Lista över USA:s delstater och territorier


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Politik i USA


Den här artikeln är en lista över USA:s 50 delstater och 5 territorier. Se Anmärkningar för begreppsförklaringar.


AlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansasKalifornienColoradoConnecticutDelawareFloridaGeorgiaHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaOhioOklahomaOregonPennsylvaniaRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahVermontVirginiaWest VirginiaWisconsinWyomingDelawareMarylandNew HampshireNew JerseyMassachusettsConnecticutWest VirginiaVermontRhode Island


Huvudstäderna är säte för delstatstyret i respektive delstat. I varje delstat finns en guvernör, lagstiftande församling samt ett eget domstolsväsen.


USA:s 50 delstater
HuvudstadStörsta stadArea,
tusental km²
(år 2017)[1]
till unionen
AlabamaAlabamaALMontgomeryBirmingham131,44 874 74714 december 1819Heart of Dixie, Camellia State
AlaskaAlaskaAKJuneauAnchorage1518,8739 7953 januari 1959Last Frontier
ArizonaArizonaAZPhoenix295,37 016 27014 februari 1912Grand Canyon State
ArkansasArkansasARLittle Rock137,83 004 27915 juni 1836Natural State, Razorback State
ColoradoColoradoCODenver269,95 607 1541 augusti 1876Centennial State
ConnecticutConnecticutCTHartfordBridgeport13,03 588 1849 januari 1788 *Constitution State, Nutmeg State
DelawareDelawareDEDoverWilmington5,3961 9397 december 1787 *First State, Diamond State
FloridaFloridaFLTallahasseeJacksonville151,920 984 4003 mars 1845Sunshine State
GeorgiaGeorgiaGAAtlanta152,610 429 3792 januari 1788 *Empire State of the South, Peach State
HawaiiHawaiiHIHonolulu16,61 427 53821 augusti 1959Aloha State
IdahoIdahoIDBoise216,41 716 9433 juli 1890Gem State
IllinoisIllinoisILSpringfieldChicago149,912 802 0233 december 1818Prairie State
IndianaIndianaINIndianapolis92,96 666 81811 december 1816Hoosier State
IowaIowaIADes Moines145,83 145 71128 december 1846Hawkeye State
KalifornienKalifornienCASacramentoLos Angeles411,039 536 6539 september 1850Golden State
KansasKansasKSTopekaWichita213,02 913 12329 januari 1861Sunflower State
KentuckyKentuckyKYFrankfortLouisville104,64 454 1891 juni 1792Bluegrass State
LouisianaLouisianaLABaton RougeNew Orleans125,64 684 33330 april 1812Pelican State
MaineMaineMEAugustaPortland86,11 335 90715 mars 1820Pine Tree State
MarylandMarylandMDAnnapolisBaltimore27,06 052 17728 april 1788 *Old Line State, Free State
MassachusettsMassachusettsMABoston21,46 859 8196 februari 1788 *Bay State, Old Colony
MichiganMichiganMILansingDetroit151,59 962 31126 januari 1837Great Lakes State, Wolverine State
MinnesotaMinnesotaMNSaint PaulMinneapolis218,65 576 60611 maj 1858North Star State, Gopher State
MississippiMississippiMSJackson123,52 984 10010 december 1817Magnolia State
MissouriMissouriMOJefferson CityKansas City180,56 113 53210 augusti 1821Show Me State
MontanaMontanaMTHelenaBillings380,81 050 4938 november 1889Treasure State
NebraskaNebraskaNELincolnOmaha200,01 920 0761 mars 1867Cornhusker State
NevadaNevadaNVCarson CityLas Vegas286,22 998 03931 oktober 1864Sagebrush State, Battle Born State, Silver State
New HampshireNew HampshireNHConcordManchester24,01 342 79521 juni 1788 *Granite State
New JerseyNew JerseyNJTrentonNewark20,29 005 64418 december 1787 *Garden State
New MexicoNew MexicoNMSanta FeAlbuquerque315,12 088 0706 januari 1912Land of Enchantment
New York (delstat)New YorkNYAlbanyNew York128,419 849 39926 juli 1788 *Empire State, Big Apple
North CarolinaNorth CarolinaNCRaleighCharlotte136,110 273 41921 november 1789 *Tar Heel State, Old North State
North DakotaNorth DakotaNDBismarckFargo183,1755 3932 november 1889Peace Garden State
OhioOhioOHColumbus106,811 658 6091 mars 1803Buckeye State
OklahomaOklahomaOKOklahoma City181,03 930 86416 november 1907Sooner State
OregonOregonORSalemPortland251,14 142 77614 februari 1859Beaver State
PennsylvaniaPennsylvaniaPAHarrisburgPhiladelphia117,412 805 53712 december 1787 *Keystone State
Rhode IslandRhode IslandRIProvidence3,11 059 63929 maj 1790 *Little Rhody, Ocean State
South CarolinaSouth CarolinaSCColumbiaCharleston80,45 024 36923 maj 1788 *Palmetto State
South DakotaSouth DakotaSDPierreSioux Falls199,9865 4542 november 1890Mount Rushmore State, Coyote State
TennesseeTennesseeTNNashvilleMemphis109,46 715 9841 juni 1796Volunteer State
TexasTexasTXAustinHouston692,328 304 59629 december 1845Lone Star State
UtahUtahUTSalt Lake City219,93 101 8334 januari 1896Beehive State
VermontVermontVTMontpelierBurlington24,8623 6574 mars 1791Green Mountain State
VirginiaVirginiaVARichmondVirginia Beach105,78 470 02025 juni 1788 *Old Dominion
Washington (delstat)WashingtonWAOlympiaSeattle176,67 405 74311 november 1889Evergreen State
West VirginiaWest VirginiaWVCharleston62,81 815 85720 juni 1863Mountain State
WisconsinWisconsinWIMadisonMilwaukee145,45 795 48329 maj 1848Badger State
WyomingWyomingWYCheyenne253,5579 31510 juli 1890Equality State

* Datum när de tretton första delstaterna ratificerade USA:s konstitution

Federalt distrikt

Federalt distrikt med särskild status
tusental km²
(år 2000)
District of ColumbiaDCWashington, D.C.0,17757216 juli 1790


Territorier som lyder direkt under den federala statsmakten, men inte ingår i unionen. Se även USA:s 51:a delstat
FlaggaNamnFörkortningHuvudstadArea, tusental km²Befolkning, tusental (år 2000)Annekterat av USA
Amerikanska JungfruöarnaVI eller USVICharlotte Amalie0,3461081954
Amerikanska SamoaASPago Pago0,199571899
Puerto RicoPRSan Juan9,13 9131898
Territorier utan en permanent befolkning
NamnAnnekterat av USA [2]Area, km²
Wake Island18996,5


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Media som används på denna webbplats

Question book-4.svg
Författare/Upphovsman: Tkgd2007, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
A new incarnation of Image:Question_book-3.svg, which was uploaded by user AzaToth. This file is available on the English version of Wikipedia under the filename en:Image:Question book-new.svg
Red pog.svg
Shiny red button/marker widget. Used to mark the location of something such as a tourist attraction.
Flag of California.svg
Flag of California. This version is designed to accurately depict the standard print of the bear as well as adhere to the official flag code regarding the size, position and proportion of the bear, the colors of the flag, and the position and size of the star.
Flag of Nevada.svg
Flag of the State of Nevada. The flag is described in Nevada Revised Statutes Chapter 235, Sec. 20 as follows: The body of the flag must be of solid cobalt blue. On the field in the upper left quarter thereof must be two sprays of Sagebrush with the stems crossed at the bottom to form a half wreath. Within the sprays must be a five-pointed silver star with one point up. The word “Nevada” must also be inscribed below the star and above the sprays, in a semicircular pattern with the letters spaced apart in equal increments, in the same style of letters as the words “Battle Born.” Above the wreath, and touching the tips thereof, must be a scroll bearing the words “Battle Born.” The scroll and the word “Nevada” must be golden-yellow. The lettering on the scroll must be black-colored sans serif gothic capital letters.
Flag of New Mexico.svg
Författare/Upphovsman: unknown, Licens: CC0
Flag of Guam.svg
The flag of Guam, courtesy an e-mail from the author of xrmap. Modifications by Denelson83.
Flag of Utah.svg
The flag of Utah (2024-present). This is the final design submitted for consideration to be adopted as a new state flag of Utah. The design evokes images of snowy mountains and red rocks to represent the geography of Utah, the beehive represents "Industry" (the state's slogan) and Utah's nickname as "the Beehive State".
Flag of Alaska.svg
Författare/Upphovsman: unknown, Licens: CC0
Flag of Alaska
Usa edcp (+HI +AK) location map.svg
Författare/Upphovsman: TUBS Gallery, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Location map of the USA (Hawaii and Alaska shown in sidemaps).

Main map: EquiDistantConicProjection : Central parallel :

* N: 37.0° N

Central meridian :

* E: 96.0° W

Standard parallels:

* 1: 32.0° N
* 2: 42.0° N

Made with Natural Earth. Free vector and raster map data @

Formulas for x and y:

x = 50.0 + 124.03149777329222 * ((1.9694462586094064-({{{2}}}* pi / 180))
      * sin(0.6010514667026994 * ({{{3}}} + 96) * pi / 180))
y = 50.0 + 1.6155950752393982 * 124.03149777329222 * 0.02613325650382181
      - 1.6155950752393982  * 124.03149777329222 *
     (1.3236744353715044  - (1.9694462586094064-({{{2}}}* pi / 180)) 
      * cos(0.6010514667026994 * ({{{3}}} + 96) * pi / 180))

Hawaii side map: Equirectangular projection, N/S stretching 107 %. Geographic limits of the map:

  • N: 22.4° N
  • S: 18.7° N
  • W: 160.7° W
  • E: 154.6° W

Alaska side map: Equirectangular projection, N/S stretching 210.0 %. Geographic limits of the map:

  • N: 72.0° N
  • S: 51.0° N
  • W: 172.0° E
  • E: 129.0° W
Flag of Oregon.svg
Flag of Oregon (obverse): The flag was adopted by the state on February 26, 1925.[1] The state seal was decided in 1903.[2][3]
Flag of Minnesota.svg
The flag of Minnesota, since May 11, 2024.
Flag of Idaho.svg
Flag of Idaho, from the xrmap flag collection 2.7.
Flag of Mississippi.svg
Författare/Upphovsman: Rocky Vaughn, Sue Anna Joe, Dominique Pugh, Clay Moss, Kara Giles, Micah Whitson and the Mississippi Department of Archives and History, Licens: Copyrighted free use
The flag of the U.S. state of Mississippi - aspect ratio of 5:3. Designed in 2020 and adopted in 2021, the "New Magnolia" flag was selected by the Commission to Redesign the Mississippi state flag in 2020.
Map of USA with state names.svg

The original was edited by Andrew c to include Nova Scotia, PEI, Bahamas, and scale key.

It was originally uploaded to the English Wikipedia with the same title by Wapcaplet:

  • 20:57, 9 October 2005 . . Dbenbenn . . 959x593 (339217 bytes) (fix South Carolina label)
  • 20:27, 9 October 2005 . . Dbenbenn . . 959x593 (339227 bytes) (typo, Massachussetts -> Massachusetts)
  • 19:01, 9 October 2005 . . Dbenbenn . . 959x593 (371653 bytes) (crop, and remove some shapes (rivers, highways, capitals, lakes) that didn't display anyway)
  • 13:18, 23 September 2005 . . Ed g2s . . 990x855 (978668 bytes) (fix (removed <image /> tag))
  • 23:48, 23 September 2004 . . Wapcaplet . . 0x0 (978926 bytes) (SVG map of the United States. Created by Wapcaplet. {{GFDL} })
, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
A map of the United States, with state names (and Washington D.C.).
Flag of Ohio.svg
The flag of the U.S. state of Ohio, officially known as the "Ohio Burgee"
Flag of Oklahoma.svg
Flag of Oklahoma, adopted in November 2006.
Flag of Colorado.svg
Flag of Colorado designed by Andrew Carlisle Johnson
Greater coat of arms of the United States.svg
The greater coat of arms of the United States of America, as depicted on passports, embassies and the Great Seal.