
Straight track
 Mot Riihimäki, mot Kervo
Station on track
Unknown BSicon "STR+l"Unknown BSicon "ABZglr"
 Mot Kouvola, mot Heinola
Small non-passenger station on track
Small non-passenger station on track
Non-passenger station/depot on track
Non-passenger end station
77Lovisa hamnLvs

Lahtis-Lovisa-banan eller Lovisabanan är en del av det finländska järnvägsnätet. Banan är enkelspårig och sträcker sig från Lahtis till Lovisa och Valkom hamn. Bansträckningen breddades år 1960 från smalspår 750 mm till de statliga järnvägarnas bredspår 1 524 mm. Allmän trafik på den smalspåriga banan, som gick under namnet Lovisa-Vesijärvijärnvägen, inleddes 1904 och tillfällig trafik inleddes 1900.

Banan är inte elektrifierad och där finns ingen automatisk övervakning. Sedan 1981 sker endast godstransporter på bansträckan.

Media som används på denna webbplats

BSicon .svg
This is the "empty element" of the Icons for railway descriptions (see there for further informations). The original syntax of Wikipedia:Route diagram templates filled all empty spaces in a diagram with this file (all BSicons were 20x20px). For those cells where an icon ID was provided, some "File:BSicon_ID.svg" were used, and where there was no ID, "File:BSicon_.svg" was substituted. Many major Wikipedias has since upgraded the syntax so that just an empty table cell is used (incl. En.WP).
BSicon BHF.svg
station straight track
BSicon BST.svg
non-passenger stop track straight in use
BSicon KDSTe.svg
non-passenger head station, track ending
BSicon DST.svg
non-passenger station track straight in use
Railway from Lahti to Loviisa in Finland.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Uploaded by Ojp, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
The Lahti–Loviisa railway in Pennala, Orimattila, Finland. In 1900 a narrow gaugage railway between the cities Lahti and Loviisa was opened. The route was operated by a private company. Later the railway become state-owned and the gaugage was widened to 1,524 mm (5') in 1960.

Finland adopted a 5' railway from Russian empire when it was an autonomous Grand-dutchy. Originally 5' gaugage became to Russia because of an American engineer, who became from the Southern states of the USA.

The picture is taken in the village of Pennala in the municipality of Orimattila. Pennala has had a platform long time ago.
BSicon STR+l.svg
track to right against driving direction (with exact circles)
BSicon ABZglr.svg
junction straight to the left and right (with exact circles)