Lista över Österrikes statsöverhuvuden
Österrike har haft följande statsöverhuvuden under olika tidsperioder:
Hertigar 1156-1457
Huset Babenberg
- Henrik II (1156-1177)
- Leopold V (1177-1194)
- Fredrik I (1194-1198)
- Leopold VI (1198-1230)
- Fredrik II (1230-1246)
- Hermann I av Baden (1248-1249)
- Fredrik I av Baden-Baden (1250-1251)
- Ottokar II Přemysl (1251-1278)
- Rudolf I (1278-1282)
Huset Habsburg
- Albrekt I (1282-1308)
- Fredrik I (1308-1330)
- Leopold I (1308-1326)
- Albrekt II (1330-1358)
- Otto (1330-1339)
- Rudolf IV (1358-1365)
I arvdelningen efter Rudolf IV uppstår först två, sedan ytterligare släktlinjer vars överhuvuden innehar hertigtiteln. Först under Maximilian I förenas alla habsburgska länderna igen
Albertinska linjen
- Albrekt III (1365-1395)
- Albrekt IV (1395-1404)
- Albrekt V (1404-1439)
- Ladislaus Postumus (1440-1457)
Leopoldinska linjen
- Leopold III (1365-1386)
- Leopold IV (1386-1411)
- Wilhelm (1386-1406)
- Ernst (1406-1424)
- Fredrik IV (1406-1439)
- Fredrik V (1439-1493)
- Siegmund (1439-1490)
- Albrekt VI (1446-1463)
Ärkehertigar 1457-1804
Huset Habsburg
- Albrekt VI 1457-1463
- Fredrik V 1463-1493
- Maximilian I 1493-1519
- Karl I 1519-1556
- Ferdinand I 1556-1564
- Maximilian II 1564-1612
- Rudolf II 1576-1612
- Matthias 1612-1619
- Ferdinand II 1619-1637
- Ferdinand III 1637-1657
- Leopold I 1658-1705
- Josef I 1705-1711
- Karl VI 1711-1740
- Maria Theresia 1740-1780
Huset Lothringen
Huset Habsburg-Lothringen
- Josef II 1765-1790 (samregent med sin mor Maria Theresia till 1780)
- Leopold II 1790-1792
- Frans II 1792-1804 (som kejsare från 1804: Frans I)
Kejsare av Österrike 1804-1918
Samtliga tillhörde Huset Habsburg-Lothringen
Nr | Porträtt | Namn | Regeringstid | Släktskap till företrädare | Gemål | Notering | |
Tillträdde | Frånfälle | ||||||
1 | ![]() | Frans I (1768-1835) | 11 augusti 1804 | 2 mars 1835 | - | Marie Ludovika Karolina Augusta | |
2 | ![]() | Ferdinand I (1793-1875) | 2 mars 1835 | 2 december 1848 | son | Maria Anna | |
3 | ![]() | Frans Josef I (1830-1916) | 2 december 1848 | 21 november 1916 | brorson | Elisabeth "Sisi" | Ende sonen begick självmord 1889 Överlevde yngre brodern 1:e brorsonen mördades 1914 i Sarajevo Överlevde 2:a brorsonen |
4 | ![]() | Karl I (1887-1922) | 21 november 1916 | 11 november 1918 | broderns sonson | Zita |
Förbundspresidenter 1919-1938 och från 1945
Österrike annekterades av Nazityskland 1938. Efter ockupation av segrarmakterna i andra världskriget återetablerades en suverän statsbildning med Österrikiska statsfördraget 1955.
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- Den här artikeln är helt eller delvis baserad på material från engelskspråkiga Wikipedia, List of rulers of Austria, tidigare version.
Media som används på denna webbplats
Coat of arms of Austria: Bindenschild and Archducal hat; Privilegium maius, front page of the exemplar made for Maximilian I., 1512.
El emperador austrohúngaro Carlos de uniforme y con brazalete de luto.
Författare/Upphovsman: Sodacan, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Imperial Coat of Arms of the Empire of Austria-Hungary, used from 1866 to 1915.
Författare/Upphovsman: Internet Archive Book Images, Licens: No restrictions
Identifier: wardiaryofameric00jeff (find matches)
Title: War diary of an American woman to the proclamation of the holy war, 1914
Year: 1915 (1910s)
Authors: Jeffries, Jouett
Subjects: World War, 1914-1918
Publisher: New York : The Fatherland Corporation
Contributing Library: University of California Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: MSN
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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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ural econ-omy and intensive farming, it is to-day, the thirdlargest agricultural country in the world. And incoal and iron it is second only to America, theGovernment-owned railroads bring in a higher rev-enue than those of England and France, and forforty years this nation has concentrated all itsenergies on peaceful industry. So Germanys for-eign trade is great and she purchases from theUnited States more than any other country in theworld. Her imports from our country to-day stands tothe figure of $430,000,000 and her exports to usnearly $180,000,000. War, however, means the ruin of commerce andif peace is not soon established our golden Americawill suffer greatly. One can readily see that thelast days of July were days of anxiety and distressfor the German people; they hoped that they wouldbe permitted to preserve an honorable peace; but onthe fourth of August, on the Anniversary of theBattle of Weissenburg and Spichern, the repre-sentatives of the German people met, and this ses-
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Kaiser Francis Joseph WAR DIARY OF AN AMERICAN WOMAN 49 sion, which lasted only a few hours proved worthyof the great historical moment that marked thebeginning of such a conflagration as the world hasnever seen. So, if this be a sorry time for one country inEurope, it is also one for the Western Hemisphere.Before and above all, we preach, the same doctrineof humanity and forbearance, Live and let live.We should be fast and firm friends, by election andpredilection. And it is not only profit, but pleasure too, thatwe take out of the German Empire, now so hardpressed. Music, the opera, the concert, science andlearning, in diverse ways, are to be counted to ourgain, and we also lose from the Dual Monarchy.Kreisler, the Austrian violinist, with his magic ofmusic, who has gone to show that he can play withthe sword as well as with the fiddle and the bow,and Nickisch, the Hungarian, the wizard of theorchestra, who has worked his way back in a cattlewagon from Ostend, and men of learning an
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