Marylands guvernör

Marylands guvernör
Marylands flagga
Wes Moore
sedan 18 januari 2023
ResidensGovernment House, Annapolis
SäteMaryland State House, Annapolis
Utses avfolkvald
Mandatperiod4 år
obegränsat antal omval men högst två i följd
Förste innehavareThomas Johnson
StällföreträdareMarylands viceguvernör
Government House i Annapolis är guvernörens officiella residens.[1]
Maryland State House inrymmer kontor för guvernören och viceguvernören samt är mötesplats för Marylands generalförsamling.

Marylands guvernör (engelska: Governor of Maryland) leder den verkställande grenen av Marylands delstatsstyre. Den verkställande grenen av delstatsstyret i Maryland består även av viceguvernören och underlydande myndigheter.[2]

Guvernören är folkvald och väljs till en mandatperiod om 4 år. Innehavaren kan väljas om obegränsat antal gånger, men kan enbart tjänstgöra som guvernör under två mandatperioder i följd.[2] Ämbetet är fastställt i artikel 2 av Marylands konstitution.[3] Guvernörens kontor är beläget i Maryland State House som ligger tvärs över gatan från residenset i Annapolis.

Wes Moore är Marylands guvernör sedan 2023.

Marylands guvernörer från 1777 till nutid

Marylands guvernörer 1777–
1.Thomas Johnsoninget1777–1779[4]
2.Thomas Sim LeeFederalist1779–1782[4]
3.William Pacainget1782–1785[4]
4.William Smallwoodinget1785–1788[4]
5.John Eager HowardFederalist1788–1791[4]
6.George Plateringet1791–1792[4]
tf.James BriceFederalist1792–1792[4]
2.Thomas Sim LeeFederalist1792–1794[4]
7.John Hoskins StoneFederalist1794–1797[4]
8.John HenryDemokrat-republikan1797–1798[4]
9.Benjamin OgleFederalist1798–1801[4]
10.John Francis MercerDemokrat-republikan1801–1803[4]
11.Robert BowieDemokrat-republikan1803–1806[4]
12.Robert WrightDemokrat-republikan1806–1809[4]
13.Edward LloydDemokrat-republikan1809–1811[4]
11.Robert BowieDemokrat-republikan1811–1812[4]
14.Levin WinderFederalist1812–1816[4]
15.Charles Carnan RidgelyFederalist1816–1819[4]
16.Charles GoldsboroughFederalist1819–1819[4]
17.Samuel SpriggDemokrat-republikan1819–1822[4]
18.Samuel StevensDemokrat-republikan1822–1826[4]
19.Joseph KentDemokrat-republikan1826–1829[4]
20.Daniel MartinNationalrepublikan1829–1830[4]
21.Thomas King CarrollDemokrat1830–1831[4]
20.Daniel MartinNationalrepublikan1831–1831[4]
22.George HowardNationalrepublikan1831–1833[4]
23.James ThomasWhig1833–1836[4]
24.Thomas VeazeyWhig1836–1839[4]
25.William GrasonDemokrat1839–1842[5]
26.Francis ThomasDemokrat1842–1845[5]
27.Thomas PrattWhig1845–1848[5]
28.Philip Francis ThomasDemokrat1848–1851[5]
29.Enoch Louis LoweDemokrat1851–1854[5]
30.Thomas Watkins LigonDemokrat1854–1858[6]
31.Thomas Holliday HicksKnownothings/Republikan1858–1862[6]
32.Augustus BradfordUnionist1862–1866[6]
33.Thomas SwannDemokrat1866–1869[7]
34.Oden BowieDemokrat1869–1872[8]
35.William Pinkney WhyteDemokrat1872–1874[8]
36.James Black GroomeDemokrat1874–1876[8]
37.John Lee CarrollDemokrat1876–1880[8]
38.William Thomas HamiltonDemokrat1880–1884[8]
39.Robert Milligan McLaneDemokrat1884–1885[8]
40.Henry LloydDemokrat1885–1888[8]
41.Elihu Emory JacksonDemokrat1888–1892[8]
42.Frank BrownDemokrat1892–1896[8]
43.Lloyd LowndesRepublikan1896–1900[8]
44.John Walter SmithDemokrat1900–1904[8]
45.Edwin WarfieldDemokrat1904–1908[8]
46.Austin Lane CrothersDemokrat1908–1912[8]
47.Phillips Lee GoldsboroughRepublikan1912–1916[8]
48.Emerson HarringtonDemokrat1916–1920[8]
49.Albert RitchieDemokrat1920–1935[8]
50.Harry NiceRepublikan1935–1939[8]
51.Herbert O'ConorDemokrat1939–1947[8]
52.William Preston LaneDemokrat1947–1951[8]
53.Theodore McKeldinRepublikan1951–1959[8]
54.J. Millard TawesDemokrat1959–1967[8]
55.Spiro AgnewRepublikan1967–1969[8]
56.Marvin MandelDemokrat1969–1979[8]
tf.Blair Lee IIIDemokrat1977–1979[8]
57.Harry HughesDemokrat1979–1987[8]
58.William Donald SchaeferDemokrat1987–1995[8]
59.Parris GlendeningDemokrat1995–2003[8]
60.Bob EhrlichRepublikan2003–2007[8]
61.Martin O’MalleyDemokrat2007–2015[8]
62.Larry HoganRepublikan2015–2023[8]
63.Wes MooreDemokrat2023–sittande

Se även


Den här artikeln är helt eller delvis baserad på material från engelskspråkiga Wikipedia, Governor of Maryland, tidigare version.
Den här artikeln är helt eller delvis baserad på material från engelskspråkiga Wikipedia, List of governors of Maryland, tidigare version.


  1. ^ ”Welcome to Government House” (på engelska). Maryland State Archives. 22 juni 2020. Läst 15 augusti 2021. 
  2. ^ [a b] ”Guide to Law Online: U.S. Maryland” (på engelska). Research Guides. Library of Congress. Läst 15 augusti 2021. ”The Maryland executive branch consists of the governor, lieutenant governor, and the state agencies. In Maryland, the governor can be elected for two consecutive four-year terms. Maryland's governor has no term limits.” 
  3. ^ ”CONSTITUTION OF MARYLAND ARTICLE II EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT.” (på engelska). Maryland State Archives. Läst 14 augusti 2021. 
  4. ^ [a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab] ”Governors of Maryland, 1777-1839” (på engelska). Historical List. Archives of Maryland. Läst 15 augusti 2021. 
  5. ^ [a b c d e] ”Governors of Maryland, 1839-1854” (på engelska). Historical List. Archives of Maryland. Läst 15 augusti 2021. ”Governors Elected by the People under the Constitutional Amendments of 1838” 
  6. ^ [a b c] ”Governors of Maryland, 1854-1866” (på engelska). Historical List. Archives of Maryland. Läst 15 augusti 2021. ”Governors Elected by the People under the Constitution of 1851” 
  7. ^ ”Governors of Maryland, 1866-1869” (på engelska). Historical List. Archives of Maryland. Läst 15 augusti 2021. ”Governors Elected by the People under the Constitution of 1864” 
  8. ^ [a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad] ”Governors of Maryland, 1869--” (på engelska). Historical List. Archives of Maryland. Läst 14 augusti 2021. ”Governors Elected by the People under the Constitution of 1867” 

Externa länkar

Media som används på denna webbplats

Edwin Warfield of Maryland, sitting.jpg
Edwin Warfield, governor of Maryland. From the Library of Congress.
Governor lloyd lowndes of maryland.jpg
Florence MacKubin  (1857–1918)  wikidata:Q16059497
Florence MacKubin
Beskrivning amerikansk målare och konstnär
Datum för födelse/död 19 maj 1857 / 1857 Redigera detta på Wikidata 2 februari 1918 / 1918 Redigera detta på Wikidata
Födelseort/dödsort Florens Redigera detta på Wikidata Baltimore Redigera detta på Wikidata
creator QS:P170,Q16059497

Date: Unknown
Governor oden bowie of maryland.jpg
Oden Bowie, former Governor of Maryland.
Artist: Katherine Walton (d. 1928)
Date: 1912
Medium: Oil on canvas
Dimensions: 24" x 30"

Wes Moore Official Governor Portrait.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Maryland State Government, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Wes Moore's Official Portrait as Governor of Maryland, 2023.
Thomas Swann of Maryland, sitting.jpg
Thomas Swann (1809-1883), Governor of Maryland from January 10, 1866 to January 13, 1869. Swann is credited with leading the political effort to end slavery in Maryland, which required a state referendum because the Emancipation Proclamation did not apply to the state.
Subject: en:John Eager Howard
Artist: en:Charles Willson Peale (1741-1827) After a portrait by en:Rembrandt Peale.
Date: 1823
Medium: Oil on canvas
Dimensions: 24" x 29"
Governor O'Malley Portrait.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: MarylandGovPics, Licens: CC BY 2.0
Picture of Governor Martin O'Malley of Maryland
Robert Bowie portrait.jpg
Robert Bowie, governor of Maryland.
Medium: Oil on canvas
Dimensions: 22" x 27"
Location: The State House, First Floor, Room 108
George Howard (Maryland Governor).jpg
George Howard (Maryland Governor)
Marvin Mandel (MD).png
Photo of Marvin Mandel, former Governor of Maryland.
Parris Glendening speaking, September 2006 (cropped).jpg
Former Maryland governor Parris Glendening speaking about how smart growth principles can be used by existing communities to protect against natural disasters.
William Preston Lane.jpg
William Preston Lane, Governor of Maryland
MD Governor Mansion 09.JPG
Maryland Governor's Mansion
James Black Groome, sitting.jpg
U.S. Senator and Governor James Black Groome of Maryland.
Spiro Agnew (MD).png
Photo of Spiro Agnew, former Vice President of the United States and former Governor of Maryland.
William paca.jpg
William Paca, former Governor of Maryland and signer of the Declaration of Independence.
Augustus Williamson Bradford - photo portrait standing.jpg
Augustus Williamson Bradford (1806-1881), former Governor of Maryland in the United States.
Benjamin Ogle I 1749-1809.jpg
Title:Benjamin Ogle.

Author/Artist:Anonymous, British School, active 18th century Creation Date:ca. 1768 Description:Graphic reproduction(s) with documentation of a painting. 24 x 20 in. Provenance:The Misses Tayloe, "Mt. Airy," Richmond County, Virginia, great-great-granddaughters of the subject. Current Repository:The Misses Tayloe, Richmond County, Virginia, United States, private.

Attributed by the Frick Library to "Anonymous, British School, active 18th century" and notes family tradition recorded in 1922 attributing it to Sir Joshua Reynolds.

This appears to be the same painting attributed to Peter Falconet (Pierre-Etienne Falconet) in a display in the Belair Stable Museum. Probably the same in the Catalog of American Portraits:
John Hoskins Stone.jpg
:Subject: John Hoskins Stone
Medium: Oil on canvas
Dimensions: 29 x 24"
Austin Lane Crothers, photograph of head with top hat.jpg
Austin Lane Crothers (1860-1912), former Governor of Maryland in the United States
Thomas King Carroll (Maryland Governor).jpg
Thomas King Carroll (Maryland Governor)
John Lee Carroll (Maryland Governor).jpg
John Lee Carroll (Maryland Governor)
Charles Carnan Ridgely.jpg
Charles Carnan Ridgely
Florence MacKubin  (1857–1918)  wikidata:Q16059497
Florence MacKubin
Beskrivning amerikansk målare och konstnär
Datum för födelse/död 19 maj 1857 / 1857 Redigera detta på Wikidata 2 februari 1918 / 1918 Redigera detta på Wikidata
Födelseort/dödsort Florens Redigera detta på Wikidata Baltimore Redigera detta på Wikidata
Robert ehrlich speaking at healthierUS summit cropped.jpg
Maryland governor Robert Ehrlich at 2nd National Steps to a HealthierUS Summit.
Thomas Johnson (governor).jpeg
Portrait of Thomas Johnson (governor) by Charles Willson Peale in the Maryland State Archives, on display at Government House, Annapolis. The portrait was engraved by Joseph Ives Pease and published in c. 1840.
J Millard Tawes.jpg
Abbie Rowe, scanned from original 8x10 file print on DAMS8 by DD.AR7278-B4 June 1962Poultry Tariff Meeting, 12:20PM.Please credit "Abbie Rowe. White House Photographs. John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston"
Maryland State House from College Ave.JPG
Författare/Upphovsman: Martin Falbisoner, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Maryland State House as seen from College Ave
Harry W. Nice circa 1918 (cropped).jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Bain, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Harry W. Nice circa 1918
Maryland Governor Harry Hughes speaking at Fort Belvoir, Feb 16, 1985.jpg

"Maryland Governor Harry Hughes speaks at reactivation ceremonies for the 29th Infantry Division (Light). Event took place in February 1985.

Larry Hogan 2020.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Maryland GovPics, Licens: CC BY 2.0
Governor Hogan Receives Appointments in the Green Bag by Joe Andrucyk at Governor's Office. Maryland State House, Annapolis MD 21401.
Governor James Brice - Charles Willson Peale.jpg
Baltimore Sun The Baltimore Sun

Baltimore, Maryland 07 Jul 1974, Sun • Page 225:

"The portrait of James Brice (the first ever to be published) with his eldest daughter Julianna Jennings Brice on his lap...was photographed from a 1788 painting considered to be by Charles Willson Peale. The original is now owned by James Brice's direct descendant...."
Henry Lloyd (Maryland Governor).jpg
Henry Lloyd (Maryland Governor)
MarylandGovnr (cropped).jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: תא"ל ניר מאור מוזיאון ההעפלה וחיל הים, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
עברית: מפקדי משלחת חיל הים נפגשים עם מושל מדינת מרילנד
Day One Executive Orders and Unreleased Budget Action (cropped).jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Maryland GovPics, Licens: CC BY 2.0
Governor Moore Signs Executive Orders and Announces Unreleased Budget Action by Patrick Siebert at 100 State Circle, Annapolis, MD 21401
Charles Goldsborough, 1802 painting.jpg
Charles Goldsborough, Governor and Congressman from Maryland.
William Grason (Maryland Governor).jpg
William Grason (Maryland Governor)
Samuel Stevens, Jr. (Maryland Governor).jpg
Samuel Stevens, Jr. (Maryland Governor)
Florence MacKubin  (1857–1918)  wikidata:Q16059497
Florence MacKubin
Beskrivning amerikansk målare och konstnär
Datum för födelse/död 19 maj 1857 / 1857 Redigera detta på Wikidata 2 februari 1918 / 1918 Redigera detta på Wikidata
Födelseort/dödsort Florens Redigera detta på Wikidata Baltimore Redigera detta på Wikidata