Lista över Hawaiis regenter

Hawaiis regent
Residens‘Iolani-palatset (sedan 1882)
Förste innehavareKamehameha I
Siste innehavareLiliʻuokalani
Avvecklat1893 (de facto)
1895 (de jure)

Detta är en lista över kungariket Hawaiis regenter som styrde det förenade kungariket från 1810, då Kamehameha den Store blev den första kungen.[1] till dess kungariket föll år 1893 efter en statskupp som stöddes av invandrare från USA. Därefter blev Hawaii republik och amerikanen Sanford B. Dole blev dess president.[2]

Innan monarkin grundades leddes varje ö av en hövding som använde titeln Ali'i Nui. Titeln användes också av bland annat Kamehameha den Store.[3]

Hawaiis regenter

BildNamnRegeringstidÄttFörhållande till

sin företrädare

Kamehameha I
(Kamehameha den Store)
Våren 1795 – 8 maj 1819Kamehameha
Kamehameha II20 maj 1819 – 14 juni 1824Kamehamehason
Kamehameha III6 juni 1825 – 15 december 1854Kamehamehabror; Kamehameha I:s näst äldsta son
Kamehameha IV11 januari 1855 – 30 november 1863Kamehamehabrorson som adopterades av Kamehameha III
Kamehameha V30 november 1863 — 11 december 1872Kamehamehabror
Lunalilo8 januari 1873 – 3 februari 1874Kamehamehasyssling
Kalākaua12 februari 1874 – 20 januari 1891Kalākauabesläktad med Kamehameha I genom sin farfars far.
Liliʻuokalani29 januari 1891 – 17 januari 1893Kalākauasyster



  1. ^ ”Hawaiian Monarchy” (på engelska). 13 september 2010. Läst 30 juni 2022. 
  2. ^ ”Liliuokalani | Biography, Overthrow, & Significance” (på engelska). Encyclopædia Britannica. Läst 30 juni 2022. 
  3. ^ Gottlieb, Roger S. (2003-11-07) (på engelska). This Sacred Earth: Religion, Nature, Environment. Routledge. ISBN 978-1-136-91539-0. Läst 30 juni 2022 

Media som används på denna webbplats

King Kamehameha the Great, Bishop Museum, unknown artist.jpg
Portrait of King Kamehameha the Great, Bishop Museum, unknown artist
Kalakaua (PP-96-15-008).jpg
King David Kalakaua of Hawaii governed from 1874 to 1891.
Liliuokalani (PP-98-10-011).jpg
Liliuokalani as Princess Regent.
Royal Coat of Arms of the Kingdom of Hawaii.svg
Författare/Upphovsman: Sodacan, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
The Royal Coat of Arms of the Kingdom of Hawaii adopted in 1845 during the reigns of King Kamehameha III. In 1842 Timothy Haalilio, Private Secretary to the King, and Royal Advisor the Rev. William Richards commissioned the College of Arms in London to prepare a design. The quartered shield has in its 1st and 4th quarters, the red, white and blue stripes representing the eight inhabited Hawaiian islands. The 2nd and 3rd quarters have two emblems of taboo (pulo'ulo'u) on yellow. The inescutcheon has crossed spears and the triangular flag on green. The shield in surmounted by the Crown of Hawaii. The dexter supporter represents Kamanawa holding a spear, the sinister Kameʻeiamoku holding a feather standard or kāhili, twin brothers who were both high chiefs and the Counselors of State to King Kamehameha I. The motto reads: "Ua mau ke ea o ka ʻāina i ka pono" or "The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness".
Kamehameha II, King of Hawaii 1819-1824
King Kamehameha V face detail, from- Hawaii album, p. 32, portraits of King Kamehameha V and others (cropped) (cropped).jpg
:Title: [Hawaii album, p. 32, portraits of King Kamehameha V and others]
Date Created/Published: [ca. 1880]
Medium: 4 photographs on 1 sheet : albumen prints ; sheet 34 x 26 cm; images 14 x 10 cm.
Summary: Photographs show portraits of Hawaiians including King Kamehameha V, and unidentified girls and a woman.
Reproduction Number: LC-DIG-ds-09912 (digital file from original)
Rights Advisory: No known restrictions on publication.
Access Advisory: Please allow fourteen days advance notice to view materials. (Note: material is very fragile and requires special handling). Use digital images. For information see "Access to Unprocessed Materials,"(
Call Number: Unprocessed in PR 13 CN 1978:158, p. 32 [P&P]
Repository: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA
Title devised by Library staff.
In album: [Hawaii album], p. 32.
Captions inscribed in pencil under some photographs.
One photograph is a reproduction of drawing or painting.
Forms part of: [Hawaii album]
Accession box no. DLC/PR 13 CN 1978:158, container 1
Kamehameha--V,--King of the Hawaiian Islands,--1830-1872.
Hawaiians--Clothing & dress--1870-1890.
Albumen prints--1870-1890.
Portrait photographs--1870-1890.
Miscellaneous Items in High Demand
Part of: [Hawaii album]
Kamehameha III, portrait at Iolani Palace.jpg
Portrait of King Kamehameha III by John Mix Stanley. This portrait alongside a companion portrait of Queen Kalama hangs in Grand Hall of Iolani Palace.
Crown Princess Liliuokalani (PPWD-16-4-020).jpg
A photo of the young crown princess Liliuokalani.