Linje 1, Guangzhou Metro

Linje 1 (1号线)
Huangsha Station.
PlatsGuangzhou, Kina
Antal hållplatser16
Anslutande linjer2 3 5 APM GF
Invigd28 juni 1997
ÄgareStaden Guangzhou
Infrastruktur­förvaltareGuangzhou Metro Corporation
Tekniska fakta
Linjelängd18,5 kilometer
Antal spår2
Spårvidd1 435 millimeter
Matning1 500 V DC
Urban tunnel continuation backward
 Airport South 
Unknown BSicon "CONTgq"Unknown BSicon "umtKRZ"
Station on transverse track + Unknown BSicon "HUBa"
Unknown BSicon "CONTfq"Express railway
GZ East Railway Station(Jingguang Railway)
Urban tunnel station on track + Unknown BSicon "HUBaq"
Urban head station in tunnel + Unknown BSicon "HUBrf"
GZ East Railway Station(förbindelse med Linje 3)
Unknown BSicon "utSTR+l"Unknown BSicon "utABZgr"Urban tunnel station on track
Tianhe Sports Center
Urban tunnel straight trackUnknown BSicon "utABZg+l"Unknown BSicon "utKRZt"Unknown BSicon "utCONTfq"
 Tianhe Coach Terminal 
Unknown BSicon "utXBHF-L" + Unknown BSicon "HUBaq"
Unknown BSicon "utXBHF-R" + Unknown BSicon "HUBq"
Urban tunnel station on track + Unknown BSicon "HUBeq"
Tiyu Xilu(förbindelse med Linje 3)
Unknown BSicon "utABZgl"Unknown BSicon "utABZg+r"Urban tunnel straight track
Urban tunnel track end endUnknown BSicon "utSTRl"Unknown BSicon "utKRZt"Unknown BSicon "utCONTfq"
 Panyu Square 
Urban tunnel station on track + Unknown BSicon "HUBaq"
Unknown BSicon "HUBlg"
Yangji(förbindelse med Linje 5)
Unknown BSicon "utCONTgq"Unknown BSicon "utKRZt"
Unknown BSicon "utBHFq" + Unknown BSicon "HUBe"
Unknown BSicon "utCONTfq"
 Jiaokou – Wenchong 
Unknown BSicon "uextCONTgq"
Unknown BSicon "uextBHFq" + Unknown BSicon "HUBa"
Unknown BSicon "uetKRZt"Unknown BSicon "uextSTR+r"
 Xiangxue – Xunfenggang 
Unknown BSicon "HUBlf"
Urban tunnel station on track + Unknown BSicon "HUBeq"
Unused urban tunnel continuation forward
Dongshankou(förbindelse med Linje 6)
Urban tunnel station on track
Martyrs' Park
Urban tunnel station on track
Peasant Movement Institute
Unknown BSicon "utSTR+l"Unknown BSicon "utABZgr"
Anslutande linje med Linje 2
Unknown BSicon "utCONTgq"Unknown BSicon "utABZqr"Unknown BSicon "utTINTt"Unknown BSicon "utCONTfq"
Gongyuanqian(förbindelse med Linje 2)
Urban tunnel straight track
 Jiahewanggang – GZ South Railway Station 
Urban tunnel station on track
Urban tunnel station on track
Chen Clan Academy
Urban tunnel station on track
Changshou Lu
Unknown BSicon "HUBrg"
Urban tunnel station on track + Unknown BSicon "HUBeq"
Unused urban tunnel continuation backward
Huangsha(förbindelse med Linje 6)
Unknown BSicon "uextCONTgq"
Unknown BSicon "uextBHFq" + Unknown BSicon "HUBe"
Unknown BSicon "uetKRZt"Unknown BSicon "uextSTRr"
 Xunfenggang – Xiangxue 
Transverse waterUnknown BSicon "utKRZW"Transverse water
Urban tunnel station on track
Urban tunnel station on track
Transverse waterUnknown BSicon "utKRZW"Transverse water
Unknown BSicon "utSTRe"
Urban station on track
Unknown BSicon "uWBRÜCKE1"
Unknown BSicon "uSTR+l"Unknown BSicon "uABZgr"
Urban non-passenger station/depot on trackUrban straight track
Xilang spårvagnshall
Unknown BSicon "CONTgq"
Transverse track + Unknown BSicon "uSTRl"
Unknown BSicon "uABZg+r"
Anslutande linje med GZ Iron & Steel Co.
Unknown BSicon "utCONTgq"Unknown BSicon "uKRZt"
Unknown BSicon "utKBHFxeq" + Unknown BSicon "HUBa"
Unknown BSicon "uextCONTfq"
 Kuiqi Lu – Lijiao 
Urban end station + Unknown BSicon "HUBaq"
Unknown BSicon "HUBrf"
Xilang(förbindelse med Guangfo Line)

Linje 1, Guangzhous tunnelbana (kinesiska: 广州地铁1号线; pinyin: Guǎngzhōu Dìtiě Yī Hào Xiàn) eller Zhongshanlu linjen (kinesiska: 中山路线; pinyin: Zhōngshānglù Xiàn) Linjen går från Xilang till Guangzhou East Railway Station (18,5 km). Förutom från Kengkou och Xilang, är alla stationer under jorden.[1] Linje 1's färg är gul.

  • 28 juni 1997: Xilang - Huangsha
  • 28 juni 1999: Huangsha - Guangzhou East Railway Station


Stationens namn
Stationens namn
Guangzhou East Railway Station广州东站 Ö-perrong (under marken)Linje 3Tianhe
Tianhe Sports Center体育中心 Ö-perrong (under marken)
Tiyu Xilu体育西路 Ö-perrong (under marken)Linje 3 APM
Yangji杨箕 Ö-perrong (under marken)Linje 5Yuexiu
Dongshankou东山口 Ö-perrong (under marken)
Martyrs' Park烈士陵园 Ö-perrong (under marken)
Peasant Movement Institute农讲所站 Ö-perrong (under marken)
Gongyuanqian公园前 Spansk lösning (under marken)Linje 2
Ximenkou西门口 Ö-perrong (under marken)
Chen Clan Academy陈家祠 Ö-perrong (under marken)Liwan
Changshou Lu长寿路 Ö-perrong (under marken)
Huangsha黄沙 Ö-perrong (under marken)
Fangcun芳村 Ö-perrong (under marken)
Huadiwan花地湾 Sidoplattform (under marken)
Kengkou坑口 Sidoplattform
Xilang西朗 SidoplattformGuangfo


Media som används på denna webbplats

BSicon .svg
This is the "empty element" of the Icons for railway descriptions (see there for further informations). The original syntax of Wikipedia:Route diagram templates filled all empty spaces in a diagram with this file (all BSicons were 20x20px). For those cells where an icon ID was provided, some "File:BSicon_ID.svg" were used, and where there was no ID, "File:BSicon_.svg" was substituted. Many major Wikipedias has since upgraded the syntax so that just an empty table cell is used (incl. En.WP).
BSicon utCONTg.svg
Image for BSicon diagrams
Arrow Blue Up 001.svg
Blue arrow in SVG format, pointing upwards.
BSicon CONTgq.svg
Image for BSicon diagrams
BSicon BHFq.svg
station at track aqross
BSicon CONTfq.svg
Image for BSicon diagrams
BSicon LDER.svg
Long-distance express railway or high-speed rail icon for Route diagram template.
BSicon utBHF.svg
underground tunnel station
BSicon utSTR.svg
underground tunnel straight track
BSicon utKRZt.svg
Underground crossing tunnel / tunnel across
BSicon utCONTfq.svg
Continuation in tunnel forward, rotated across, set "u"
Arrow Blue Right 001.svg
Blue arrow in SVG format, pointing the right.
BSicon utXBHF-L.svg
Icons for railway description
BSicon utXBHF-R.svg
Icons for railway description
BSicon utCONTgq.svg
Continuation in tunnel backward, rotated across, set "u"
BSicon utBHFq.svg
underground tunnel station aqross
Arrow Blue Left 001.svg
Blue arrow in SVG format, pointing the left.
BSicon uextCONTgq.svg
Unused continuation in tunnel backward, rotated across, set "u"
BSicon uextBHFq.svg
ex underground tunnel station aqross
BSicon uetKRZt.svg
Ex underground crossing tunnel / tunnel across
BSicon uextCONTf.svg
Image for BSicon diagrams
BSicon utTINTt.svg
Route diagram template: Interchange station on light rail tunnel crossing
BSicon WASSERq.svg
watercourse aqross
BSicon utKRZW.svg
underground tunnel track below water
BSicon uSTR.svg
Underground straight track
BSicon STRq.svg
Straight line aqross (according to naming convention, name + modifier)
BSicon uextCONTfq.svg
Unused continuation in tunnel forward, rotated across, set "u"
BSicon utABZqr.svg
BS template transport icon
BSicon umtKRZ.svg
underground mixed tunnel crossing
BSicon uWBRÜCKE1.svg
icon for railway description. Large cross-water bridge for urban line.
BSicon uDST.svg
underground non-passenger station
Huangsha Station Platform 2 2008 07.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Mengyeyue, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
BSicon utKBHFxeq.svg
Underground tunnel terminal station, ex through track
BSicon uKBHFe.svg
Underground terminal station
BSicon utKBHFa.svg
Underground tunnel terminal station
BSicon uextSTR+r.svg
BS template transport icon
BSicon uBHF.svg
Underground station
BSicon uKRZt.svg
Underground crossing tunnel across
Arrow Blue Down 001.svg
Blue arrow in SVG format, pointing downwards.
BSicon uextCONTg.svg
Image for BSicon diagrams