
Muzdalifa (arabiska: مُزْدَلِفَة) är ett öppet, plant område nära Mecka i Hijaz-regionen i Saudiarabien och är förknippat med pilgrimsfärden hajj.[1][2][3][4] Här stannar pilgrimerna under en del av natten efter att de varit i Arafat.[5]
- ^ Long, David E. (1979). ”2: The Rites of the Hajj”. The Hajj Today: A Survey of the Contemporary Pilgrimage to Makkah. Sid. 11–24. ISBN 0-8739-5382-7. ”With thousands of Hajjis, most of them in motor vehicles, rushing headlong for Muzdalifah, the potential is t ... There is special grace for praying at the roofless mosque in Muzdalifah called al-Mash'ar al-Haram (the Sacred Grove) ...”
- ^ Danarto (1989). A Javanese pilgrim in Mecca. Sid. 27. ISBN 0-8674-6939-0. ”It was still dark when we arrived at Muzdalifah, four miles away. The Koran instructs us to spend the night at al-Mash'ar al-Haram. the Sacred Grove at Muzdalifah, as one of the conditions for the hajj . We scrambled out of the bus and looked ...”
- ^ Jones, Lindsay (2005). ”Encyclopedia of religion”. Encyclopedia of religion. "10". Macmillan Reference USA. s. 7159. ISBN 0-0286-5743-8. ”The Qur'an admonishes: "When you hurry from Arafat, remember God at the Sacred Grove (al-mash' ar al-haram)," that is, at Muzdalifah (2:198). Today a mosque marks the place in Muzdalifah where pilgrims gather to perform the special saldt ...”.
- ^ Ziauddin Sardar; M. A. Zaki Badawi (1978). Hajj Studies. Jeddah: Croom Helm for Hajj Research Centre. Sid. 32. ISBN 0-8566-4681-4. ”Muzdalifah is an open plain sheltered by parched hills with sparse growth of thorn bushes. The pilgrims spend a night under the open sky of the roofless Mosque, the Sacred Grove, Al Mush'ar al-Haram. On the morning of the tenth, all depart ...”
- ^ ”Wuquf at Muzdalifah” (på engelska). 27 augusti 2015. Läst 22 juli 2020.
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Författare/Upphovsman: Wurzelgnohm, Licens: CC0
Panoramic view of a part of the area of Muzdalifah in Hajj time.