gettysburg.

Myndigheten skapades den 25 augusti 1916 av genom lag stiftad av USA:s kongress.[2]. Dess 21 989 anställda övervakar 397 enheter, varav 58 är nationalparker.[3]

NPS förvaltar bland annat:

  • National Monuments
  • National Historical Park
  • National Memorials
  • National Historic Trail
  • U.S. National Heritage Area
  • National Recreation Areas
  • National Wild and Scenic River
  • U.S. National Lakeshore
  • National Seashore
  • National Battlefields and Military Parks
  • Utvalda National Cemeteries (flertalet förvaltas av USA:s veterandepartement)

United States Park Police ingår i NPS.[4]

Se även



  1. ^ ”Designation of National Park System Units”. National Park Service. Läst 5 april 2008. 
  2. ^ ”The National Park Service Organic Act”. National Park Service. Läst 5 april 2008. 
  3. ^ Budget Justifications and Performance Information, Fiscal Year 2008, National Park Service
  4. ^ ”United States Park Police” (på engelska). National Park Service. Läst 5 januari 2025. 

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Media som används på denna webbplats

Logo of the United States National Park Service.svg
Logo of the United States National Park Service, an agency of the United States Department of the Interior. This version is shaded to look as if it has been carved out of wood or rock. The elements on the logo represent the major facets of the national park system. The Sequoia tree and bison represent vegetation and wildlife, the mountains and water represent scenic and recreational values, and the arrowhead represents historical and archeological values. The bison is also the symbol of the Department of the Interior. The logo became the official logo on July 20, 1951, replacing the previous emblem of a Sequoia cone, and has been used ever since. The design was slightly updated in 2001, and a few different renderings are used today. For more information, see here and here.[dead link]
Gettysburg entrance.JPG
Författare/Upphovsman: Sallicio, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Entrance to the Gettysburg National Miliary Park.