Laser i segling vid olympiska sommarspelen 1996

Segling vid
olympiska sommarspelen 1996
Sailing pictogram.svg
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Tävlingarna i laser i segling vid olympiska sommarspelen 1996 avgjordes 222 augusti 1996 i Savannah.[1]


Laser[2]Flag of Brazil.svg Robert Scheidt (BRA)Flag of the United Kingdom (1-2).svg Ben Ainslie (GBR)Flag of Norway.svg Peer Moberg (NOR)


Finn insigna.png
Styrman (Land)Lopp ILopp IILopp IIILopp IVLopp VLopp VILopp VIILopp VIIILopp IXLopp XLopp XITotal-
1Flag of Brazil.svg Robert Scheidt Mars symbol.svg (BRA)
2Flag of the United Kingdom (1-2).svg Ben Ainslie Mars symbol.svg (GBR)2828.
3Flag of Norway.svg Peer Moberg Mars symbol.svg (NOR)
4Flag of Australia.svg Michael Blackburn Mars symbol.svg (AUS)
5Flag of Germany.svg Stefan Warkalla Mars symbol.svg (GER)1313.
6Flag of Sweden.svg John Harrysson Mars symbol.svg (SWE)
7Flag of Portugal.svg Vasco Serpa Mars symbol.svg (POR)88.033.01010.0PMS57.033.099.01111.01111.01212.01616.077.0147.074.0
8Flag of Finland.svg Thomas Johanson Mars symbol.svg (FIN)1818.01414.044.088.01111.01313.066.01515.044.01313.055.0111.078.0
9Flag of Argentina.svg Santiago Lange Mars symbol.svg (ARG)
10Flag of New Zealand.svg Hamish Pepper Mars symbol.svg (NZL)1515.0PMS57.01919.01919.
11Flag of Ireland.svg Mark Lyttle Mars symbol.svg (IRL)DSQ57.01313.011.099.01414.055.088.0DSQ57.01010.01010.01818.0202.088.0
12Flag of Italy.svg Francesco Bruni Mars symbol.svg (ITA)1212.055.01111.044.02424.02020.0PMS57.01010.088.033.01717.0171.090.0
13Flag of the Netherlands.svg Serge Kats Mars symbol.svg (NED)66.0PMS57.01212.01313.055.077.02222.0DSQ57.01919.01111.033.0212.098.0
14Flag of Austria.svg Franz Urlesberger Mars symbol.svg (AUT)1919.03030.01515.01616.01616.02323.01414.01212.066.099.01515.0175.0122.0
15Flag of France.svg Guillaume Florent Mars symbol.svg (FRA)77.01717.01414.01212.02525.02121.02121.088.01414.02222.0DSQ57.0218.0136.0
16Flag of South Africa.svg David Hibberd Mars symbol.svg (RSA)1010.01010.02020.02020.088.01717.03131.01313.02929.01818.02222.0198.0138.0
17Flag of Denmark.svg Jens Eckardt Mars symbol.svg (DEN)3131.01616.01717.01111.077.088.02626.01717.01313.02727.0DNF57.0230.0142.0
18Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Philippe Bergmans Mars symbol.svg (BEL)1111.01111.02525.01010.02020.01515.02525.02222.02828.02424.066.0197.0144.0
19Flag of Chile.svg Luis Felipe Echenique Mars symbol.svg (CHI)2020.0PMS57.03131.01515.01818.01616.099.02626.03131.01515.088.0246.0158.0
20Flag of Belarus (1995–2012).svg Aleksandr Zelenovskij Mars symbol.svg (BLR)3838.02323.02828.02626.02121.01818.01313.01616.01515.01717.01414.0229.0163.0
21Flag of the United States.svg Nick Adamson Mars symbol.svg (USA)99.0DSQ57.01313.077.01313.01414.01010.0DSQ57.02727.01414.0DSQ57.0278.0164.0
22Flag of Spain.svg Anton Garrote Mars symbol.svg (ESP)1717.01515.01818.03636.02626.03131.01818.01818.01717.01212.0DSQ57.0265.0172.0
23Flag of South Korea (1984–1997).svg Kim Ho-Kon Mars symbol.svg (KOR)1616.01818.03030.055.01515.01212.03535.02828.03232.02626.02323.0240.0173.0
24Flag of Estonia.svg Peter Šaraškin Mars symbol.svg (EST)1414.02727.02121.02929.03030.03333.01212.01414.01818.02121.02020.0239.0176.0
25Flag of the British Virgin Islands.svg Robert Hirst Mars symbol.svg (IVB)3939.01919.02929.01717.03131.02525.03232.099.02020.03030.01212.0263.0192.0
26Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Rod Davies Mars symbol.svg (CAN)2222.0PMS57.02424.02525.01717.02828.02323.02525.02626.02323.099.0279.0194.0
27Flag of Greece.svg Dimitrios Theodorakis Mars symbol.svg (GRE)2121.02828.01616.01818.03333.02626.02828.02020.02525.02525.02424.0264.0203.0
28Flag of Japan (1870–1999).svg Tomoyuki Sasaki Mars symbol.svg (JPN)2424.02222.02222.02121.01919.01919.04242.03131.03030.02929.02626.0285.0212.0
29Flag of Russia.svg Andrej Kiriljuk Mars symbol.svg (RUS)3636.02525.02626.03131.03232.02424.02929.01919.02222.02020.01616.0280.0212.0
30Flag of Uruguay.svg Ricardo Fabini Mars symbol.svg (URU)2525.01212.03838.02323.02222.03232.01616.03030.03535.0DSQ57.02121.0311.0216.0
31Flag of Hungary.svg Tamás Eszes Mars symbol.svg (HUN)DSQ57.02020.03333.04343.03737.03030.02727.055.01111.02828.0DSQ57.0348.0234.0
32Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg Xiaobo Cao Mars symbol.svg (CHN)3030.02424.03232.02828.02828.02929.03030.02727.03838.03232.01313.0311.0241.0
33Flag of Mexico.svg Antonio Goeters Mars symbol.svg (MEX)3434.03838.04242.03030.04343.03636.01717.02424.02323.03333.03030.0350.0265.0
34Flag of the Netherlands Antilles (1986–2010).svg Paul Dielemans Mars symbol.svg (AHO)3333.02121.02323.04242.02929.02727.03939.03535.02424.03636.0DSQ57.0366.0267.0
35Flag of Ukraine.svg Rodion Luka Mars symbol.svg (UKR)2727.03434.04343.03737.04444.03434.033.02323.03636.03737.0DSQ57.0375.0274.0
36Flag of Singapore.svg Chi Tan Mars symbol.svg (SIN)4141.0PMS57.03434.02424.02727.03535.03838.03737.03939.03131.01919.0382.0284.0
37Flag of Malaysia.svg Kevin Lim Mars symbol.svg (MAS)3232.02626.03636.03434.03535.03939.04848.03333.04040.04141.02525.0389.0300.0
38Flag of Seychelles.svg Allan Julie Mars symbol.svg (SEY)YMP22.03636.02727.0DNF57.03838.04444.04747.04242.03434.03535.02727.0409.0305.0
39Flag of the Cayman Islands (pre-1999).svg John van Batenburg Stafford Mars symbol.svg (CAY)3737.02929.04444.02727.03434.03838.04141.03636.05252.04545.03232.0415.0318.0
40Flag of Turkey.svg Alp Alpagut Mars symbol.svg (TUR)3535.03232.03737.04040.04040.04040.04040.04141.03333.03838.03333.0409.0328.0
41Flag of Malta.svg John Tabone Mars symbol.svg (MLT)2626.03939.03535.04444.04949.04242.03333.03838.04646.04646.03434.0432.0337.0
42Flag of Bermuda (1910–1999).svg Malcolm Smith Mars symbol.svg (BER)4040.03131.04141.03232.04242.04545.04646.04040.04343.03434.03535.0429.0338.0
43Flag of Antigua and Barbuda.svg Karl James Mars symbol.svg (ANT)4545.03535.03939.03535.03939.0DNF57.03434.04545.04949.04040.02828.0446.0340.0
44Flag of Guam.svg Brett Chivers Mars symbol.svg (GUM)2929.03737.05050.04545.03636.03737.04545.04444.04444.03939.02929.0435.0340.0
45Flag of Saint Lucia (1979–2002).svg Michael Green Mars symbol.svg (LCA)4242.04040.04040.03838.04141.04141.03737.03232.04242.04444.03131.0428.0342.0
46Flag of Hong Kong (1959–1997).svg Fung Yang Mars symbol.svg (HKG)4444.03333.04747.03939.04646.04343.04444.02929.04747.04343.03636.0451.0357.0
47Flag of the Bahamas.svg Robert Dunkley Mars symbol.svg (BAH)4848.04141.04646.04141.04545.04646.04343.04343.04141.04242.03737.0473.0379.0
48Flag of Romania.svg Horia Ispas Mars symbol.svg (ROM)4343.04343.04949.0DNF57.04747.0DNF57.02424.0DSQ57.04545.04848.03838.0508.0394.0
49Flag of Qatar.svg Khalifa Al-Hitmi Mars symbol.svg (QAT)4646.04242.04545.0DNF57.04848.0DNF57.0DSQ57.03434.03737.04747.04141.0511.0397.0
50Flag of Ecuador (1900–2009).svg Gaston Vedani Mars symbol.svg (ECU)4747.04444.04848.04848.05050.0DNF57.03636.03939.04848.05050.03939.0506.0399.0
51Flag of Bahrain (1972–2002).svg Mohamed al-Sada Mars symbol.svg (BRN)5050.04545.05151.04747.0DNF57.0DNS57.05050.04747.05050.04949.04040.0543.0429.0
52Flag of Barbados.svg Rodney Reader Mars symbol.svg (BAR)5252.04747.05252.04646.05252.0DNF57.0PMS57.04848.05454.05151.04242.0558.0444.0
53Flag of Paraguay (1990–2013).svg Constantino Scarpetta Mars symbol.svg (PAR)5151.04646.05353.0DNF57.05151.0DNF57.0DSQ57.04646.05151.05252.04343.0564.0450.0
54Flag of Fiji.svg Tiko Crofoot Mars symbol.svg (FIJ)YMP48.04949.05454.0DNF57.05353.0DNF57.0PMS57.05151.05353.05454.04444.0577.0463.0
55Flag of Djibouti.svg Mohamed Youssouf Mars symbol.svg (DJI)5353.04848.05656.0DNF57.0DNF57.0DNS57.05151.05050.05656.05353.04545.0583.0469.0
56Flag of San Marino (pre 2011).svg Luca Belluzzi Mars symbol.svg (SMR)5454.0DNF57.05555.0DNF57.0DNC57.0DNC57.04949.04949.05555.05555.04646.0591.0477.0

Daglig ställning

En graf som visar de dagliga ställningarna i tävlingarna i laser vid olympiska sommarspelen 1996.


  1. ^ ”Arkiverade kopian”. Arkiverad från originalet den 5 mars 2016. Läst 3 mars 2016. 
  2. ^ The Official Report of the Centennial Olympic Games. Volume Three - The Competition Results. PDF. s. 442. Läst 12 juni 2015.
  3. ^ Totalt efter discard.

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     blå rendered as RGB 000 020 137Pantone Reflex Blue C
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Det är enkelt att lägga till en ram runt den här bilden
Flag of Belarus (1995-2012).svg
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Flag of Belarus (1995–2012).svg
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Flag of Japan (1870–1999).svg
Variant version of a flag of Japan, used between January 27, 1870 and August 13, 1999 (aspect ratio 7:10).
Flag of Malaysia.svg
Flag of Malaysia – Jalur Gemilang (Stripes of Glory)
Flag of Ecuador (1900–2009).svg
Made by author of Xramp, first uploaded by Denelson83 as Flag of Ecuador.svg, modifications by Husunqu.
Flag of Bahrain (1972–2002).svg
This is the flag of Bahrain used from 5 October 1950 until 14 February 2002. The base image is from the 2002 CIA World Factbook (mirrored at UMSL). I have removed the border and recolored the red section according to Image:Flag of Bahrain.svg.
Flag of Fiji.svg
Författare/Upphovsman: unknown, Licens: CC0
1996 LASER Positions during the serie.png
Författare/Upphovsman: VYGOcommons, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Graph showing the daily standings in the Laser during the 1996 Summer Olympics
Mars symbol.svg
Författare/Upphovsman: Kwamikagami, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Mars symbol with uncapped line ends
Flag of Paraguay (1990-2013).svg
Former version of the flag of Paraguay
Flag of San Marino (before 2011).svg
The flag of San Marino, before the 2011 standardization
Flag of Saint Lucia (1979-2002).svg
Flag of Saint Lucia, 1979
Flag of Guam.svg
The flag of Guam, courtesy an e-mail from the author of xrmap. Modifications by Denelson83.
Flag of the Cayman Islands (pre-1999).svg

This is the flag of the Cayman Islands, prior to 1999 (It seems this version is still in use). The base pattern is from HK Blue Ensign and the arms are from the blue ensign. The FOTW was used for the position of the arms.

The three stars mean Grand Cayman(76miles), Cayman Brac(14miles), and Little Cayman(10miles).
Finn insigna.png
Författare/Upphovsman: VYGOcommons, Licens: CC BY-SA 3.0
Ensign of the International Finn Class
Flag of San Marino (pre 2011).svg
The flag of San Marino, before the 2011 standardization
Flag of Bermuda (1910–1999).svg
1910 Flag of Bermuda (with smaller coat of arms)