Leroy Chiao

Leroy Chiao
Leroy Chiao.
Leroy Chiao.
TillståndEj aktiv
Född28 augusti 1960
UrvalsgruppAstronautgrupp 13 den 17 januari 1990
UppdragSTS-65, STS-72, STS-92, Sojuz TMA-5, Expedition 10
Uppdrags­emblemSts-65-patch.png Sts-72-patch.png Sts-92-patch.svg Soyuz TMA-5 Patch.png ISS Expedition 10 Patch.svg

Leroy Chiao, född 28 augusti 1960 i Milwaukee, är en amerikansk astronaut uttagen i astronautgrupp 13 den 17 januari 1990.


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Författare/Upphovsman: Viktorvoigt, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
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STS-65 Mission Insignia

Designed by the mission crew members, the STS-65 insignia features the International Microgravity Lab (IML)-2 mission and its Spacelab module which flew aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia. IML-2 is reflected in the emblem by two gold stars shooting toward the heavens behind the IML lettering. The Space Shuttle Columbia is depicted orbiting the logo and reaching off into space, with Spacelab on an international quest for a better understanding of the effects of space flight on materials processing and life sciences.
Soyuz TMA-5 Patch.png
This Soyuz TMA-5 patch was designed by Alex Panchenko:
"I've started design works of patches for Soyuz TMA-5 (ISS-10 flight) back in July 2004, when first sketches - drawings made in Starbucks coffee and later presented them for approval to Soyuz commander S. Sharipov. It was still not clear who is going to be third crew member of Soyuz and in this case I was preparing for Soyuz TMA-5 flight design in two variants (with name of Polonsky and with name of Shargin - both candidates on third seat in Soyuz).
During design work with Soyuz TMA-5 patch my idea was to present Soyuz panels as symbolic flags of Russia and United States, and base of design is a window view outside. Crew names are in the same order as their actual seats inside Soyuz. Commander S. Sharipov in center, L. Chiao on the left from commander and Y. Shargin on the right side."
Designed by the crew members, the STS-92 patch symbolizes the second mission to carry U.S.-built elements to the International Space Station (ISS) for assembly. The black silhouette of the Space Shuttle Discovery stands out against the deep blue background of space in low Earth orbit. In the foreground in gray is a profile view of the ISS as it appears when the shuttle and crew arrive, with the station consisting of the Unity node, its two pressurized mating adapters (PMA), the Zarya functional cargo block, the Zvezda service module, and the Progress cargo vehicle.
Following the shuttle's rendezvous and docking, the ISS configuration will be augmented by the two elements delivered by Discovery–the Z1 truss and PMA-3. These two elements, depicted in red, will be installed using the shuttle's robot arm and be connected to ISS during four spacewalks. The multi-national nature of both the STS-92 crew and the ISS are reflected in the multi-colored Astronaut Office symbol.
ISS Expedition 10 Patch.svg
The Expedition 10 patch uses simple symbolism to describe the mission. The large Roman numeral "X," formed by the American and Russian flags, symbolizes the joint nature of this mission, as well as the fact that this flight is the 10th mission to stay on the International Space Station (ISS). The current configuration of the ISS is next to the name of the ISS Commander, while the Soyuz vehicle is placed next to the name of the Soyuz Commander. The single star and the black background signify this is a space mission.

STS-72 Mission Insignia

The crew patch of STS-72 depicts the Space Shuttle Endeavour and some of the payloads on the flight. The Japanese satellite, Space Flyer Unit (SFU) is shown in a free-flying configuration with the solar array panels deployed. The inner gold border of the patch represents the SFU's distinct octagonal shape. Endeavour's rendezvous with and retrieval of SFU at an altitude of approximately 250 nautical miles. The Office of Aeronautics and Space Technology's (OAST) flyer satellite is shown just after release from the Remote Manipulator System (RMS). The OAST satellite was deployed at an altitude of 165 nautical miles. The payload bay contains equipment for the secondary payloads - the Shuttle Laser Altimeter (SLA) and the Shuttle Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet Instrument (SSBUV). There were two space walks planned to test hardware for assembly of the International Space Station. The stars represent the hometowns of the crew members in the United States and Japan.