Lista över småplaneter
Detta är en lista över numrerade småplaneter.
I september 2018 hade man upptäckt 789 084 småplaneter varav 523 800 fått ett nummer och 21 778 hade fått ett namn.
Fem småplaneter har blivit klassificerade som dvärgplaneter. Fem objekt är samtidigt klassificerade som kometer och åtminstone två objekt misstänks vara borttappade raketsteg. (2009)[1]
De flesta upptäckta (443 023) småplaneterna finns i asteroidbältet. Innanför asteroidbältet har man upptäckt 6 163 aten-, apollo- och amor-asteroider. En asteroid (2002 AA29) går i samma omloppsbana som jorden. (2009)
Trojanska asteroider har sina omloppsbanor i planeternas lagrangepunkter. Man har upptäckt 4 stycken till Mars, 2 958 till Jupiter och 6 till Neptunus.(2009)
I kuiperbältet har man hittat 1 093 och bland centaurer och scattered disc 242 stycken. Sedna räknas här i en egen kategori av Oorts moln objekt.[2]
Lista över småplaneter
Listan är för lång för att rymmas på en enda sida. Se undersidor för detaljer.
1–500 | 10001–10500 | 20001–20500 | 30001–30500 | 40001–40500 |
501–1000 | 10501–11000 | 20501–21000 | 30501–31000 | 40501–41000 |
1001–1500 | 11001–11500 | 21001–21500 | 31001–31500 | 41001–41500 |
1501–2000 | 11501–12000 | 21501–22000 | 31501–32000 | 41501–42000 |
2001–2500 | 12001–12500 | 22001–22500 | 32001–32500 | 42001–42500 |
2501–3000 | 12501–13000 | 22501–23000 | 32501–33000 | 42501–43000 |
3001–3500 | 13001–13500 | 23001–23500 | 33001–33500 | 43001–43500 |
3501–4000 | 13501–14000 | 23501–24000 | 33501–34000 | 43501–44000 |
4001–4500 | 14001–14500 | 24001–24500 | 34001–34500 | 44001–44500 |
4501–5000 | 14501–15000 | 24501–25000 | 34501–35000 | 44501–45000 |
5001–5500 | 15001–15500 | 25001–25500 | 35001–35500 | 45001–45500 |
5501–6000 | 15501–16000 | 25501–26000 | 35501–36000 | 45501–46000 |
6001–6500 | 16001–16500 | 26001–26500 | 36001–36500 | 46001–46500 |
6501–7000 | 16501–17000 | 26501–27000 | 36501–37000 | 46501–47000 |
7001–7500 | 17001–17500 | 27001–27500 | 37001–37500 | 47001–47500 |
7501–8000 | 17501–18000 | 27501–28000 | 37501–38000 | 47501–48000 |
8001–8500 | 18001–18500 | 28001–28500 | 38001–38500 | 48001–48500 |
8501–9000 | 18501–19000 | 28501–29000 | 38501–39000 | 48501–49000 |
9001–9500 | 19001–19500 | 29001–29500 | 39001–39500 | 49001–49500 |
9501–10000 | 19501–20000 | 29501–30000 | 39501–40000 | 49501–50000 |
50001–50500 | 60001–60500 | 70001–70500 | 80001–80500 | 90001–90500 |
50501–51000 | 60501–61000 | 70501–71000 | 80501–81000 | 90501–91000 |
51001–51500 | 61001–61500 | 71001–71500 | 81001–81500 | 91001–91500 |
51501–52000 | 61501–62000 | 71501–72000 | 81501–82000 | 91501–92000 |
52001–52500 | 62001–62500 | 72001–72500 | 82001–82500 | 92001–92500 |
52501–53000 | 62501–63000 | 72501–73000 | 82501–83000 | 92501–93000 |
53001–53500 | 63001–63500 | 73001–73500 | 83001–83500 | 93001–93500 |
53501–54000 | 63501–64000 | 73501–74000 | 83501–84000 | 93501–94000 |
54001–54500 | 64001–64500 | 74001–74500 | 84001–84500 | 94001–94500 |
54501–55000 | 64501–65000 | 74501–75000 | 84501–85000 | 94501–95000 |
55001–55500 | 65001–65500 | 75001–75500 | 85001–85500 | 95001–95500 |
55501–56000 | 65501–66000 | 75501–76000 | 85501–86000 | 95501–96000 |
56001–56500 | 66001–66500 | 76001–76500 | 86001–86500 | 96001–96500 |
56501–57000 | 66501–67000 | 76501–77000 | 86501–87000 | 96501–97000 |
57001–57500 | 67001–67500 | 77001–77500 | 87001–87500 | 97001–97500 |
57501–58000 | 67501–68000 | 77501–78000 | 87501–88000 | 97501–98000 |
58001–58500 | 68001–68500 | 78001–78500 | 88001–88500 | 98001–98500 |
58501–59000 | 68501–69000 | 78501–79000 | 88501–89000 | 98501–99000 |
59001–59500 | 69001–69500 | 79001–79500 | 89001–89500 | 99001–99500 |
59501–60000 | 69501–70000 | 79501–80000 | 89501–90000 | 99501–100000 |
100001–100500 | 110001–110500 | 120001–120500 | 130001–130500 | 140001–140500 |
100501–101000 | 110501–111000 | 120501–121000 | 130501–131000 | 140501–141000 |
101001–101500 | 111001–111500 | 121001–121500 | 131001–131500 | 141001–141500 |
101501–102000 | 111501–112000 | 121501–122000 | 131501–132000 | 141501–142000 |
102001–102500 | 112001–112500 | 122001–122500 | 132001–132500 | 142001–142500 |
102501–103000 | 112501–113000 | 122501–123000 | 132501–133000 | 142501–143000 |
103001–103500 | 113001–113500 | 123001–123500 | 133001–133500 | 143001–143500 |
103501–104000 | 113501–114000 | 123501–124000 | 133501–134000 | 143501–144000 |
104001–104500 | 114001–114500 | 124001–124500 | 134001–134500 | 144001–144500 |
104501–105000 | 114501–115000 | 124501–125000 | 134501–135000 | 144501–145000 |
105001–105500 | 115001–115500 | 125001–125500 | 135001–135500 | 145001–145500 |
105501–106000 | 115501–116000 | 125501–126000 | 135501–136000 | 145501–146000 |
106001–106500 | 116001–116500 | 126001–126500 | 136001–136500 | 146001–146500 |
106501–107000 | 116501–117000 | 126501–127000 | 136501–137000 | 146501–147000 |
107001–107500 | 117001–117500 | 127001–127500 | 137001–137500 | 147001–147500 |
107501–108000 | 117501–118000 | 127501–128000 | 137501–138000 | 147501–148000 |
108001–108500 | 118001–118500 | 128001–128500 | 138001–138500 | 148001–148500 |
108501–109000 | 118501–119000 | 128501–129000 | 138501–139000 | 148501–149000 |
109001–109500 | 119001–119500 | 129001–129500 | 139001–139500 | 149001–149500 |
109501–110000 | 119501–120000 | 129501–130000 | 139501–140000 | 149501–150000 |
150001–150500 | 160001–160500 | 170001–170500 | 180001–180500 | 190001–190500 |
150501–151000 | 160501–161000 | 170501–171000 | 180501–181000 | 190501–191000 |
151001–151500 | 161001–161500 | 171001–171500 | 181001–181500 | 191001–191500 |
151501–152000 | 161501–162000 | 171501–172000 | 181501–182000 | 191501–192000 |
152001–152500 | 162001–162500 | 172001–172500 | 182001–182500 | 192001–192500 |
152501–153000 | 162501–163000 | 172501–173000 | 182501–183000 | 192501–193000 |
153001–153500 | 163001–163500 | 173001–173500 | 183001–183500 | 193001–193500 |
153501–154000 | 163501–164000 | 173501–174000 | 183501–184000 | 193501–194000 |
154001–154500 | 164001–164500 | 174001–174500 | 184001–184500 | 194001–194500 |
154501–155000 | 164501–165000 | 174501–175000 | 184501–185000 | 194501–195000 |
155001–155500 | 165001–165500 | 175001–175500 | 185001–185500 | 195001–195500 |
155501–156000 | 165501–166000 | 175501–176000 | 185501–186000 | 195501–196000 |
156001–156500 | 166001–166500 | 176001–176500 | 186001–186500 | 196001–196500 |
156501–157000 | 166501–167000 | 176501–177000 | 186501–187000 | 196501–197000 |
157001–157500 | 167001–167500 | 177001–177500 | 187001–187500 | 197001–197500 |
157501–158000 | 167501–168000 | 177501–178000 | 187501–188000 | 197501–198000 |
158001–158500 | 168001–168500 | 178001–178500 | 188001–188500 | 198001–198500 |
158501–159000 | 168501–169000 | 178501–179000 | 188501–189000 | 198501–199000 |
159001–159500 | 169001–169500 | 179001–179500 | 189001–189500 | 199001–199500 |
159501–160000 | 169501–170000 | 179501–180000 | 189501–190000 | 199501–200000 |
200001–200500 | 210001–210500 | 220001–220500 | 230001–230500 | 240001–240500 |
200501–201000 | 210501–211000 | 220501–221000 | 230501–231000 | 240501–241000 |
201001–201500 | 211001–211500 | 221001–221500 | 231001–231500 | 241001–241500 |
201501–202000 | 211501–212000 | 221501–222000 | 231501–232000 | 241501–242000 |
202001–202500 | 212001–212500 | 222001–222500 | 232001–232500 | 242001–242500 |
202501–203000 | 212501–213000 | 222501–223000 | 232501–233000 | 242501–243000 |
203001–203500 | 213001–213500 | 223001–223500 | 233001–233500 | 243001–243500 |
203501–204000 | 213501–214000 | 223501–224000 | 233501–234000 | 243501–244000 |
204001–204500 | 214001–214500 | 224001–224500 | 234001–234500 | 244001–244500 |
204501–205000 | 214501–215000 | 224501–225000 | 234501–235000 | 244501–245000 |
205001–205500 | 215001–215500 | 225001–225500 | 235001–235500 | 245001–245500 |
205501–206000 | 215501–216000 | 225501–226000 | 235501–236000 | 245501–246000 |
206001–206500 | 216001–216500 | 226001–226500 | 236001–236500 | 246001–246500 |
206501–207000 | 216501–217000 | 226501–227000 | 236501–237000 | 246501–247000 |
207001–207500 | 217001–217500 | 227001–227500 | 237001–237500 | 247001–247500 |
207501–208000 | 217501–218000 | 227501–228000 | 237501–238000 | 247501–248000 |
208001–208500 | 218001–218500 | 228001–228500 | 238001–238500 | 248001–248500 |
208501–209000 | 218501–219000 | 228501–229000 | 238501–239000 | 248501–249000 |
209001–209500 | 219001–219500 | 229001–229500 | 239001–239500 | 249001–249500 |
209501–210000 | 219501–220000 | 229501–230000 | 239501–240000 | 249501–250000 |
250001–250500 | 260001–260500 | 270001–270500 | 280001–280500 | 290001–290500 |
250501–251000 | 260501–261000 | 270501–271000 | 280501–281000 | 290501–291000 |
251001–251500 | 261001–261500 | 271001–271500 | 281001–281500 | 291001–291500 |
251501–252000 | 261501–262000 | 271501–272000 | 281501–282000 | 291501–292000 |
252001–252500 | 262001–262500 | 272001–272500 | 282001–282500 | 292001–292500 |
252501–253000 | 262501–263000 | 272501–273000 | 282501–283000 | 292501–293000 |
253001–253500 | 263001–263500 | 273001–273500 | 283001–283500 | 293001–293500 |
253501–254000 | 263501–264000 | 273501–274000 | 283501–284000 | 293501–294000 |
254001–254500 | 264001–264500 | 274001–274500 | 284001–284500 | 294001–294500 |
254501–255000 | 264501–265000 | 274501–275000 | 284501–285000 | 294501–295000 |
255001–255500 | 265001–265500 | 275001–275500 | 285001–285500 | 295001–295500 |
255501–256000 | 265501–266000 | 275501–276000 | 285501–286000 | 295501–296000 |
256001–256500 | 266001–266500 | 276001–276500 | 286001–286500 | 296001–296500 |
256501–257000 | 266501–267000 | 276501–277000 | 286501–287000 | 296501–297000 |
257001–257500 | 267001–267500 | 277001–277500 | 287001–287500 | 297001–297500 |
257501–258000 | 267501–268000 | 277501–278000 | 287501–288000 | 297501–298000 |
258001–258500 | 268001–268500 | 278001–278500 | 288001–288500 | 298001–298500 |
258501–259000 | 268501–269000 | 278501–279000 | 288501–289000 | 298501–299000 |
259001–259500 | 269001–269500 | 279001–279500 | 289001–289500 | 299001–299500 |
259501–260000 | 269501–270000 | 279501–280000 | 289501–290000 | 299501–300000 |
300001–300500 | 310001–310500 | 320001–320500 | 330001–330500 | 340001–340500 |
300501–301000 | 310501–311000 | 320501–321000 | 330501–331000 | 340501–341000 |
301001–301500 | 311001–311500 | 321001–321500 | 331001–331500 | 341001–341500 |
301501–302000 | 311501–312000 | 321501–322000 | 331501–332000 | 341501–342000 |
302001–302500 | 312001–312500 | 322001–322500 | 332001–332500 | 342001–342500 |
302501–303000 | 312501–313000 | 322501–323000 | 332501–333000 | 342501–343000 |
303001–303500 | 313001–313500 | 323001–323500 | 333001–333500 | 343001–343500 |
303501–304000 | 313501–314000 | 323501–324000 | 333501–334000 | 343501–344000 |
304001–304500 | 314001–314500 | 324001–324500 | 334001–334500 | 344001–344500 |
304501–305000 | 314501–315000 | 324501–325000 | 334501–335000 | 344501–345000 |
305001–305500 | 315001–315500 | 325001–325500 | 335001–335500 | 345001–345500 |
305501–306000 | 315501–316000 | 325501–326000 | 335501–336000 | 345501–346000 |
306001–306500 | 316001–316500 | 326001–326500 | 336001–336500 | 346001–346500 |
306501–307000 | 316501–317000 | 326501–327000 | 336501–337000 | 346501–347000 |
307001–307500 | 317001–317500 | 327001–327500 | 337001–337500 | 347001–347500 |
307501–308000 | 317501–318000 | 327501–328000 | 337501–338000 | 347501–348000 |
308001–308500 | 318001–318500 | 328001–328500 | 338001–338500 | 348001–348500 |
308501–309000 | 318501–319000 | 328501–329000 | 338501–339000 | 348501–349000 |
309001–309500 | 319001–319500 | 329001–329500 | 339001–339500 | 349001–349500 |
309501–310000 | 319501–320000 | 329501–330000 | 339501–340000 | 349501–350000 |
350001–350500 | 360001–360500 | 370001–370500 | 380001–380500 | 390001–390500 |
350501–351000 | 360501–361000 | 370501–371000 | 380501–381000 | 390501–391000 |
351001–351500 | 361001–361500 | 371001–371500 | 381001–381500 | 391001–391500 |
351501–352000 | 361501–362000 | 371501–372000 | 381501–382000 | 391501–392000 |
352001–352500 | 362001–362500 | 372001–372500 | 382001–382500 | 392001–392500 |
352501–353000 | 362501–363000 | 372501–373000 | 382501–383000 | 392501–393000 |
353001–353500 | 363001–363500 | 373001–373500 | 383001–383500 | 393001–393500 |
353501–354000 | 363501–364000 | 373501–374000 | 383501–384000 | 393501–394000 |
354001–354500 | 364001–364500 | 374001–374500 | 384001–384500 | 394001–394500 |
354501–355000 | 364501–365000 | 374501–375000 | 384501–385000 | 394501–395000 |
355001–355500 | 365001–365500 | 375001–375500 | 385001–385500 | 395001–395500 |
355501–356000 | 365501–366000 | 375501–376000 | 385501–386000 | 395501–396000 |
356001–356500 | 366001–366500 | 376001–376500 | 386001–386500 | 396001–396500 |
356501–357000 | 366501–367000 | 376501–377000 | 386501–387000 | 396501–397000 |
357001–357500 | 367001–367500 | 377001–377500 | 387001–387500 | 397001–397500 |
357501–358000 | 367501–368000 | 377501–378000 | 387501–388000 | 397501–398000 |
358001–358500 | 368001–368500 | 378001–378500 | 388001–388500 | 398001–398500 |
358501–359000 | 368501–369000 | 378501–379000 | 388501–389000 | 398501–399000 |
359001–359500 | 369001–369500 | 379001–379500 | 389001–389500 | 399001–399500 |
359501–360000 | 369501–370000 | 379501–380000 | 389501–390000 | 399501–400000 |
400001–400500 | 410001–410500 | 420001–420500 | 430001–430500 | 440001–440500 |
400501–401000 | 410501–411000 | 420501–421000 | 430501–431000 | 440501–441000 |
401001–401500 | 411001–411500 | 421001–421500 | 431001–431500 | 441001–441500 |
401501–402000 | 411501–412000 | 421501–422000 | 431501–432000 | 441501–442000 |
402001–402500 | 412001–412500 | 422001–422500 | 432001–432500 | 442001–442500 |
402501–403000 | 412501–413000 | 422501–423000 | 432501–433000 | 442501–443000 |
403001–403500 | 413001–413500 | 423001–423500 | 433001–433500 | 443001–443500 |
403501–404000 | 413501–414000 | 423501–424000 | 433501–434000 | 443501–444000 |
404001–404500 | 414001–414500 | 424001–424500 | 434001–434500 | 444001–444500 |
404501–405000 | 414501–415000 | 424501–425000 | 434501–435000 | 444501–445000 |
405001–405500 | 415001–415500 | 425001–425500 | 435001–435500 | 445001–445500 |
405501–406000 | 415501–416000 | 425501–426000 | 435501–436000 | 445501–446000 |
406001–406500 | 416001–416500 | 426001–426500 | 436001–436500 | 446001–446500 |
406501–407000 | 416501–417000 | 426501–427000 | 436501–437000 | 446501–447000 |
407001–407500 | 417001–417500 | 427001–427500 | 437001–437500 | 447001–447500 |
407501–408000 | 417501–418000 | 427501–428000 | 437501–438000 | 447501–448000 |
408001–408500 | 418001–418500 | 428001–428500 | 438001–438500 | 448001–448500 |
408501–409000 | 418501–419000 | 428501–429000 | 438501–439000 | 448501–449000 |
409001–409500 | 419001–419500 | 429001–429500 | 439001–439500 | 449001–449500 |
409501–410000 | 419501–420000 | 429501–430000 | 439501–440000 | 449501–450000 |
450001–450500 | 460001–460500 | 470001–470500 | 480001–480500 | 490001–490500 |
450501–451000 | 460501–461000 | 470501–471000 | 480501–481000 | 490501–491000 |
451001–451500 | 461001–461500 | 471001–471500 | 481001–481500 | 491001–491500 |
451501–452000 | 461501–462000 | 471501–472000 | 481501–482000 | 491501–492000 |
452001–452500 | 462001–462500 | 472001–472500 | 482001–482500 | 492001–492500 |
452501–453000 | 462501–463000 | 472501–473000 | 482501–483000 | 492501–493000 |
453001–453500 | 463001–463500 | 473001–473500 | 483001–483500 | 493001–493500 |
453501–454000 | 463501–464000 | 473501–474000 | 483501–484000 | 493501–494000 |
454001–454500 | 464001–464500 | 474001–474500 | 484001–484500 | 494001–494500 |
454501–455000 | 464501–465000 | 474501–475000 | 484501–485000 | 494501–495000 |
455001–455500 | 465001–465500 | 475001–475500 | 485001–485500 | 495001–495500 |
455501–456000 | 465501–466000 | 475501–476000 | 485501–486000 | 495501–496000 |
456001–456500 | 466001–466500 | 476001–476500 | 486001–486500 | 496001–496500 |
456501–457000 | 466501–467000 | 476501–477000 | 486501–487000 | 496501–497000 |
457001–457500 | 467001–467500 | 477001–477500 | 487001–487500 | 497001–497500 |
457501–458000 | 467501–468000 | 477501–478000 | 487501–488000 | 497501–498000 |
458001–458500 | 468001–468500 | 478001–478500 | 488001–488500 | 498001–498500 |
458501–459000 | 468501–469000 | 478501–479000 | 488501–489000 | 498501–499000 |
459001–459500 | 469001–469500 | 479001–479500 | 489001–489500 | 499001–499500 |
459501–460000 | 469501–470000 | 479501–480000 | 489501–490000 | 499501–500000 |
500001–500500 | 510001–510500 | 520001–520500 | 530001–530500 | 540001–540500 |
500501–501000 | 510501–511000 | 520501–521000 | 530501–531000 | 540501–541000 |
501001–501500 | 511001–511500 | 521001–521500 | 531001–531500 | 541001–541500 |
501501–502000 | 511501–512000 | 521501–522000 | 531501–532000 | 541501–542000 |
502001–502500 | 512001–512500 | 522001–522500 | 532001–532500 | 542001–542500 |
502501–503000 | 512501–513000 | 522501–523000 | 532501–533000 | 542501–543000 |
503001–503500 | 513001–513500 | 523001–523500 | 533001–533500 | 543001–543500 |
503501–504000 | 513501–514000 | 523501–524000 | 533501–534000 | 543501–544000 |
504001–504500 | 514001–514500 | 524001–524500 | 534001–534500 | 544001–544500 |
504501–505000 | 514501–515000 | 524501–525000 | 534501–535000 | 544501–545000 |
505001–505500 | 515001–515500 | 525001–525500 | 535001–535500 | 545001–545500 |
505501–506000 | 515501–516000 | 525501–526000 | 535501–536000 | 545501–546000 |
506001–506500 | 516001–516500 | 526001–526500 | 536001–536500 | 546001–546500 |
506501–507000 | 516501–517000 | 526501–527000 | 536501–537000 | 546501–547000 |
507001–507500 | 517001–517500 | 527001–527500 | 537001–537500 | 547001–547500 |
507501–508000 | 517501–518000 | 527501–528000 | 537501–538000 | 547501–548000 |
508001–508500 | 518001–518500 | 528001–528500 | 538001–538500 | 548001–548500 |
508501–509000 | 518501–519000 | 528501–529000 | 538501–539000 | 548501–549000 |
509001–509500 | 519001–519500 | 529001–529500 | 539001–539500 | 549001–549500 |
509501–510000 | 519501–520000 | 529501–530000 | 539501–540000 | 549501–550000 |
- ^ Se 1991 VG och 2000 SG344
- ^ Known populations of solar system objects: May 2009 Arkiverad 9 juni 2019 hämtat från the Wayback Machine. Hämtat 27 maj 2009
- Listan är hämtad från Discovery Circumstances: Numbered Minor Planets, Internationella astronomiska unionen, Minor Planet Center, läst 1 oktober 2018
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Major Solar System objects. Sizes of planets and Sun are roughly to scale, but distances are not. This is not a diagram of all known moons – small gas giants' moons and Pluto's S/2011 P 1 moon are not shown.
This color picture is made from images taken by the imaging system on the Galileo spacecraft about 14 minutes before its closest approach to asteroid 243 Ida on August 28, 1993. The range from the spacecraft was about 10,500 kilometers (6,500 miles). The images used are from the sequence in which Ida's moon was originally discovered; the moon is visible to the right of the asteroid. This picture is made from images through the 4100-angstrom (violet), 7560 A (infrared) and 9680 A (infrared) filters. The color is 'enhanced' in the sense that the CCD camera is sensitive to near infrared wavelengths of light beyond human vision; a 'natural' color picture of this asteroid would appear mostly gray. Shadings in the image indicate changes in illumination angle on the many steep slopes of this irregular body as well as subtle color variations due to differences in the physical state and composition of the soil (regolith). There are brighter areas, appearing bluish in the picture, around craters on the upper left end of Ida, around the small bright crater near the center of the asteroid, and near the upper right-hand edge (the limb). This is a combination of more reflected blue light and greater absorption of near infrared light, suggesting a difference in the abundance or composition of iron-bearing minerals in these areas. Ida's moon also has a deeper near-infrared absorption and a different color in the violet than any area on this side of Ida. The moon is not identical in spectral properties to any area of Ida in view here, though its overall similarity in reflectance and general spectral type suggests that it is made of the same rock types basically. These data, combined with study of further imaging data and more detailed spectra from the Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer, may allow scientists to determine whether the larger parent body of which Ida, its moon, and some other asteroids are fragments was a heated, differentiated object or made of relatively unaltered primitive chondritic material.
Asteroid en:951 Gaspra.
Calvin J. Hamilton's website View of the Solar System describes this image as follows:
- "This picture Gaspra is a combination of the highest-resolution images and color information obtained by the Galileo spacecraft. The Sun is shining from the right. The subtle color variations on Gaspra's surface have been exaggerated. en:Albedo and color variations are associated with surface en:topography. The bluish areas are regions of slightly higher albedo and tend to be associated with some of the crisper craters and with ridges. The slightly reddish areas, apparently concentrated in low areas, represent regions of somewhat lower albedo. In general, such patterns can be explained in terms of greater exposure of fresher rock in the brighter bluish areas and the accumulation of some en:regolith materials in the darker reddish areas. (Courtesy USGS/NASA/JPL)" [1]