
Markerwaard ("Sydvästpoldern"), Cornelis Lelys plan (1891)

Markerwaard var namnet på en planerad men aldrig byggd polder i IJsselmeer, Nederländerna, intill Flevoland. Bygget av Markerwaard skulle ha lett till en nästan total torrläggning av vattenområdet Markermeer. Det avgjordes slutligen 2003 att Markerwaard inte skulle byggas.


Den här artikeln är helt eller delvis baserad på material från engelskspråkiga Wikipedia.

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Ontwerp Afsluiting Zuiderzee en Droogmaking Cornelis Lely 1891-1892.jpg
Design for the Closure of the Zuiderzee. This sketch design by Cornelis Lely (1891) was broadly the basis of the closure and partial reclamation of the Zuiderzee, as carried out by the Dienst Werken aan de Zuiderzee. However, the construction of the Afsluitdijk did not start until 1918. At the bottom of the map, the planned sequence of the land reclamation works is stated. Design for Closure of the Zuiderzee across Wieringen with partial embankment within that closure. - Scale 1:200,000. - [Zwolle : Heirs J.J. Tyll, 1892]. - 1 map: color lithography; 88x60cm. - Title top left. - Scale indication and scale stick of 20 Kilometers [= 10 cm] below the title. - North up. - Bottom right an explanation of characters in a frame. - Below outside the frame 12 schematic figures representing the sequence of drying. - In the new polders, the size in HA and the water level are indicated.