Kröller-Müllermuseets skulpturpark

Entréväg till Kröller-Müllermuseet
Jardin d'Email av Jean Dubuffet
L'Air av Aristide Maillol

Kröller-Müllermuseets skulpturpark ligger i nationalparken Hoge Veluwe vid Otterlo i Nederländerna i omedelbar närhet till Kröller-Müllermuseet.

Skulpturparken är med sina 25 hektar en av de största skulpturparkerna i Europa. Den öppnades 1961 på en yta av fyra hektar och ställer ut internationella verk från 1900-talet. Parken utvidgades 1966 till nio hektar och till sin nuvarande storlek 2001.

I parken finns två utaställningspaviljonger: Eyck-Pavillon, ritad av Aldo van Eyck och Rietveld-Pavillon, ritad av Gerrit Rietveld.


Skulptursamlingen omfattar verk och inhemska och utländska konstnärer, bland andra:

  • Hans Aeschbacher med Stor figur I (1961)
  • Jean Amado med De la mer, le passage ... (1979)
  • Carl Andre med Weathering piece (1970) och 43 Roaring forty (1988)
  • Willy Anthoons med Forme infinie (1949)
  • Kenneth Armitage med Monitor (1961)
  • Jean Arp med Berger de nuages (1953)
  • Joannis Avramidis med Stor figur (1958)
  • Mirosław Bałka med 125x211x179 och 190x129x73 (1993) och 200x238x95 (1996/2001)
  • Antoine Bourdelle med La grande Pénélope (1912)
  • Tom Claassen med 18 liegende Holzmänner (2000) och Rocky lumps (2005/06)
  • Adam Colton med Blob and Bone (2002)
  • Eugène Dodeigne med Homme et femme (1963) och Sept (1993)
  • Jean Dubuffet med Jardin d'émail (1974)
  • Sorel Etrog med Complexes of a young lady (1960/62)
  • Lucio Fontana med Concetto spaziale 'Natura' (1959-60)
  • Fortuyn/O'Brien med The twenty-four men in white (1988)
  • Otto Freundlich med Composition (1933/1961)
  • Dan Graham med Two adjacent pavilions (1978/2001)
  • Emilio Greco med La Grande Bagnante nr. 3 (1957)
  • Barbara Hepworth med Squares with two circles (1963-1964), Dual form (1965) och Sphere with inner form (1963)
  • Huang Yong Ping med The overturned tomb (1994)
  • Phillip King med Brake (1966) och Open bound (1973)
  • Ödon Koch med Figur I (1958)
  • Bertrand Lavier med Privé sur mobi (1986)
  • Jacques Lipchitz med Le cri (Le couple) (1928-29) och Le chant des voyelles (1931-32)
  • Aristide Maillol med L'Air (1939/62)
  • Étienne Martin medDemeure 3 (1960)
  • Arturo Martini med Giuditta e Oloferne (1932-33)
  • Marcello Mascherini med Ritratto di Franca (1952)
  • Umberto Mastroianni med La conquista (1954) och Picadores (1965)
  • Henry Moore med Animal head (1956), Two-piece reclining figure II (1960) och Three upright motives (1955-56, 1965)
  • François Morellet med La plate-bande (1988)
  • Jan van Munster med Plus Minus (1987)
  • Isamu Noguchi med The Cry (1959-61/62)
  • Claes Oldenburg med Trowel (1971), utanför skulpturparken
  • Marta Pan med Sculpture flottante, Otterlo (1960-61) och Amphithéâtre (2007)
  • Eduardo Paolozzi med St. Sebastian III (1958) och Medea (1964)
  • Constant Permeke med Niobe (1951)
  • Germaine Richier med Le grand homme de la nuit (1954/55)
  • George Rickey med Two vertical, three horizontal lines (1965-66)
  • Auguste Rodin med Femme accroupie (1882)
  • Ulrich Rückriem med Spaltad kub (1971), Snittad dolomit (1974)
  • Richard Serra med Spin out, for Robert Smithson (1972-73) och One (1988)
  • Piet Slegers med Landschaps-Zonneproject (1979) och Everzwijn (1958)
  • Tony Smith med Wandering rocks (1967/79)
  • Kenneth Snelson med Needle tower (1968)
  • Evert Strobos med Palissade (1973/91)
  • Mark di Suvero med K-piece (1972)
  • Alina Szapocznikow med Bellies (1968)
  • Carel Visser med Kubus en zijn stapeling (1967) och Pleinbeeld (1998)
  • André Volten med Zuil (1968), Kubisk konstruktion (1968)
  • Magdalena Wiecek med Close to the Earth (1968)
  • Fritz Wotruba med Stående figur (1958-59) och Hukande figur (1950-51)


Östra delen

Aldo van Eyckpaviljongen

Centrala och sydvästra delen

Nordvästra delen




  • Jimena Blazquez Abascal, Beeldenparken, kunst en natuur in Europa, een gids, THOTH, Bussem 2006. ISBN 9068684248
  • Toos van Kooten/Marente Bloemheuvel (Hrsg.), Beeldentuin Kröller-Müller Museum, NAi Uitgevers, Rotterdam 2007. ISBN 9789056625825


  • Denna artikel baseras på artikeln om Kröller-Müllermuseets skulpturpark på tyskspråkiga Wikipedia.

Externa länkar

Media som används på denna webbplats

KMM Permeke 01.JPG
sculpture Niobe (1951) by Constant Permeke in sculpturepark KMM/The Netherlands
KMM 01.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: p2cl, Licens: CC BY-SA 2.0
sculpture Concetto Speziale "Natura" (1959-1960) by Lucio Fontana (Arg.) in sculpture garden KMM in the Netherlands
KMM Wenkebach.JPG
sculpture Monsieur Jacques (1955) by Oswald Wenckebach entrance sculpturepark KMM/The Netherlands
sculpture 43 Roaring forty (1968) by Carl Andre at KMM in Otterlo/The Netherlands
KMM Serra 01.JPG
sculpture Spin out, for Robert Smithson (1972/3) by Richard Serra in sculpturepark KMM/The Netherlands
KrollerMuller ParkSculpture2.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Staka, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Rocky Lumps (2005-2006) by Tom Claassen Sculpture inside the Sculpture Garden at Kröller-Müller Museum/The Netherlands
KMM Pan Amphitheatre 01.JPG
arch. sculpture Amphitheatre (2005) by Marta Pan in sculpturepark KMM/The Netherlands
KMM Dubuffet.JPG
sculpture Jardin d'Email by Jean Dubuffet in KMM Sculpturepark/The Netherlands
KMM Mendes Liefde.JPG
sculpture Liefde (1917) by Joseph Mendes da Costa in sculpturepark KMM/The Netherlands
KMM Giezen.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Paul Downey from Berkhamsted, UK, Licens: CC BY 2.0
Kijk uit attention (1986/2005) by Krijn Giezen in Kröller-Müller Museum/The Netherlands
Kroller-Muller EntranceSculpture1.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Staka, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Sculpture K-piece (1972) by Mark di Suvero in Sculpturepark at Kroller-Muller Museum/The Netherlands.
KMM Merz Igloo.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Paul Downey from Berkhamsted, UK, Licens: CC BY 2.0
sculpture by Mario Merz in sculpturepark KMM in the Netherlands
sculpture Vernal Figure (1957) by Ralph Brown in KMM sculpturepark/The Netherlands
KMM Martini.JPG
sculpture Giuditta e Oloferne (1932/3) by Arturo Martini in KMM Scul;pturepark/The Netherlands
sculpture Le témoin (1991) by Herman de Vries in sculpturepark KMM/The Netherlands
sculpture De la mer, le passage... (1979) by Jean Amado in sculpturepark KMM/The Netherlands
KMM Fabro 01.JPG
sculpture La doppia faccia del cielo (1986) by Luciano Fabro in sculpturepark KMM/The Netherlands
KMM Armando.JPG
sculpture Zwarte schaal (1989) by Armando at sculpturepark Kröller-Müller Museum in Otterlo/The Netherlands
KMM Maillol.JPG
Sculpture L'Air (1939) by Aristide Maillol in KMM sculpturepark/The Netherlands.
Rietveld Pavillion.JPG
Rietveld Pavillion in the sculpturepark of the Kröller-Müller Museum in Otterlo/The Netherlands
KMM Booth 02.JPG
sculpture De echo van de Veluwe (2003/5) by Chris Booth in sculpturepark KMM/The Netherlands
Kenneth Snelson Needle Tower.JPG
Författare/Upphovsman: Onderwijsgek, Licens: CC BY-SA 2.5 nl
Needle Tower II van Kenneth Snelson in de beeldentuin van het Kröller-Müller Museum in het Nationaal Park De Hoge Veluwe. Gemaakt in 1969 van aluminum en roestvrij staal. 90 x 18 x 18 feet, 30 x 6 x 6m. The Netherlands.
KMM Hepworth Elegy III.JPG
Sculpture Elegy III (1966) by Barbara Hepworth in KMM Sculpturepark/The Netherlands
Tom Claassen Sculpture at Kröller-Müller Museum 18 Men in Wood
KMM Hepworth Oval form (Trezion).JPG
Sculpture Oval form (Trezion) (1962/3) by Barbara Hepworth in KMM Sculpturepark/The Netherlands
KMM Huang Yong Ping.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Paul Downey from Berkhamsted, UK, Licens: CC BY 2.0
sculpture The overturned tomb (1994) by Huang Yong Ping in Kröller-Müller Museum/The Netherlands
KMM Buisman 01.JPG
sculpture Phyllotaxis by Sjoerd Buisman in sculpturepark KMM/The Netherlands
KMM Jespers Torso.JPG
sculpture Vooroverhellende torso (1932) by Oscar Jespers in sculpturepark KMM/The Netherlands
Kroller-Muller EntranceSculpture2.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Staka, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Sculpture Landschaps-Zonneproject (1979) by Piet Slegers in Sculpture Garden at Kroller-Muller Museum
KMM Lavier.JPG
sculpture Privé sur mobi (1986) by Bertrand Lavier in KMM Sculpturepark/The Netherlands
Van Kalsbeek.JPG
sculpture Untitled (2000) by Heringa/Van Kalsbeek in KMM sculpturepark/The Netherlands
KMM Wakabayashi.JPG
sculpture Otterlo Mist (2001) by Isamu Wakabayashi in sculpturepark KMM/The Netherlands
KMM Rodin 02.JPG
sculpture Femme accroupie (1882) by Auguste Rodin in KMM Sculpturepark/The Netherlands
KrollerMuller ParkSculpture1.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Marta Pan , Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
White Swan-like Sculpture in a pond.
KMM Hepworth Dual form 01.JPG
Sculpture Dual form (1965) by Barbara Hepworth in KMM Sculpturepark/The Netherlands
Sculpture Angel-torso by Jacob Epstein in KMM Sculpturepark-The Netherlands.jpg
sculpture Angel-torso (1923/1961) by Jacob Epstein in KMM Sculpturepark/The Netherlands
KMM LeWitt 01.JPG
sculpture Six-sided tower (1993) by Sol LeWitt in sculpturepark KMM/The Netherlands
KMM Freundlich 03.JPG
sculpture Composition (1933/1961) by Otto Freundlich in KMM sculpturepark/The Netherlands
KMM Fontana 02.JPG
sculpture Concetto spaziale Natura (1959-1960) by Lucio Fontana in KMM sculpturepark/The Netherlands
Aldo van Eyck Pavillion.JPG
Aldo van Eyck Pavillion in sculpturepark KMM/The Netherlands
sculpture Grande bagnante n. 3 (1957) by Emilio Greco in sculpturepark KMM/The Netherlands
KMM Hepworth Sphere with inner form.JPG
Sculpture Sphere with inner form (1963) by Barbara Hepworth in KMM Sculpturepark/The Netherlands
KrollerMuller ParkSculpture4.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Staka, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Needle Tower II (1969) by Kenneth Snelson in Sculpture Garden at Kröller-Müller Museum/The Netherlands
KMM Volten KC 01.JPG
sculpture Kubische constructie (1968) by André Volten in sculpturepark KMM/The Netherlands
KMM Graham 01.JPG
sculpture Two adjacent pavillions (1978/2001) by Dan Graham in sculpturepark KMM/The Netherlands
KMM Dodeigne Sept 01.JPG
sculpture Sept (1993) by Eugène Dodeigne in Sculpturepark KMM/The Netherlands
KMM Wint View 01.JPG
sculpture View (2001) by Rudi van de Wint in sculpturepark KMM/The Netherlands
KMM Hepworth Curved form with inner form (Anima).JPG
Sculpture Curved form with inner form (Anima) (1959) by Barbara Hepworth in KMM Sculpturepark/The Netherlands
KMM Arp 01.JPG
sculpture Berger de nuages (1953) by Hans Jean Arp in sculpturepark KMM/Kröller-Müller Museum - The Netherlands
Entrance Kröller-Müller Museum.JPG
Det här är ett fotografi av rijksmonument nummer 523562
KMM Hepworth Single form (Eikon).JPG
Sculpture Single form (Eikon) (1937/8, 1963) by Barbara Hepworth in KMM Sculpturepark/The Netherlands
KMM 06.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Thomas Mues from Berlin, Germany, Licens: CC BY-SA 2.0
Sculpture Kröller-Müller Museum in the Netherlands: Ritratto di Franca (1952) by Marcello Mascherini
KMM Avramidis.JPG
sculpture Grosse Figur (1958) by Joannis Avramidis at KMM in Otterlo/The Netherlands
KMM Serra.jpg
Författare/Upphovsman: Paul Downey from Berkhamsted, UK, Licens: CC BY 2.0
sculpture Spin out, for Robert Smithson (1972/1973) by Richard Serra in Kröller-Müller Museum/The Netherlands
KMM Visser Grote Auschwitz 01.JPG
sculpture Grote Auschwitz (1967) by Carel Visser in sculpturepark KMM/The Netherlands
KMM Serra One.JPG
sculpture One (1988) by Richard Serra in sculpturepark KMM/The Netherlands.
KMM Hepworth Curved form (Trevalgan).JPG
Sculpture Curved form (Trevalgan) (1956) by Barbara Hepworth in KMM Sculpturepark/The Netherlands
KrollerMuller ParkSculpture3.JPG
Författare/Upphovsman: Staka, Licens: CC BY-SA 4.0
Two vertical, three horizontal lines (1965-1966) by George Rickey inside the Sculpture Garden at Kröller-Müller Museum/The Netherlands
KMM Anthoons.JPG
sculpture Forme infinie (1949 resp. 1960) by Willy Anthoons at KMM in Otterlo/The Netherlands