Militära grader i Förenta Staternas flotta
Militära grader i Förenta Staternas flotta visar de militära graderna och gradbeteckningarna samt uniformerna i USA:s flotta.
Officersgrader i USA:s flotta | |||||||||||
Am. lönegrad[1] | O-11 | O-10 | O-9 | O-8 | O-7 | O-6 | O-5 | O-4 | O-3 | O-2 | O-1 |
Skärmmössa | |||||||||||
Kragmärke Galon • Axelklaff | |||||||||||
Tjänstegrad | Fleet Admiral1 | Admiral | Vice Admiral | Rear Admiral (Upper Half) | Rear Admiral (Lower Half) | Captain | Commander | Lieutenant Commander | Lieutenant | Lieutenant Junior Grade | Ensign |
Förkortning | FADM | ADM | VADM | RADM | RDML | CAPT | CDR | LCDR | LT | LTJG | ENS |
Dagligt tilltal | Admiral | Captain | Commander | Lieutenant | Ensign | ||||||
NATO-kod[2] | OF-10 | OF-9 | OF-8 | OF-7 | OF-6 | OF-5 | OF-4 | OF-3 | OF-2 | OF-1 | |
Motsvarar i Finlands marin | Saknas | Amiral | Viceamiral | Konteramiral | Flottiljamiral | Kommodor | Kommendör | Kommendörkapten | Kaptenlöjtnant | Premiärlöjtnant Löjtnant Underlöjtnant | |
Motsvarar i Sveriges flotta | (Storamiral)2 | Amiral | Viceamiral | Konteramiral | Flottiljamiral | Kommendör | Kommendörkapten | Örlogskapten | Kapten | Löjtnant | Fänrik |
1Delades endast under och strax efter andra världskriget till William D. Leahy, Ernest King, Chester W. Nimitz och William Halsey, Jr. 2Historisk motsvarighet. |
Yrkesbeteckning på gradbeteckning för officerare
Linjebefäl (och vissa andra specialiteter som public relations och underrättelsetjänst) bär en stjärna med spetsen nedåt på gradbeteckningen. Flottans stabskårer för exempelvis läkare, sjuksköterskor, jurister och militär själavårdspersonal bär ett särskilt tecken för sin kår på gradbeteckningen.
Officerare i en stabskår kan inte föra befäl över fartyg, flyg, specialförband eller baser utan kan enbart leda förband och enheter inom sin yrkesspecialitet.[3] En officer inom en stabskår är dock alltjämt en officer och är berättigad till samma grad av aktning och hedersbetygelser som är fallet för linjebefäl.
Type | Line officer Linjebefäl | Medical Corps Läkarkåren | Dental Corps Tandläkarkåren | Nurse Corps Sjuksköterskekåren | Medical Service Corps Medicinyrkeskåren | Judge Advocate General's Corps Auditörskåren |
Insignier | ||||||
Designation1 | 1XXX | 210X | 220X | 290X | 230X | 250X |
Chaplain Corps Själavård kristendom | Chaplain Corps Själavård judendom | Chaplain Corps Själavård islam | Chaplain Corps Själavård buddism | Supply Corps Trängkåren | Civil Engineer Corps Civilingenjörskåren | Law Community Rättsspecialist |
410X | 410X | 410X | 410X | 310X | 510X | 655X |
1 Designationen beskriver yrket eller funktion. Den fjärde siffran (X) markerar om officeren har en fullmakt som är reguljär (0), reserv (5) eller stödfunktion på heltid (7).[4] |
Warrant officer
I USA:s väpnade styrkor är en warrant officer en personalgrupp, i hierarkin stående nedanför officerare och ovanför underofficerare, som är en ämnesspecialist inom sitt avgränsade yrkesområde.
Specialistofficersgrader i USA:s flotta | |||||||||||
Am. lönegrad[1] | W-5 | W-4 | W-3 | W-2 | W-1 | ||||||
Kragmärke Axelklaff | |||||||||||
Tjänstegrad | Chief Warrant Officer 5 | Chief Warrant Officer 4 | Chief Warrant Officer 3 | Chief Warrant Officer 2 | Warrant Officer 1 | ||||||
Förkortning | CWO5 | CWO4 | CWO3 | CWO2 | WO1 | ||||||
Dagligt tilltal | Mister eller Ms | ||||||||||
NATO-kod[2] | WO-5 | WO-4 | WO-3 | WO-2 | WO-1 | ||||||
Motsvarar i Finlands marin | saknas | saknas | saknas | saknas | saknas | ||||||
Motsvarar i Sveriges flotta | saknas | saknas | saknas | saknas | saknas |
Till skillnad från officerare och warrant officers så är grader och yrkesbeteckningar för enlisted i flottan inte fastställda i lag utan det är marinministern som bestämmer om det.[7]
Underofficerare i USA:s flotta | ||||||||||||
Am. lönegrad | E-9 | E-8 | E-7 | |||||||||
Mössmärke | ||||||||||||
Ärmmärke/ Kragmärke | ||||||||||||
Tjänstegrad Yrkesbefattning | Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy 1 | Fleet Master Chief Petty Officer Force Master Chief Petty Officer | Command Master Chief Petty Officer 2 | Master Chief Petty Officer Master Chief Boatswain's Mate 3 | Command Senior Chief Petty Officer | Senior Chief Petty Officer Senior Chief Boatswain's Mate 3 | Chief Petty Officer Chief Boatswain's Mate 3 | |||||
Förkortning | MCPON | FLTCM FORCM | CMDCM | MCPO | CMDCS | SCPO | CPO | |||||
NATO-kod[2] | OR-9 | OR-8 | OR-7 | |||||||||
Motsv. i Finlands marin | Militärmästare | Överbåtsman | Båtsman | |||||||||
Motsv. i Sveriges flotta | Flottiljförvaltare | Förvaltare | Fanjunkare | |||||||||
1 Det finns bara en Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy och denne fungerar som rådgivare åt marinministern och chefen för flottan i ärenden som rör underofficerare, underbefäl och manskap (engelska: enlisted). 2 Vinklar med guld får bäras efter 12 års tjänstgöring under förutsättning att tjänstgöringen varit fri från disciplinära åtgärder som utdöms enligt Uniform Code of Military Justice. 3 Från grad E-7 till E-9 är i många fall dennes specialisering och befattning avgörande för hur underofficeren eller underbefälet refereras till, e.x. en E-6 kan kallas för Boatswain's Mate First Class eller Legalman First Class etc. |
Underbefäl i USA:s flotta | ||||||||||
Am. lönegrad | E-6 | E-5 | E-4 | |||||||
Mössmärke | ||||||||||
Ärmmärke/ Kragmärke | ||||||||||
Tjänstegrad Yrkesbefattning | Petty Officer First Class1 Boatswain's Mate First Class2 | Petty Officer Second Class1 Boatswain's Mate Second Class2 | Petty Officer Third Class1 Boatswain's Mate Third Class' 2 | |||||||
Förkortning | PO1 | PO2 | PO3 | |||||||
NATO-kod[2] | OR-6 | OR-5 | OR-4 | |||||||
Motsvarar i Finlands marin | Översergeant | Sergeant | Undersergeant | |||||||
Motsvarar i Sveriges flotta | 1:e sergeant | Sergeant | Korpral | |||||||
1Vinklar med guld får bäras efter 12 års tjänstgöring under förutsättning att tjänstgöringen varit fri från disciplinära åtgärder som utdöms enligt Uniform Code of Military Justice. 2 Från grad E-4 till E-6 är dennes yrkesspecialisering och befattning avgörande för hur underofficeren eller underbefälet refereras till, e.x. en E-6 kan kallas för Boatswain's Mate First Class eller Legalman First Class etc. |
Yrkesbeteckningar för underofficerare och underbefäl
Underbefäl och underofficerare har både en tjänstegrad (engelska: rate) och en yrkesbenämning (engelska: rating) som sammantaget avspeglas visuellt på ärmens gradbeteckning och vilken avgör hur respektive person tilltalas samt omnämns i skrift.
Type | Aviation boatswain's mate Flygdäckspersonal | Air traffic controller Flygledare | Aviation machinist's mate Flygmotormekaniker | Aviation electrician's mate Flygelektriker | Aerographer's mate Meteorologassistent | Aviation structural mechanic Flygmekaniker | Aviation ordnanceman Vapentekniker för flyg | Aviation support equipment technician Flygbastekniker | |
Insignier | |||||||||
Förkortning | AB | AC | AD | AE | AG | AM | AO | AS | |
Aviation electronics technician Flygelelektrotekniker | Naval aircrewman Flygbesättning | Aviation maintenance administrationman Flygunderhållsförvaltare | Aircrew survival equipmentman Flygräddningsutrustare | Boatswain's mate Båtsman | Builder Byggarbetare | Construction electrician Byggelektriker | Construction mechanic Byggmekaniker | Culinary specialist Kökspersonal | |
AT | AW | AZ | PR | BM | BU | CE | CM | CS | |
Cryptologic technician Kryptotekniker | Damage controlman Skadereparatör | Electrician's mate Elektriker | Engineman Motortekniker | Engineering aide Byggingenjörsassistent | Equipment operator Maskinförare | Explosive Ordnance Disposal Ammunition och bombröjare | Electronics technician Elektrotekniker | Fire controlman Vapensystemtekniker | |
CT | DC | EM | EN | EA | EO | EOD | ET | FC | |
Fire control technician Vapensystemtekniker på ubåt | Gas turbine system technician Gasturbintekniker | Gunner's mate Artilleri och robottekniker | Hospital corpsman Sjukvårdsman | Hull maintenance technician Skrovunderhållstekniker | Intelligence specialist Underrättelsespecialist | Interior communications electrician Internkommunikationselektriker | Information systems technician Informationssystemtekniker | Legalman Juristassistent | |
FT | GS | GM | HM | HT | IS | IC | IT | LM | |
Logistics specialist Logistikspecialist | Machinery repairman Maskinreparatör | Machinist's mate Maskinpersonal | Master-at-arms Militärpolis | Mass communications specialist Journalist | Missile technician Robottekniker (kärnvapen) | Musician Musiker | Navy counselor Karriärrådgivare | Navy diver Dykare | |
LS | MR | MM | MA | MC | MT | MU | NC | ND | |
Operations specialist Stridsledningsspecialist | Personnel specialist Personalspecialist | Quartermaster Navigationsspecialist | Religious program specialist Själavårdsbiträde | Retail Services Specialist Detaljhandelsspecialist | Special warfare boat operator Specialförbandens båtbesättning | Special warfare operator Specialförbandsoperatör | Sonar technician Sonartekniker | Steelworker Stålarbetare | |
OS | PS | QM | RP | RS | SB | SO | ST | SW | |
Torpedoman's mate Torpedtekniker | Utilitiesman VVS-arbetare | Yeoman Skrivbiträde | |||||||
TM | UT | YN | |||||||
Sjömansgrader i USA:s flotta | |||
Am. lönegrad | E-3 | E-2 | E-1 |
Ärmmärke | Finns ej | ||
Tjänstegrad | Seaman/Hospitalman | Seaman Apprentice/Hospitalman Apprentice | Seaman Recruit/Hospitalman Recruit |
Förkortning | SN/HN | SA/HA | SR/HR |
Ärmmärke | Finns ej | ||
Tjänstegrad | Fireman | Fireman Apprentice | Fireman Recruit |
Förkortning | FN | FA | FR |
Ärmmärke | Finns ej | ||
Tjänstegrad | Airman | Airman Apprentice | Airman Recruit |
Förkortning | AN | AA | AR |
Ärmmärke | Finns ej | ||
Tjänstegrad | Constructionman | Constructionman Apprentice | Constructionman Recruit |
Förkortning | CN | CA | CR |
NATO-kod[2] | OR-3 | OR-2 | OR-1 |
Motsvarar i Finlands marin | Övermatros | Matros | Rekryt |
Motsvarar i Sveriges flotta | Vicekorpral | Sjöman 1kl | Sjöman |
Facktecken (urval)
Flygande personal
Navy SEAL (officer)
Sjögående personal
Daglig dräkt
Se även
- Den här artikeln är helt eller delvis baserad på material från engelskspråkiga Wikipedia, United States Navy officer rank insignia, tidigare version.
- Den här artikeln är helt eller delvis baserad på material från engelskspråkiga Wikipedia, Scrambled egg (uniform), tidigare version.
- Den här artikeln är helt eller delvis baserad på material från engelskspråkiga Wikipedia, List of United States Navy enlisted rates, tidigare version.
- Den här artikeln är helt eller delvis baserad på material från engelskspråkiga Wikipedia, List of United States Navy ratings, tidigare version.
- Den här artikeln är helt eller delvis baserad på material från engelskspråkiga Wikipedia, Badges of the United States Navy, tidigare version.
- ^ [a b] 37 U.S.C. § 201
- ^ [a b c d e] ”NATO CODES FOR GRADES OF MILITARY PERSONNEL” (på engelska). STANAG 2116. Nato. 13 januari 2021. Läst 26 februari 2021.
- ^ 10 U.S.C. § 8165
- ^ ”Navy Full-Time Support (FTS) Program”. ”Navy Full-Time Support (FTS) – This program allows Reservists to perform full-time Active Duty service in positions that support the training and administration of the Navy Reserve Force. Members receive the same pay, allowances and benefits as Active Duty members. One advantage of FTS over regular Active Duty is that members typically serve for longer periods at any assigned locations, up to and including a full career on active duty (albeit as a reservist serving on active duty for the specific purpose of providing support and expertise to integrate the active and reserve components.”
- ^ ”DEFENSE MANPOWER REQUIREMENTS REPORT Fiscal Year 2020” (på engelska) (Table 4-1b: Navy Active Duty Demographic Data). Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower & Reserve Affairs. 2019. sid. 95. Läst 19 november 2022.
- ^ ”DEFENSE MANPOWER REQUIREMENTS REPORT Fiscal Year 2015” (på engelska) (Table 4-1b: Navy Active Duty Ethnicity, Race, and Gender). Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Readiness & Force Management. 2014. sid. 70. Läst 19 november 2022.
- ^ 10 U.S.C. § 8213
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United States Navy Chief Warrant Officer 4 insignia
US Navy Engineering Aid (EA). A leveling rod with the measuring scale to the front.
US Navy Construction Electrician (CE). A spark superimposed, at an angle, on a telephone pole; lower end of spark to the front.
US Navy Master Chief Petty Officer shoulder patch rate insignia (good conduct variation)
US Navy Culinary Specialist (CS). Crossed keys and quill superimposed upon an open ledger.
U.S. Navy Staff Corps, Law Community device
US Navy Cryptologic Technician (CT). Crossed quill and spark, both pointing down; pen on top with nib to the front.
US Navy Aviation Support Equipment Technician (AS). A winged maul and spark, head of maul up; spark points down and to the front.
Författare/Upphovsman: Docarredondo, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
HM1 (FMF/SW) Luis E. Fonseca, Jr. in June 2012.
United States Navy Medical Supply Corps insignia
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New Image
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Submarine Officer badge
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Collar, shoulder, and sleeve rank insignia for a Vice Admiral in the United States Navy.
Collar, shoulder, and sleeve rank insignia for a Lieutenant Commander in the United States Navy.
United States Navy Warrant Officer 1 insignia
United States Navy Medical Corps collar insignia, United States Navy Data Specialty Insignia — Staff Corps
Collar, shoulder, and sleeve rank insignia for an unrestricted line Captain in the United States Navy.
US Navy Legalman (LN). A vertical mill rinde over a quill; nib of pen down and to the left.
Collar, shoulder, and sleeve rank insignia for a Lieutenant, Junior Grade in the United States Navy.
CMDCM, red stripes
United States Navy Chaplain Corps (Muslim) collar insignia, United States Navy Data Specialty Insignia — Staff Corps
U.S. Navy Adm. William_H._McRaven, commander of the U.S. Special Operations Command, speaks to special operations commanders during a commander's call at King Auditorium on Hurlburt Field, Fla., Jan. 30, 2012. The admiral is the ninth commander of USSOCOM, headquartered at MacDill Air Force Base, Fla.
United States Navy shoulder rank insignia for a Captain.
US Navy Mass Communications Specialist (MC). Globe with a satellite in orbit and four superimposed lightning bolts.
US Navy Aviation Warfare Systems Operator (AW). Winged crossed electron orbits, canted with a lightning bolt passing through toward waves.
Collar, shoulder, and sleeve rank insignia for a Rear admiral (upper half) in the United States Navy.
Male naval officers wear the visor hat. The insignia in the center of the hat is an eagle on top of a shield in front of two crossed anchors. This designates the person wearing the hat as an officer. Like the service hat, the visor on a junior officer's hat is plain black and senior officers have gold oak leaves on the visor called "scrambled eggs."[1]
US Navy Aviation Structural Mechanic (AM). Winged crossed mauls; heads of mauls up.
United States Navy shoulder rank insignia for a Admiral.
Engineering Duty Officer
Collar, shoulder, and sleeve rank insignia for an Ensign in the United States Navy.
United States Navy Surface Warfare Officer badge
United States Navy shoulder rank insignia for a Lieutenant, Junior Grade.
United States Navy Chief Warrant Officer 5 insignia
United States Navy shoulder rank insignia for a Rear admiral (lower half).
MONTEREY, Calif. (Nov. 5, 2009) Sailors from the Center for Information Dominance Detachment Monterey stand in formation while waiting to be inspected in their service dress blue uniform. Navy units throughout California initiated their seasonal uniform shift Nov. 2 from whites to blues. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Steven L. Shepard/Released)
USN CPO cap device
United States Navy: A silver collar device of Petty Officer First Class (PO1)
US Navy Aviation Electronics Technician (AT). Winged helium atom, surrounded by the revolving electrons, one horizontal and one vertical.
United States Navy shoulder rank insignia for a Lieutenant Commander.
US Navy Religious/Program Specialist (RP). A rose compass, a globe, and an anchor.
Collar, shoulder, and sleeve rank insignia for a Commander in the United States Navy.
US Navy Aerographer's Mate (AG). A winged circle with vertical, feathered arrow through it. One-half of the circle is filled in and to the front.
US Navy Builder (BU). Carpenter's square, points up, superimposed on plumb bob.
United States Navy shoulder rank insignia for a Lieutenant.
U.S. Navy Submarine (Enlisted) warfare pin.
Male naval officers wear the visor hat. The insignia in the center of the hat is an eagle on top of a shield in front of two crossed anchors. This designates the person wearing the hat as an officer. Like the service hat, the visor on a junior officer's hat is plain black and senior officers have gold oak leaves on the visor called "scrambled eggs."[1]
Naval Flight Officer insignia, worn by non-pilot air crew officers in the U.S. Navy. See U.S. Navy Uniform Regulations: 5201 - Breast Insignia.
Navy Special Warfare Trident insignia worn by qualified U.S. Navy SEALs. Navy SEALs are named after the environment in which they operate, the Sea, Air, and Land, and are the foundation of Naval Special Warfare combat forces. They are organized, trained and equipped to conduct a variety of Special Operations missions in all operational environments. Today’s SEALs trace their history from the elite frogmen of World War II. Training is extremely demanding, both mentally and physically, and produces some of the world’s best maritime warriors.
United States Navy Data Specialty Insignia — Staff Corps
GULFPORT, Miss. (Nov. 13, 2008) Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 11 stands by for a service dress blues uniform inspection in preparation for the seasonal uniform switch. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Erick S. Holmes/Released)
USN SCPO cap device
US Navy Aviation Electrician's Mate (AE). A winged globe, with five embroidered latitudinal lines and five embroidered longitudinal lines.
USN MCPO cap device
Male naval officers wear the visor hat. The insignia in the center of the hat is an eagle on top of a shield in front of two crossed anchors. This designates the person wearing the hat as an officer. Like the service hat, the visor on a junior officer's hat is plain black and senior officers have gold oak leaves on the visor called "scrambled eggs."[1]
US Navy Aviation Maintenance Administrationman (AZ). A winged two-bladed propeller centered on an open book.
United States Navy shoulder rank insignia for a Rear admiral (upper half).
US Navy Steelworker (SW). An I-beam suspended from a hook; open side of hook to the front.
United States Navy Chief Warrant Officer 3 insignia
United States Navy shoulder rank insignia for a Commander.
US Navy Fire Controlman (FC). A range finder with spark on each side that faces inward.
US Navy Senior Chief Petty Officer shoulder patch rate insignia (good conduct variation)
US Navy Special Warfare Operator (SO). Flintlock pistol superimposed onto an anchor and trident
Collar, shoulder, and sleeve rank insignia for a Fleet Admiral in the United States Navy.
Collar, shoulder, and sleeve rank insignia for a Rear admiral (lower half) in the United States Navy.
United States Navy Chaplain Corps (Christian) collar insignia, United States Navy Data Specialty Insignia — Staff Corps
US Navy Personnelman Specialist(PN). Crossed manual and quill; manual upper most; pen nib down and to the front.
Naval Aviator insignia, worn by pilots in the U.S. Navy. See U.S. Navy Uniform Regulations: 5201 - Breast Insignia.
United States Navy Chief Warrant Officer 2 insignia
United States Navy Nurse Corps collar insignia, United States Navy Data Specialty Insignia — Staff Corps]
United States Navy Jewish Chaplain collar insignia, United States Navy Data Specialty Insignia — Staff Corps]
U.S. Navy Line Officer device
United States Navy Professional Aviation Maintenance Officer (PAMO) warfare designator. The PAMO qualification recognizes the significant contributions made by aviation ground officers supporting the Navy's aviation mission and war fighting capabilities. The PAMO community is comprised of aerospace maintenance duty officers, aviation maintenance limited duty officers, and aviation maintenance chief warrant officers.
United States Navy Dental Corps collar insignia, United States Navy Data Specialty Insignia — Staff Corps
United States Navy shoulder rank insignia for a Vice Admiral.
US Navy Electrician's Mate (EM). A globe, with five latitudinal and five longitudinal lines.
Mountain View, Calif. (Jan. 17, 2012) Retired Chief Petty Officer Carl E. Clark delivers remarks after Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) the honorable Ray Mabus presented him with the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation medal with Combat "V" Device. Mabus presented the medal to the 95-year-old Clark for his actions during World War II. (U.S. Navy photo by Chief Mass Communication Specialist Sam Shavers/Released)
Collar, shoulder, and sleeve rank insignia for an Admiral in the United States Navy.
Författare/Upphovsman: Greenarch, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Collar, sleeve, and shoulder rank and specialty insingnia for a Captain in the Judge Advocate General's Corps.[1]
US Navy Sonar Technician (ST). Earphones with arrow in horizontal position, point to the front.
CDR Jeffrey W. Hickox, U.S. Navy. Executive Officer, PCU Zumwalt 2013. Official U.S. Navy photograph.
United States Navy Supply Corps insignia
US Navy Ship's Serviceman (SH). Crossed key and quill; stem of key and pen nib down; pen to be uppermost; web and pin of key to the front.
US Navy Operations Specialist (OS). An oscilliscope on an arrow; arrow pointing diagonally upward and to the front.
US Navy Hull Maintenance Technician (HT). Crossed fire axe and maul, handles down; fire axe blade to front, on a carpenter's square that points down.
US Navy Machinery Repairman (MR). Micrometer and gear; handle of micrometer to the rear, open parts of jaws holding gear. The device is worn with the handle parallel to the upper edge of the left arm of the chevron.
A collar device of a United States Navy (USN) Petty Officer First Class (PO1).
Collar, shoulder, and sleeve rank insignia for a Lieutenant in the United States Navy.
US Navy Special Warfare Boat Operator (SB). Crossed cutlass and cocked flintlock pistol superimposed onto an anchor.
United States Navy: Petty Officer Third Class (PO3) insignia
The corps device for Buddhist Chaplains is the dharmachakra, which translates to "Dharma Wheel." It was created by The Institute of Heraldry in 1990 and first used in the Navy in 2004 with the commissioning of the service's first Buddhist Chaplain. Image was extracted from U.S. Navy Uniform Regulations, Chapter 4, Rank and Rate Insignia.
United States Navy shoulder rank insignia for an Ensign.
US Navy Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD). Contact mine superimposed on a crossed torpedo and aircraft bomb.
US Navy Missile Technician (MT). A guided missile surrounded by an electronic wave.
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (June 13, 2011) Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON) Rick D. West speaks at a wreath laying ceremony honoring submarine veterans at Chattanooga National Cemetery during a Chattanooga Navy Week event. Navy Weeks are intended to show Americans the investment they have made in their Navy and increase awareness in cities that do not have a significant Navy presence. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Abraham Essenmacher/Released)