Lista över de närmaste stjärnorna
Denna lista över de närmaste stjärnorna innehåller alla kända stjärnor och bruna dvärgar inom 5 parsec (16 ljusår) från jorden, ordnade efter avstånd. Förutom solsystemet finns det ytterligare 50 stjärnsystem inom det avståndet. Dessa system innehåller totalt 61 stjärnor med fusion och åtta bruna dvärgar. Alla finns inom Vintergatan. Bara nio av dessa himlakroppar är ljusstarka nog att se med blotta ögat.[1]. Bara tre av dem, förutom solen, finns med i Lista över de ljusaste stjärnorna: Alfa Centauri, Sirius, och Procyon.
Stjärnor synliga med blotta ögat har sin magnitud i ljusblått nedan. Vissa parallaxer och avstånd är preliminära data.[2]
Nr | Beteckning | Spektralklass | Skenbar magnitud (mV) | Absolut magnitud (MV) | Epok J2000.0 | Parallax[2][3] Bågsekunder (±err) | Avstånd[4] Ljusår (±err) | Ytterligare källor | |||
System | Stjärna | Stjärna # | Rektascension[2] | Deklination[2] | |||||||
Solsystemet | Solen | G2V[2] | -26.74[2] | 4.85[2] | varierande: solen rör sig längs ekliptikan | 180° | 0.000015 | har 8 planeter | |||
1 | Alfa Centauri (Rigil Kentaurus; Toliman) | Proxima Centauri (V645 Centauri) | 1 | M5.5Ve | 11.09[2] | 15.53[2] | 14t 29m 43.0s | -62° 40′ 46″ | 0.768 87(0 29)?[5][6] | 4.2421(16) | [7] |
Alfa Centauri A (HD 128620) | 2 | G2V[2] | 0.01[2] | 4.38[2] | 14t 39m 36.5s | -60° 50′ 02″ | 0.747 23(1 17)?[5][8] | 4.3650(68) | |||
Alfa Centauri B (HD 128621) | 2 | K1V[2] | 1.34[2] | 5.71[2] | 14t 39m 35.1s | -60° 50′ 14″ | |||||
2 | Barnards stjärna (BD+04°3561a) | 4 | M4.0Ve | 9.53[2] | 13.22[2] | 17t 57m 48.5s | +04° 41′ 36″ | 0.546 98(1 00)?[5][6] | 5.9630(109) | ||
3 | Wolf 359 (CN Leonis) | 5 | M6.0V[2] | 13.44[2] | 16.55[2] | 10t 56m 29.2s | +07° 00′ 53″ | 0.419 10(2 10)?[5] | 7.7825(390) | ||
4 | Lalande 21185 (BD+36°2147) | 6 | M2.0V[2] | 7.47[2] | 10.44[2] | 11t 03m 20.2s | +35° 58′ 12″ | 0.393 42(0 70)?[5][6] | 8.2905(148) | ||
5 | Sirius (Alfa Canis Majoris) | Sirius A | 7 | A1V[2] | -1.46[2] | 1.42[2] | 06t 45m 08.9s | -16° 42′ 58″ | 0.380 02(1 28)?[5][6] | 8.5828(289) | |
Sirius B | 7 | DA2[2] | 8.44[2] | 11.34[2] | |||||||
6 | Luyten 726-8 | Luyten 726-8 A (BL Ceti) | 9 | M5.5Ve | 12.54[2] | 15.40[2] | 01t 39m 01.3s | -17° 57′ 01″ | 0.373 70(2 70)?[5] | 8.7280(631) | |
Luyten 726-8 B (UV Ceti) | 10 | M6.0Ve | 12.99[2] | 15.85[2] | |||||||
7 | Ross 154 (V1216 Sagittarii) | 11 | M3.5Ve | 10.43[2] | 13.07[2] | 18t 49m 49.4s | -23° 50′ 10″ | 0.336 90(1 78)?[5][6] | 9.6813(512) | ||
8 | Ross 248 (HH Andromedae) | 12 | M5.5Ve | 12.29[2] | 14.79[2] | 23t 41m 54.7s | +44° 10′ 30″ | 0.316 00(1 10)?[5] | 10.322(36) | ||
9 | Epsilon Eridani (BD-09°697) | 13 | K2V[2] | 3.73[2] | 6.19[2] | 03t 32m 55.8s | -09° 27′ 30″ | 0.309 99(0 79)?[5][6] | 10.522(27) | har två sannolika planeter | |
10 | Lacaille 9352 (CD-36°15693) | 14 | M1.5Ve | 7.34[2] | 9.75[2] | 23t 05m 52.0s | -35° 51′ 11″ | 0.303 64(0 87)?[5][6] | 10.742(31) | ||
11 | Ross 128 (FI Virginis) | 15 | M4.0Vn | 11.13[2] | 13.51[2] | 11t 47m 44.4s | +00° 48′ 16″ | 0.298 72(1 35)?[5][6] | 10.919(49) | ||
12 | EZ Aquarii (GJ 866, Luyten 789-6) | EZ Aquarii A | 16 | M5.0Ve | 13.33[2] | 15.64[2] | 22t 38m 33.4s | -15° 18′ 07″ | 0.289 50(4 40)?[5] | 11.266(171) | |
EZ Aquarii B | 16 | M? | 13.27[2] | 15.58[2] | |||||||
EZ Aquarii C | 16 | M? | 14.03[2] | 16.34[2] | |||||||
13 | Procyon (Alfa Canis Minoris) | Procyon A | 19 | F5V-IV[2] | 0.38[2] | 2.66[2] | 07t 39m 18.1s | +05° 13′ 30″ | 0.286 05(0 81)?[5][6] | 11.402(32) | |
Procyon B | 19 | DA[2] | 10.70[2] | 12.98[2] | |||||||
14 | 61 Cygni | 61 Cygni A (BD+38°4343) | 21 | K5.0V[2] | 5.21[2] | 7.49[2] | 21t 06m 53.9s | +38° 44′ 58″ | 0.286 04(0 56)?[5][6] | 11.403(22) | första stjärna (förutom solen) att få sitt avstånd uppmätt |
61 Cygni B (BD+38°4344) | 21 | K7.0V[2] | 6.03[2] | 8.31[2] | 21t 06m 55.3s | +38° 44′ 31″ | |||||
15 | Struve 2398 (GJ 725, BD+59°1915) | Struve 2398 A (HD 173739) | 23 | M3.0V[2] | 8.90[2] | 11.16[2] | 18t 42m 46.7s | +59° 37′ 49″ | 0.283 00(1 69)?[5][6] | 11.525(69) | |
Struve 2398 B (HD 173740) | 23 | M3.5V[2] | 9.69[2] | 11.95[2] | 18t 42m 46.9s | +59° 37′ 37″ | |||||
16 | Groombridge 34 (GJ 15) | Groombridge 34 A (GX Andromedae) | 25 | M1.5V[2] | 8.08[2] | 10.32[2] | 0t 18m 22.9s | +44° 01′ 23″ | 0.280 59(0 95)?[5][6] | 11.624(39) | |
Groombridge 34 B (GQ Andromedae) | 25 | M3.5V[2] | 11.06[2] | 13.30[2] | |||||||
17 | Epsilon Indi (CPD-57°10015) | Epsilon Indi A | 27 | K5Ve[2] | 4.69[2] | 6.89[2] | 22t 03m 21.7s | -56° 47′ 10″ | 0.275 84(0 69)?[5][6] | 11.824(30) | |
Epsilon Indi Ba | 27 | T1.0V | >23 | >25 | 22t 04m 10.5s | -56° 46′ 58″ | |||||
Epsilon Indi Bb | 27 | T6.0V | >23 | >25 | |||||||
18 | DX Cancri (G 51-15) | 30 | M6.5Ve | 14.78[2] | 16.98[2] | 08t 29m 49.5s | +26° 46′ 37″ | 0.275 80(3 00)?[5] | 11.826(129) | ||
19 | Tau Ceti (BD-16°295) | 31 | G8Vp[2] | 3.49[2] | 5.68[2] | 01t 44m 04.1s | -15° 56′ 15″ | 0.274 39(0 76)?[5][6] | 11.887(33) | ||
20 | GJ 1061 (LHS 1565) | 32 | M5.5V[2] | 13.09[2] | 15.26[2] | 03t 35m 59.7s | -44° 30′ 45″ | 0.272 01(1 30)?[9] | 11.991(57) | [10][11] | |
21 | YZ Ceti (LHS 138) | 33 | M4.5V[2] | 12.02[2] | 14.17[2] | 01t 12m 30.6s | -16° 59′ 56″ | 0.268 84(2 95)?[5][6] | 12.132(133) | ||
22 | Luytens stjärna (BD+05°1668) | 34 | M3.5Vn | 9.86[2] | 11.97[2] | 07t 27m 24.5s | +05° 13′ 33″ | 0.263 76(1 25)?[5][6] | 12.366(59) | ||
23 | Teegardens stjärna (SO025300.5+165258) | 35 | M6.5V | 15.14[2] | 17.22[2] | 02t 53m 00.9s | +16° 52′ 53″ | 0.260 63(2 69)?[9] | 12.514(129) | [11] | |
24 | SCR 1845-6357 | SCR 1845-6357 A | 36 | M8.5V[2] | 17.39 | 19.41 | 18t 45m 05.3s | -63° 57′ 48″ | 0.259 45(1 11)?[9] | 12.571(54) | [11] |
SCR 1845-6357 B | 36 | T6[12] | ingen data | ingen data | 18t 45m 02.6s | -63° 57′ 52″ | |||||
25 | Kapteyns stjärna (CD-45°1841) | 38 | M1.5V[2] | 8.84[2] | 10.87[2] | 05t 11m 40.6s | -45° 01′ 06″ | 0.255 27(0 86)?[5][6] | 12.777(43) | ||
26 | Lacaille 8760 (AX Microscopii) | 39 | M0.0V[2] | 6.67[2] | 8.69[2] | 21t 17m 15.3s | -38° 52′ 03″ | 0.253 43(1 12)?[5][6] | 12.870(57) | ||
27 | UGPS J072227.51-054031.2 | T10[2] | 16.52[13] | 07t 22m 27.3s[14] | -05° 40′ 30″[14] | 13(1.5) | |||||
28 | Kruger 60 (BD+56°2783) | Kruger 60 A | 40 | M3.0V[2] | 9.79[2] | 11.76[2] | 22t 27m 59.5s | +57° 41′ 45″ | 0.248 06(1 39)?[5][8] | 13.149(74) | |
Kruger 60 B (DO Cephei) | 40 | M4.0V[2] | 11.41[2] | 13.38[2] | |||||||
29 | DEN 1048-3956 | 42 | M8.5V[2] | 17.39[2] | 19.37[2] | 10t 48m 14.7s | -39° 56′ 06″ | 0.247 71(1 55)?[9] | 13.167(82) | [15][16] | |
30 | Ross 614 (V577 Monocerotis, GJ 234) | Ross 614A (LHS 1849) | 43 | M4.5V[2] | 11.15[2] | 13.09[2] | 06t 29m 23.4s | -02° 48′ 50″ | 0.244 34(2 01)?[5][8] | 13.349(110) | |
Ross 614B (LHS 1850) | 43 | M5.5V | 14.23[2] | 16.17[2] | |||||||
31 | Wolf 1061 (GJ 628, BD-12°4523) | 45 | M3.0V[2] | 10.07[2] | 11.93[2] | 16t 30m 18.1s | -12° 39′ 45″ | 0.236 01(1 67)?[5][6] | 13.820(98) | ||
32 | Van Maanens stjärna (GJ 35, LHS 7) | 46 | DZ7[2] | 12.38[2] | 14.21[2] | 00t 49m 09.9s | +05° 23′ 19″ | 0.231 88(1 79)?[5][6] | 14.066(109) | ||
33 | Gliese 1 (CD-37°15492) | 47 | M3.0V[2] | 8.55[2] | 10.35[2] | 00t 05m 24.4s | -37° 21′ 27″ | 0.229 20(1 07)?[5][6] | 14.231(66) | ||
34 | Wolf 424 (FL Virginis, LHS 333, GJ 473) | Wolf 424 A | 48 | M5.5Ve | 13.18[2] | 14.97[2] | 12t 33m 17.2s | +09° 01′ 15″ | 0.227 90(4 60)? [5] | 14.312(289) | |
Wolf 424 B | 48 | M7Ve | 13.17[2] | 14.96[2] | |||||||
35 | TZ Arietis (GJ 83.1, Luyten 1159-16) | 50 | M4.5V[2] | 12.27[2] | 14.03[2] | 02t 00m 13.2s | +13° 03′ 08″ | 0.224 80(2 90)?[5] | 14.509(187) | ||
36 | GJ 687 (LHS 450, BD+68°946) | 51 | M3.0V[2] | 9.17[2] | 10.89[2] | 17t 36m 25.9s | +68° 20′ 21″ | 0.220 49(0 82)?[5][6] | 14.793(55) | ||
37 | LHS 292 (LP 731-58) | 52 | M6.5V[2] | 15.60[2] | 17.32[2] | 10t 48m 12.6s | -11° 20′ 14″ | 0.220 30(3 60)?[5] | 14.805(242) | ||
38 | GJ 674 (LHS 449) | 53 | M3.0V[2] | 9.38[2] | 11.09[2] | 17t 28m 39.9s | -46° 53′ 43″ | 0.220 25(1 59)?[5][6] | 14.809(107) | har en planet | |
39 | GJ 1245 | GJ 1245 A | 54 | M5.5V[2] | 13.46[2] | 15.17[2] | 19t 53m 54.2s | +44° 24′ 55″ | 0.220 20(1 00)?[5] | 14.812(67) | |
GJ 1245 B | 54 | M6.0V[2] | 14.01[2] | 15.72[2] | 19t 53m 55.2s | +44° 24′ 56″ | |||||
GJ 1245 C | 54 | M5.5 | 16.75[2] | 18.46[2] | 19t 53m 54.2s | +44° 24′ 55″ | |||||
40 | WISE J1741+2553 | ~T8-T10 | ~14 | 15 | [17][18] | ||||||
41 | GJ 440 (WD 1142-645) | 57 | DQ6[2] | 11.50[2] | 13.18[2] | 11t 45m 42.9s | -64° 50′ 29″ | 0.216 57(2 01)?[5][6] | 15.060(140) | ||
42 | GJ 1002 | 58 | M5.5V[2] | 13.76[2] | 15.40[2] | 00t 06m 43.8s | -07° 32′ 22″ | 0.213 00(3 60)?[5] | 15.313(259) | ||
43 | Gliese 876 (Ross 780) | 59 | M3.5V[2] | 10.17[2] | 11.81[2] | 22t 53m 16.7s | -14° 15′ 49″ | 0.212 59(1 96)?[5][6] | 15.342(141) | har 4 planeter | |
44 | LHS 288 (Luyten 143-23) | 60 | M5.5V[2] | 13.90[2] | 15.51[2] | 10t 44m 21.2s | -61° 12′ 36″ | 0.208 95(2 73)?[9] | 15.610(204) | [11] | |
45 | GJ 412 | GJ 412 A | 61 | M1.0V[2] | 8.77[2] | 10.34[2] | 11t 05m 28.6s | +43° 31′ 36″ | 0.206 02(1 08)?[5][6] | 15.832(83) | |
GJ 412 B (WX Ursae Majoris) | 61 | M5.5V[2] | 14.48[2] | 16.05[2] | 11t 05m 30.4s | +43° 31′ 18″ | |||||
46 | Groombridge 1618 (GJ 380) | 63 | K7.0V[2] | 6.59[2] | 8.16[2] | 10t 11m 22.1s | +49° 27′ 15″ | 0.205 81(0 67)?[5][6] | 15.848(52) | ||
47 | AD Leonis | 64 | M3.0V[2] | 9.32[2] | 10.87[2] | 10t 19m 36.4s | +19° 52′ 10″ | 0.204 60(2 80)?[5] | 15.942(218) | ||
48 | GJ 832 | 65 | M3.0V[2] | 8.66[2] | 10.20[2] | 21t 33m 34.0s | -49° 00′ 32″ | 0.202 78(1 32)?[5][6] | 16.085(105) | har en planet | |
49 | LP 944-020 | 66 | M9.0V[2] | 18.50[2] | 20.02[2] | 03t 39m 35.2s | -35° 25′ 41″ | 0.201 40(4 20)?[19] | 16.195(338) | ||
50 | DEN 0255-4700 | 67 | L7.5V[2] | 22.92[2] | 24.44[2] | 02t 55m 03.7s | -47° 00′ 52″ | 0.201 37(3 89)?[9] | 16.197(313) | [16] | |
Nr | Spektralklass | Skenbar magnitud (mV) | Absolut magnitud (MV) | Epok J2000.0 | Parallax[2][3] Bågsekunder (±err) | Avstånd[4] Ljusår (±err) | Ytterligare källor | ||||
System | Stjärna | Stjärna # | Rektascension[2] | Deklination[2] |
Karta i 3-D över de närmaste stjärnorna
Följande karta visar alla stjärnsystem inom 14 ljusår från solen, förutom den nyupptäckta bruna dvärgen UGPS 0722-05. Dubbel- och trippelstjärnor visas "staplade"; i varje stapel visar stjärnan närmast mittplanet den korrekta positionen. Färger som i tabellen ovan.

Framtiden och det förflutna

Stjärnorna rör sig hela tiden i rymden, i sina banor runt Vintergatan. Vilken stjärna som är närmast solen kommer därför att variera med tiden, vilket visas i figuren här bredvid.
Se även
- ^ Weaver, Harold F. (19 september 1947). ”The Visibility of Stars Without Optical Aid”. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific "59" (350): ss. 232–243. doi: . Bibcode: 1947PASP...59..232W.
- ^ [a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei ej ek el em en eo ep eq er es et eu ev ew ex ey ez fa fb fc fd fe ff fg fh fi fj fk fl fm fn fo fp fq fr fs ft fu fv fw fx fy fz ga] Research Consortium on Nearby Stars, GSU (17 september 2007). ”The One Hundred Nearest Star Systems”. RECONS. Arkiverad från originalet den 13 maj 2012. Läst 6 november 2007.
- ^ [a b] Parallaxes given by RECONS are a weighted mean of values in the sources given, as well as measurements by the RECONS program.
- ^ [a b] Från parallax.
- ^ [a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap] General Catalogue of Trigonometric Parallaxes.
- ^ [a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab] Hipparcos Catalogue.
- ^ Burgasser et al. 2000
- ^ [a b c] Visual binary orbits and masses post Hipparcos, Staffan Söderhjelm, Astronomy and Astrophysics 341 (January 1999), pp. 121–140.
- ^ [a b c d e f] Systems with their first accurate trigonometric parallaxes measured by RECONS
- ^ The solar neighborhood IV: discovery of the twentieth nearest star, Todd J. Henry, Philip A. Ianna, J. Davy Kirkpatrick, Hartmut Jahreiss, The Astronomical Journal 114, #1 (July 1997), pp. 388–395. doi:10.1086/118482
- ^ [a b c d] The Solar Neighborhood. XVII. Parallax Results from the CTIOPI 0.9 m Program: 20 New Members of the RECONS 10 Parsec Sample, Todd J. Henry, Wei-Chun Jao, John P. Subasavage, Thomas D. Beaulieu, Philip A. Ianna, Edgardo Costa, René A. Méndez, The Astronomical Journal 132, #6 (December 2006), pp. 2360–2371. doi:10.1086/508233
- ^ The very nearby M/T dwarf binary SCR 1845-6357, Markus Kasper, Beth A. Biller, Adam Burrows, Wolfgang Brandner, Jano Budaj, and Laird M. Close, Astronomy and Astrophysics 471, #2 (August 2007), pp. 655–659. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20077881
- ^ [1]
- ^ [a b] Lucas, Philip W.; Tinney; Burningham; Leggett; Pinfield; Smart; et al. (2010). ”Discovery of a very cool brown dwarf amongst the ten nearest stars to the Solar System”. ''.
- ^ The Solar Neighborhood. XIII. Parallax Results from the CTIOPI 0.9 Meter Program: Stars with ? >= 1.0" yr-1 (Motion sample), Wei-Chun Jao, Todd J. Henry, John P. Subasavage, Misty A. Brown, Philip A. Ianna, Jennifer L. Bartlett, Edgardo Costa, René A. Méndez, The Astronomical Journal 129, #4 (April 2005), pp. 1954–1967. doi:10.1086/428489
- ^ [a b] The Solar Neighborhood. XIV. Parallaxes from the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory Parallax Investigation—First Results from the 1.5 m Telescope Program, Edgardo Costa, René A. Méndez, W.-C. Jao, Todd J. Henry, John P. Subasavage, Misty A. Brown, Philip A. Ianna, and Jennifer Bartlett, The Astronomical Journal 130, #1 (July 2005), pp. 337–349. doi:10.1086/430473
- ^ Two new brown dwarf Solar neighbours discovered (14 July 2011)
- ^ Two very nearby (d ~ 5 pc) ultracool brown dwarfs detected by their large proper motions from WISE, 2MASS, and SDSS data (arXiv:1105.4059 : 4 Jul 2011)
- ^ CCD astrometry of southern very low-mass stars, C. G. Tinney, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 281, #2 (July 1996), pp. 644–658.
Externa länkar
- "The 100 nearest star systems", Research Consortium on Nearby Stars
- ”Map of the 25 nearest star systems”. NASA. Läst 24 oktober 2005.
- ”Notable Nearby Stars”. SolStation. Läst 24 oktober 2005.
- ”Cool stars in the solar Neighbourhood”. D. Montes, UCM. Läst 14 november 2005.
- The dynamics of the closest stars
- Takeda, G., E. B. Ford, A. Sills, F. A. Rasio, D. A. Fischer, J. A. Valenti (2006). ”Structure and Evolution of Nearby Stars with Planets II. Physical Properties of ~ 1000 Cool Stars from the SPOCS Catalog”. California & Carnegie Planet Search. Läst 13 oktober 2006.
- Den här artikeln är helt eller delvis baserad på material från engelskspråkiga Wikipedia, tidigare version.
Media som används på denna webbplats
A spatial representation of every star within 14 light-years of Sol. There are 32 known stars in this region, including Sol. The stars are coloured according to the spectral type, which may not reflect the actual colour. Please see this Wikipedia article for the listing of stars. If a star is double or triple the stars are shown stacked vertically: the actual position is the star closest to the centre plane. The stars on this map may not all be visible to the naked eye, as many are dwarf stars. Some of this information may be preliminary and not entirely accurate as a result. The coordinate system is right ascension and declination. Hours of RA are marked, as well as distance in multiples of 5 light-years.
Författare/Upphovsman: FrancescoA, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Distance to the nearest stars in a time range between 20,000 years in the past and 80,000 years in the future.