Margaret Hoelzer
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De olympiska ringarna, med genomskinlig bakgrund.
Camp Lemonnier hosted Olympic champions Michael Tinsley, Kelly Rulon, Margaret Hoelzer, and Kathleen Baker as part of an Armed Forces Entertainment tour to military installations Aug. 7-8, 2024.During their visit, the champions toured base, greeted service members, signed autographs and participated in question and answer sessions.Armed Forces Entertainment brings visitors and entertainers to U.S. troops and family members stationed overseas.Camp Lemonnier is an operational installation that enables U.S., allied and partner nation forces to be where they are needed to ensure security and protect U.S. interests. The installation provides world-class support for service members, transient U.S. assets and 36 local tenant commands. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Patricia Elkins)