Nasjonal Samling

Nasjonal Samling (NS) var ett norskt politiskt parti grundat den 13 maj 1933 av dess ledare Vidkun Quisling. Under den tyska ockupationen av Norge samarbetade det med ockupationsmakten. Efter kriget upplöstes partiet och många av dess medlemmar straffades.
Historisk översikt
Partiets ideologi var orienterad åt fascismen, efter 1934 åt den tyska nazismen. I stortingsvalen 1933 och 1936 fick NS cirka 2 % av rösterna. 1937 var partiet i djup kris. Valresultaten dalade och de kristna medlemmarna lämnade partiet på grund av antisemitismen.[1]
Under den tyska ockupationen av Norge var partiet det enda tillåtna [2] och Quisling blev från och med den 1 februari 1942 ministerpresident i en NS-regering som styrde landet på uppdrag av Tyskland. Partiet hade 1943 kring 44 000 medlemmar. Dess paramilitära organisation var Hirden.
Partiet förbjöds och upphörde att existera från det att fred slöts den 8 maj 1945. Ett stort antal medlemmar häktades och straffades för samarbete med tyskarna. [2]
Insignier och uniformer
- Partiuniform
- Emblem
- Gradbeteckningar
- Utmärkelsetecken
- Ledaraspiranter/Germanska-SS Norge
Kända NS-medlemmar
- Albert Viljam Hagelin, affärsman och operasångare
- Johan Bernhard Hjort, jurist
- Jens Hundseid, tidigare lantbruksminister, statsminister och ledare av Bondepartiet
- Jonas Lie, politiker, polischef och kriminalförfattare
- Gulbrand Lunde, direktör vid Hermetikkindustriens Laboratorium
- Sverre Riisnæs, jurist och justitieminister
- Henrik Rogstad, ledare för Hirden
- Ragnar Skancke, ingenjör och professor i svagströmsteknik vid NTH
- ^ Politiska ideologier i vår tid, Reidar Larsson
- ^ [a b] Bra Böckers lexikon, 1978
Media som används på denna webbplats
Logo of Norwegian Nazi Party Nasjonal Samling 1933-1945
Flag of National Gathering (Nasjonal Samling) 1933-1945
Författare/Upphovsman: Descriptive drawings of emblems made by uncredited illustrator. According to the National Library of Norway the work has fallen into the public domain (Norwegian copyright laws)., Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Sun cross emblems/symbols of the paramilitary organizations of Nasjonal Samling (NS), Quisling's Nazi/Fascist party in Norway 1933 – 1945 and collaborationist organization during the German occupation of Norway in the Second World War. Cropped page with retouched (cleaned) image copied from NS årbok 1944 ("NS Yearbook 1944") published by "NS national propaganda leadership" and printed in Gjøvik, Norway 1943.
Paramilitary uniform for political leader candidates of Nasjonal Samling (NS), Quisling's Nazi/Fascist party in Norway 1933 – 1945 and collaborationist organization during the German occupation of Norway in the Second World War. Also Waffen-SS uniform of the Germanske SS Norge, a Germanic SS organization for Norwegian volunteers in the war. Cropped page with retouched (cleaned) image copied from NS årbok 1944 ("NS Yearbook 1944") published by "NS national propaganda leadership" and printed in Gjøvik, Norway 1943.
SS Regalia by Robin Lumsden 1995:
- In July 1942. many veterans returned from the east to form the new Germanske-SS Norge, which abandoned all Rikshird associations, A new oath of allegiance was taken to Hitler, and the Germaninspired motto 'Min aere er troskap' ('My Honor is Loyalty') was adopted. The uniform of the Germanske-SS Norge was all black except for a brown shirt. It comprised a ski-cap (peaked caps were never worn by the Norwegian SS), an open-neeked tunic, ski trousers and mountain boots. An eagle holding a sun cross in silver and black was worn on the left sleeve above a cuff title bearing the legend 'Germanske-SS Norge'. Rank insignia appeared on lhe left collar patch with a silver sun wheel swastika on the right patch. SS runes on a black diamond wore sported on the right upper arm.
- No Germanic-SS unit in Norway attained sufficient size to be regarded as a Standarte. The largest that could he mustered was a Stormbann or battalion, of which there were 12 in various parts of the country. Most were consistently under strength. The concept of patron members was introduced into Norway as in the other Germanic countries, and these so-called Støttende Medlemmer were entitled to wear a small oval badge in black enamel, with silver SS runes and the letters 'SM'. Official figures published in Germaneren, the Norwegian SS newspaper, gave the strength of the Germanic-SS in Norway as 1250 in September 1944. Of these, 330 were on combat duty with the Waffen-SS, and 750 were in police units, leaving only 160 Norwegians in the active Germanic-SS. At the same time, there were 3500 patron members.
Sun cross emblem/symbol in red and yellow (gold) of Nasjonal Samling (NS), Quisling's Nazi/Fascist party in Norway 1933 – 1945 and collaborationist organization during the German occupation of Norway in the Second World War. Cropped page with retouched (cleaned) image copied from NS årbok 1944 ("NS Yearbook 1944") published by "NS propaganda leadership" and printed in Gjøvik, Norway 1943.
Paramilitary uniform for political leaders of Nasjonal Samling (NS), Quisling's Nazi/Fascist party in Norway 1933 – 1945 and collaborationist organization during the German occupation of Norway in the Second World War. Cropped page with retouched (cleaned) image copied from NS årbok 1944 ("NS Yearbook 1944") published by "NS national propaganda leadership" and printed in Gjøvik, Norway 1943.
WW2 awards for Norwegian Waffen-SS volunteers and members of Nasjonal Samling (NS), Quisling's Nazi/Fascist party in Norway 1933 – 1945 and collaborationist organization during the German occupation of Norway in the Second World War. Cropped page with retouched (cleaned) image copied from NS årbok 1944 ("NS Yearbook 1944") published by "NS national propaganda leadership" and printed in Gjøvik, Norway 1943.